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What Happens When You Stop Eating Sugar

You will lose your appetite for sugar, because no insulin spike causing hypoglycemic or low blood sugar which causes you to crave sugar 1-3 hours after you last ate something sugar sweetened

You will be less hungry as a result of stabilizing your blood sugar or blood glucose levels. Your cells can eat body fats & fats from your diet & actually feel full without insulin resistance blocking sugar absorption. When people eat sugar, its makes them eat more all the time.

When you eat refined carbs, your pancreas makes insulin or your have to take insulin *type 1 diabetes*, but when insulin levels too high for a long time the cell resist insulin or the body becomes insulin resistant. This means the excess sugars causing the high blood sugar level get converted to glycogen, then stored as a body fat, particularly dangerous visceral fat around the core, especially fatty liver & fat around the intestines which chokes off the gut pathway, causing some TOFI peoples who are thin on the outside by fat on the inside to have all sorts of digestive problems. 

Feeling tired & hungry or hangry or so hungry your angry at the idea of not eating something soon, this sugar crash diet a nasty negative feedback vicious loop of health degrading SAD or standard American diet or diseases of civilization that are in part because sugar one of the cheapest food stuffs. A 25 lb of sugar at Costco less than $30, so sugar ultra cheap in terms of calories per dollar. Manufactures of processed foods love sugar because it makes low fat foods where all the healthy fats that spoil easily causing shorter shelf life were removed to boost profits so the replaced fats with sugars to make the foods more palatable or taste better, actually addictive as adding sugar increased processed food sales overall as many more Americans became fatter & sicker with metabolic syndrome diseases & disorders. 

Better nutrient absorption as the insulin sensitive increases. When you remove excess starch, sugars & carbs from your diet, except sparingly for mental psyche relief, your body sugar levels decrease & insulin sensitivity increases, and insulin required for many nutrient to be absorbed into cells, so insulin resistance from the SAD carb heavy diet actually blocks vitamin & mineral absorption, reducing the bio-availability of these healthy food nutrients that then exit in poo & pee, throwing your money down the drain faster. 

Save your health & your budget by eating less often, smaller portions of higher quality healthy foods with more fiber & healthy fats & adequate amino acids & enough phytonutrients minerals & vitamins to support vitality & wellness :) Think a healthy lifestyle mix of interval fasting + metabolic confusion + low carb & ketogenic foods, more veggies & less starches, sugar as a spice like black pepper including berries & fruit & fruit juices just to add flavor to other healthy dishes. 

Less tired after eating. Sugar crash means that when you eat starchy, sugary, carbs they cause your blood sugar to spike high, then about 30 min after eating you start to crash as the body releases insulin from the pancreas or your taking short or long acting insulin, Novolog or Lantus, which tells the body to remove sugar from the blood & store it as body fat. This is why diabetic people have a hard time loosing weight, the insulin they take tells the body to store blood sugars from diet as body fat, which come from starches & carbs eaten in excess servings to many times per day in both solid & liquid foods & beverages, sweetened with sugars. 

Its the 200 or 300+ grams of carbs, refined carbs & sugars daily that's making people obese & sick with type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, fatigue, joint pain & whole body inflammation especially of the arteries & veins causing stroke, clotting, embolism, heart disease & vascular disease especially in the small blood vessels in the eyes retina, in the fingers & feet & kindness, causing degradation & damage to these tiny blood vessel rich organs. This means foot ulcers & wounds that will not heal. It means vision that gets worse with a loss of light sensitivity, a loss of color sensitive, a loss of contrast, human retina degraded by high blood sugars. 

After the first week of cutting out sugars & excess carbs, your body will start dumping excess water at first, but then switches to burning body fat, as you skip breakfast or dinner to radically reduce your daily calorie intake, especially of the bad carb calories that spike blood sugar, known as high glycemic index carbs or starchy carbs that bread down into sugar fast. Bread, rice, pasta, muffins, crackers, beer, wine, juice, candy, dessert, sweet things, or things that become sweeter as your chew them up more as enzymes in saliva help to break down carbs into sugars, this is why a salty soda cracker starts to taste sweeter as you continue chewing it up very thoroughly. 

Your brain becomes foggy & tired & it becomes harder to think when you eat sugary foods that spike your blood glucose levels & then 30 min later you start to crash, cutting off the brain of glucose, which slows down executive function, making memory & focus degrade almost like alcohol induced intoxication. A sugar crash low blood sugar can make it very hard to think, intense brain fog or brain farts. 

You can pee away 10-15 lbs of excess water when you cut back the sugar and carbs to very low levels, like less than 30 grams per day, when you start skipping dinner or breakfast & thereby start interval fasting, when your focused on improving your health & wellness with intelligent food choices that you know are good, more veggies & fiber & healthy fats & less sugary starchy carbs & no added sugars except sparingly as a spice like black pepper at most, just a few carbs per day sprinkled to add taste and flavor, like a tiny hint of honey or molasses or fruit juice to brighten the flavors of the salad dressing or sauces. 

Think less is more with sugars & carbs! Your body does not need sugars in excess. Carbs become sugars easily after being chewed up or digested. 

Your stomach will shrink back to its normal healthy size when you stop eating sugars & starches & carbs in excess & you will notice your waste will shrink & your pants will become loose & your stomach will feel less bloated & more compact & tighter. 

Your mood will improve overall in all ways, because the low carb diet with more fiber & healthy fats enables your brain cells to run cleaner fuels. Sugar a dirty fuel for the brain, like diesel & coal, cheap but with high costs long term, the overuse of sugar & starchy sugar carbs implicated in ADD, ADHD, Dementia & Alzheimer disease & other Neuro-Cognitive degradation diseases & disorders. The High blood sugars are toxic to the glial cells & neurons of the brain & cause AGE oxidative end product metabolites that form plaques & tangles that degrade mental focus & memory function. This means that excess sugars harm children & elderly people even more. 

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