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Becoming a Writer Was a Challenge I Overcame & You Can Too

I care more about getting the ideas across & communicating than I do about getting caught up in the trivial details of the language's grammar rules or inconsistent spelling rules. You park on the driveway & drive on the parkway, that is the kind of nonsensical idiotic nonsense in English as a Giant Meme that drove me mad as student, thinking about moving cargo on a ship & shipments in truck or car, and other illogical sayings like that. 

Sometimes I wonder if other people are breathing the same air? How could so much stupidity persist in languages given how long they have been around and widely utilized for communication worldwide, especially English in ESL applications popular in most countries around the world?

I know that many of my blog posting contain grammar & spelling errors, but this is largely because I focus on getting my ideas out & often move on without going back to edit much. I was not good at English as a student, even though I grew up in America. There are too many logical inconsistencies with the English language to appeal to my natural electrical energy analytical mindset.

Over 1000 articles, mostly my hand typed, well researched, opinions as rantings, editorials, extensions & commentaries. I am focused on producing more content faster to reach more people to make bigger positive difference.

I am proving to everyone that even someone like me who was bad at English as a student can become a prolific writer with excellent productivity & astonishing personal accomplishment & output. I am a winner with a can-do attitude & the people who told me that I would never be good at communicating had no idea what they were talking about. They didn't know me well enough to know what I was capable of. There are many ignorant naysayers & negative people in the world who are bitter because of their lack of accomplishments or failures & say condescending mean things to others because they are petty & foolish like Satan, who God will destroy completely.

Do your own thing & go your own way inspired by God. Your freedom ends where my nose begins. We are all different & all in it to win in this human life on planet Earth that is roughly spherical in shape! 

Even within software development environments, SDKs, programming languages are hard to assess for relative efficiency at converting human computer scientist thoughts or collaborative works with millions of lines code, into stable robust reliable useable software with intuitive easy to use interfaces that most people can make good use of without special instructions. 

It is difficult to determine the "most efficient" language, as efficiency can be measured in different ways and depends on the context of its use. Some programming languages may be more efficient in terms of speed and performance, while others may be more efficient in terms of ease of use and readability.

Low-level languages like C and Assembly are known for their efficiency in terms of speed and performance, while higher-level languages like Python and Ruby are often more efficient in terms of development time and ease of use.

The choice of which software development language to use for a software project depends on the specific tasks, deliverables, stake holders, product, or application and trade-offs between factors such as performance, ease of use, and the availability of libraries and tools to make writing in that language easier for software developers. 

Among human spoken languages modern Korean has the highest linguist efficiency at conveying information in terms of bitrate when measure accordingly when researchers in linguists did comprehensive analytics all currently in use human languages worldwide. English has the best global diffusion in writing, emails, research, technology, aerospace, politics, economics, education, business & in most other applications because many large companies have employees from many dozens or hundreds of different countries where each country has a different primary language & where these employees studied the English language in middle & high school ESL programs in their home countries. Think of ASML recruiting talented people from all around the world, where English the primary spoken language at ASML's facilities & in written, typed & emailed communications between all those different employees. 

English became the DeFacto global language communication standard because of the imperialistic activities of the United Kingdom, the UK or Brittian during the 1800's. The British kicked off globalization and spread the English language all around the world with ESL or English as a Second Language education programs implemented in most countries after 1950.  

That being said, it remains largely impractical to absolutely determine the most efficient human language, since its possible to measure linguistic efficiency in different ways that also depend on the context of what is being communicated. 

Some languages are more efficient at expression complicated ideas with fewer words, while others are more expressive at conveying subtle nuances about meaning or to express emotions. With different language structures & varying grammatical rules, the efficiency of expression can be variable in terms of bitrate equivalent. As noted with modern Korean or English, the best language depends on the specific task to be accomplished or the communication goals within the broader context of the culture & background of the people involved. 

One of the major problems at connecting a human mind to a computer because of the slow nature of the keyboard & mouse or trackpad or touchscreen interfaces. This means that people can only input or interact with data at slow speeds, vastly limiting the potential of computers to revolutionize & there in greatly improve all aspects of human life on Earth while also helping to reduce pollution & improving nature & ecosystems with more clean air, clean water & sustainable soil & food production. 

I am talking about better energy efficiency, decarbonization to reduce smog & air pollution & acid rain & to help slow down climate change. I am talking about renewable energy, electric vehicles, sustainable building & development, ecosystem restoration, improving all recycling systems, reducing & reusing everything with more intelligence applied with the greatest aspiration to pursue ethical more excellence in all ways possible to generate endlessly better products, services & solutions to all problems. 

Everyone is a flawed hypocrite sinner & no one has all the answers & no one every will. We count on one another & are depended on nature, ecosystems & other people to live, for the goods & materials, for our food, air, water, housing, roads, vehicles, electricity, gas, energy, appliances, for everything the enables human activity on Earth. 

We live in the most exciting times ever today. Accessing space becoming more afforable with reusable rockets & spin launch technology to build a persistently inhabited Moon base called Artemis. 

When someone says something is impossible, they are confused. Anything is possible. I want you to embrace a hopeful optimism that they even have in Rwanda. I want to make America greater than it ever was in the past.

We need to treat each other with dignity & respect & genuine inclusivity. I am talking about each American becoming Christ like, with a pure heart of honest & personal integrity & personal accountability, people who do the right thing even when no else is looking, people who you can trust, who are worthy of being respected, dignified exceptional people who are natural leaders of other people.

I am talking about becoming the best version of you anyway you can image, always focused on pursuing greater excellence in all ways possible.

Never give up improving everything, there is always another way to make something better. We owe it to ourselves, our grandchildren & their grandchildren to stop emitting pollution, to start being accountable with industrial activity. We need more corporate ethics, more transparency, less corruption & better government.

We need to improve clean energy generation & energy storage technologies. We need to make more energy efficient vehicles with better aerodynamics inspired by aircraft like Aptera. I am talking about blended wing aircraft that use 90% less fuel & releases 90% less toxic air pollution emissions, to clean up the air quality near & around and at airports.

I am talking about reducing light pollution so that people looking upon the night sky can see the heavens of ancient starlight above, the colorful majesty of space as seen from very dark locals at nighttime. 

Less sound pollution 
Better sleep quality
Few diseases & more cures
Healthier food choices
Cleaner water with more access
More soil & dirt with wood chips & compost that reduce water use on farms & in agriculture.

I am talking about clean intelligent & thoughtful considerate development with green concrete, green hydrogen, green energy, green fuels, renewables, more energy storage, EV battery recycling, cleaner emissions controls technologies broadly applied. I am talking about deliberately improving life for everyone & nature on Planet Earth. 

Clean technologies like real E-waste recycling & magnet-less electric vehicle motors! I am talking about reusing old EV batteries to store solar PV energy at all scales of electrical power use. We must stop burning carbon fuels & fossil fuels & turn the remaining crude oil into valuable petrochemicals with amazing application potential ^ even greater profits for the oil companies. We can create radically more wealth & prosperity on Earth while reducing harm on natural resources.

More intelligence applied in more ways like God was the one in charge in human societies working together as one human people on Earth. I am talking about the best ways in all ways applied to continually improver everyone & everything endlessly, until mankind able to explore the universe in a hugely profound faster than light way so that human activity can expand across the universe. 

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