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Revolutionize Physical & Mental Health with Metabolic Confusion Diet

If you cut back carbs & sugars right now, within 2 or 3 weeks you will notice a whole range of improvement in your brain & body because of the physiological changes that happen with interval fasting, eating whole natural organic high-quality foods with more fiber & health fats & low in carbohydrates that only come from small amounts of fruit, berries or veggies. No added sugar or highly refined carbs except sparingly for mental relief. 

Consider skipping a meal & drinking a glass of water instead. If you're feeling chilled warm/ warm hot water ok too / so is black coffee or tea earlier in the day. The main idea to let your blood sugar drop & to improve insulin sensitivity of the body. When we eat too many refined carbs, our pancreas gets overworked & this can increase the risk of pancreatic cancers long term. Mostly type 2 diabetes the consequences of eating too many refined carbs in food & beverages daily for years. 

Eating more veggies for fiber & vitamins, some protein for amino acids, more good fats that reduce inflammation, less starch, sugar & carbs that raise blood sugar & insulin levels. It's about skipping meals & interval fasting & HIIT exercises to get a good sweat going & breathing so hard that it's hard to speak more than a couple of words before your next breath. I am talking about becoming fit & embracing a lifestyle of healthy eating & fitness so you stronger mentally & physically throughout life right up until death at the end. 

Obesity & high blood pressure are major side effects of eating & drinking high glycemic index sugary starchy carbohydrates in excess, more than 50 grams per day, with 200+ grams per day of carbs an almost certain way to become sick with metabolic syndrome diseases that plague healthcare in America, causing public harm & a whole range of different medical diseases and disorders that are idiopathic according to drug pushing doctors who only talk to their patients for 15 min & never talk about food & beverages since there is not enough time to discuss the dietary aspects of lifestyle, so the write off many diseases as caused by genetic & lifestyle factors that are impossible to understand given the vast number of small differences between people in these domains of life at the micro levels of daily personal food & beverage choices. 

Think Keto + metabolic confusion. You can have a cheat day with rice or bread or pasta or candy or desert or baked goods a few times per month or 1 day per week max. The idea that you are deliberately choosing to skip dinner or breakfast. Some patients are so sick with metabolic diseases & obesity that they have to switch to 1 meal per day for 6 weeks or more to get their blood sugar down, to reduce their HbA1C to less than 5, to lower their triglycerides, to improve their HDL and lower the LDL levels, to reduce cortisol & insulin levels & improve insulin sensitivity. 

Lets look at the benefits after 3 weeks of 30 grams carbs per day low carb ketogenic inspired diet

Better executive function, focus, memory, mood

More physical energy, more stamina, more endurance

Improved balance & coordination

Healthier hair, nails, skins, eyes, brain, kidneys, liver, gut, colon, then entire body improves

Reduce joint pain, stiffness, soreness, it even reduces inflammation in the vascular system. 

Better cardiovascular function, breathing easier, better perfusion, better O2 saturation, improved brain function, better sleep, better energy, more strength, stronger grip, better balance, faster healing, better vision with enhanced eye health & more. The benefits of eating a healthier high fiber lower carb diet are extensive, just like calorie restriction, HIIT training, interval fasting, its all about lowering Insulin levels, lower blood sugars, reducing all forms of inflammation in the body this way :) 

Weight loss, water balance restored with actual hydration. A lot of the water lost during the first weeks of eating a low carb diet because the lower glycogen levels are not able to hold onto so much water. A lot of people who eat a high carbo diet are also chronically dehydrated because much of their body water stuck to glycogen that forms from eating excess servings of refined food & drinks too often during the day with meals & snacks & sugary drinks. The average American eating the SAD or standard American diet, consume nearly 300 grams of carbs from all sources of food & drink daily.

It's not just about drinking 8 glasses of water, if your electrolyte balance of sodium, magnesium, calcium, potassium, chloride, minerals salts, then the water cannot enter the cells. Mineral metal ions like sodium are essential to enable actual hydration when you consume water. If you eat a lot of mineral rich veggies then you will get most of your RDA of minerals from your diet. 

Consider cutting back on beer & wine, those are hidden sources of carbs, the ethanol dehydration & bad for the liver & kidneys & brain too. I am not a teetotaler or zealot, I am talking about sparingly having some alcohol sometimes, perhaps a few time per month max. It's about eating clean & healthy the way you know you should deep down in your heart, most of the time. 

Fat Bomb : no one eats a Keto diet for years on end, except the most obsessed rare minority who are exceedingly desperate to loose weight, the same kinds who regularly water fast for 72+ hours who have eating disorders. 

Metabolic confusion diet what Hollywood trainers use to physically tune actors into better shape mentally & while also improving their athletic performance & strength. Training or exercise + a low carb diet with occasional carb or sugar treats for moral boosting & psyche improvement, you can actually make ultra low carb or lightly sweetened fat bombs as a treat to sprinkle in. 

Think 1 day per month where you can eat whatever you want in smaller servings. Have a slice of pie & really savor each bite, chewing it & focusing on the flavor as much as possible to improve enjoyment as much as you can! If you only do this 3 days per month, you can still become more fit, thinner, stronger, faster, with more mental clarity, better memory, better endurance, and greatly improved moods. 

I take vitamins & mineral nutrient supplements because I am far from educated enough about food to get my entire RDA of essential dietary components from what I eat, especially because I often skip meals, drink too much water, and try to eat less in general to compensate from eating too many carbs and become thin on the outside by fat on the inside, with insulin resistance, fatty liver & all the high blood pressure, mood swings, depression, food cravings & other problems associated with eating the SAD diet. 

There are dozens of doctors on YouTube trying to teach people about why excessive refined carbs, starches & sugars are hurting their health, making people sick with preventable diseases that plague modern civilization & industrialized countries with nutritional excess of carbohydrates.

Mental fog, fatigue, tiredness, excessive night time urination, sleep fragmentation, night sweating, high & low blood sugars, high blood pressure, degraded vision, trouble concentrating, difficulty focusing, lower endurance, less energy, bad moods & worse treatment resistant depression & suicidal ideation feeling sick & hopeless about every becoming fit, thinking its impossible to lose stubborn belly fat. So many people never even give 24 hour fasting a try, it's really sad. 

I am describing myself, all these symptoms & problems. I probably at 10,000 salted caramels to cope with stress, and chronic stress itself toxic to health as well. Its not just one think usually. People are usually eating many kinds of hidden sugars in their diet in the form of starches & carbs that break down quickly into blood sugar spikes fast after those refined foods are consumed. 

Starchy, sugary, carbohydrate rich foods & beverages can cause a food hangover sometimes referred to as "The eytis" or "thanksgiving syndrome" in reference to eating a huge meal, a feast with massive servings that make people tired & sick with indigestion & high blood sugars, gas, bloating, drowsiness, fatigue, joint pain, inflammation & worse. 

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