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Daily Carbs & Sugars of American Diet 275 grams Blood Sugar Loading

Bread, rice, pasta, juice, soda, candy, crackers, beer, wine, alcohol, spirits, deserts, baked goods, muffins, fruit, berries, added sugars to boxed & bagged processed foods, many other engineered beverages, fancy sweetened coffee drinks. 

A normal average adult human can easily adapt to 50 grams of total sugar / carbs that turn into sugar / daily / while the average American eats nearly 300 grams or 6X that amount, which due to blood sugars turning into body fat explains why so many Americans are fat, obese or overweigh or why so many Americans struggle with weight loss to to lose weight to become a thin person or physically fit with a body they will actually like genuinely. 

This is why so many people are experiencing eye problems, kidney problems, heart disease problems, high blood pressure, excess nighttime urination, brain fog, memory problems & pancreatic cancers. 

Combined with a sedentary lifestyle, excess carb & sugar intake toxic

Solution: skip either breakfast or dinner & go hungry, drink a glass or two glass of water & do something else like cleaning or organizing or working more or a hobby or fitness activity. 

I replaced eating breakfast with a cup of coffee, espresso with only half & half & no sweetener or anything else added. Heavy cream & or half & half are entirely water & fat with a little protein. So the coffee or espresso or cappuccino are technically a ketogenic beverage with pseudo-no carbohydrate or sugar content, virtually zero carb or no sugar // 

Do you have to pee multiple times per night like me, that's because of sugar that your kidneys dump into your urine. If you cut back on carbs you will not have to pee as much during the night. It can take 2 weeks of not eating excess carbs or sugar to actually observe this positive improvement. 

Watch this video & learn more

Someone might say "hey, your last few YouTube videos & blog posting are about DIY bread boule making at home" to which I reply, "that's our daily bread at home & the loaf tiny with about 100 grams of carbs total, so that makes our entire RDA of sugary carbs. We do not eat candy or drink soda or pop or juice or other carbs, do not eat pasta or rice or junk foods, so if this bread our only major source of blood sugar rising carbohydrates, then the daily dose ok."

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