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DIY Popular : Why Real Men Are Disappearing

Its become almost trendy to espouse hatred for "Rich White Males" because of past "White Privilege" the SJW movement espouses that putting more female & ethnically diverse peoples into workplaces makes the world a fairer place to live, but does this actually make sense or is actually reverse racism? 

I want the most talented, most skilled, most passionate, and best person selected for a job, ignoring their sexuality, gender, skin color, race, creed & other non-selected by them genetic attributes like their personal integrity, conduct, morality, ethics, work values, ability to work well with others, ability to contribute to positive outcomes from the team work, ability to communicate verbally, in writing, in email, to lead teams, to achieve goals, to generate solutions or solve problems. I am talking about personal integrity & leadership, not superficial aspects of what someone looks like! I am talking about selecting the best people for the job! Sometimes that's a Caucasian heterosexual married male! Stop the reverse racism SJW's!  

No one selects their eye or skin colors, those aspects of people are determined by genetics from their biological parents! 

Think of what Dr. Martin Luther King was saying when he had a dream about a day when people would evaluate each other by the content of their Character. Who are you becoming? 

Think of the rise of the anti-Christ on a foundation of atheist hatred secularism & perversion of all that is good, calling right wrong & wrong right & assaulting the foundation of life, the nuclear family between Mom & Dad & their children.

I am talking about confusion on every level causing people to hurt & harm other people, sometimes even unwittingly. I think a lot of the "bad" people in the world actually mean well & would not be causing harm if they really understood why being a better person pursuing excellence would make life better for everyone. 

I am talking about people who make better moral in workplaces, who improve the companies profits, who make life better for the other employees & who improve the customer experiences, making better products & services that other people actually buy as the best in a sea of alternatives available worldwide. 

I am talking about ethical companies distinguishing themselves with the best workplaces, the best products, the best services, the best employee moral, the best efficiency, the best of all ways, always striving to be even better, pursuing excellence in all ways inspired by the Love of Christ Jesus through faith in God. 

I am talking about a country of generous honest people who are genuine & sincere who treat other people dignity & respect and real genuine inclusivity not that fake SJW counterfeit inclusivity espoused by the radical left today. 

Real men have become rare because of a selfish generation of sperm donors who embrace condoms & birth control pills. I am talking about why Porn so popular online that AI image creation tools make gender bias a problem in generated imagery or images created by AI that use the internet as a training data set. All the female bias imagery adult images online create a gender bias in these generated images. 

It's hard when globalization + insourcing & outsourcing has hollowed out the middle class while currency inflation steals away the buying power of the money, making everything more expensive & life much harder for people starting out. 

I am talking about social & moral decay that's causing school shootings as minors illegally obtain firearms & bring them to school to shoot other students & staff of the School. I am talking about why car accidents are 99% caused by human error. I am talking about why keyboards & pencils & pens do not cause people to misspell. That forks do not make a person obese.

I am talking about personal problems with people, sickos & weirdos & whacked out despots like Donald Trump and his good friend Vladimir Putin who traveled to Jeffry Epstein's Island repeatedly over the years. I am talking about perverts & fools & people who make life worse for everyone.

I am talking about selfish billionaires who do not pay their fair share of taxes. I am talking about criminals who cause crime, fraud, corruption, pollution, war, genocide, income inequality, currency inflation, climate change & other problems that are all preventable. 

The scale of human activity to enable 8.6 billion people to be alive at the same time, as materialism cause fashion pollution problems because people spend thousands per year buying new clothes when there was nothing wrong with their old clothes. 

I am talking about vanity & materialism causing cultural erosion at the personal philosophical level by causing people to spend the little money the hollowed out middle class America has on things they cannot actually afford, like a new Tesla Model S P100 D // Chasing the Jones to buy micro mansion of hidden wall of secrecy where they live sedentary lives huffing down content without moving, their cardio vascular system damaged by the lack of blood flow as they snack on carbs and sugar rich processed junk foods & soda & beer & worse. 

I am talking about why the SAD or standard American diet as exported globally to Asia where it displaced healthy food cultures & now making previous thin fit Asian people fat & sick with all the same diseases that obese inactive Americans suffering from that are driving up healthcare costs in America as the currency keeps losing value, while food, housing, fuel and the basics of life become increasingly less affordable. 

You can hop online onto YouTube and lookup "How to" videos for almost anything now & learn how to make new recipes, how to fix and repair your smartphone or vehicle, how to make electronics projects, how stuff works, how things are made, how things interact, physics, chemistry, you can read even more at in many languages now & read the encyclopedia to learn how the world works so that you can work with other people to solve all the problems. 

I have more questions than answers. Stop reading this, drink a glass of water to protect your brain & kidneys & go for a walk to protect your heart & brain and capillaries! You have joints & muscles & a brain to coordinate movement though your CNS so you can move & do things. Stop embracing learned helplessness & go make it happen. Stop making excuses, and just do it! 

Stop listening to what other people are saying & improve your inner thought life by taking everything you think captive and comparing it to what God says about you in the New Testament of the Christian Bible, about how you should be conducting yourself as an ethical moral person treating other people with loving kindness, actively & quickly forgiving yourself & other people of sins. No one has all the answers & every day & each person is slightly different. 

Be patient, calm, peaceful beyond all understanding like Christ Jesus. Be humble, polite & respectful. 

Think smarter in all ways pursuing greater excellence in all ways continually being sharp & centering your mind on the Excellence of the Holy Word & what you know is true deep down in your heart about salvation of your soul through faith in God through Christ Jesus your Lord and Savior who died crucified on the cross so that flawed hypocrite sinners like you and I can be seen as blameless or flawless or sanctified by God when we die & our soul stands Divine Judgement before the Lord God himself! 

I am talking about being a good father, a good husband, an honorable man with help from the Holy Spirit. I am talking about women being better wives, better mothers. I am talking about being being the best they are able to be in all domains of life, at home, at schools, while playing sports, while doing business, while at work, working for God not others people. I am talking about being accountable to God & your Country, helping other people at all times & being a good example to others as a leader by demonstrating the best ways to operating. Show your employees by example how to do it the way you know from years of experience & transfer that knowledge so that other people can elevate the ways they are operating. 

Why are good people disappearing? Because people keep rejecting God. The abandon faith, family & friendships to stair aimlessly & foolishly into glowing interest screens they hold in their hand to interact by looking at what other people have posted. This blog does not write itself. I take hours every day to publish this blog as my legacy since I did not have children. I am trying to share ways to help others improve their mind & life! 

That's why I called it "Thinking about it" I want people to stop & take a moment to reflect & consider the ways in which they are operating to tune & optimize to reduce waste & save money. I am talking about upgrading peoples minds with the best thinking from the Christian Bible and the condensed wisdom it contains about honorable morality, ethics and love based conduct showing other people dignity & respect. Being humble, sincere, thoughtful, considerate, polite. Not throwing trash out the window of your car. Packing out everything your brought with you while camping. 

I am talking about being a responsible person with personal accountability, doing the right thing even when no one else is watching. God is always watching you! God is everywhere simultaneously in all dimensions and nothing can be kept secrete from God! 

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