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Unbuy : Infinite Growth in Earth's Biosphere Impossible / We Need Space Mining

Unbuy (Materialism Failure) / (Upgrade Your Thinking) 

Pollution & Waste & Lack of Recycling vs Sustainability 

We must pursue space access technology to enable space mining of resources to build a non- ecologically destructive utopia on Earth while raising the standards of living for all human people without damaging ecosystems or nature with pollution.

Energy storage technology essential to make bioenergy, wind, solar, geothermal, tidal, wave, or any energy gradient phenomenon harvesting practical to make electricity 24/7

The carrying capacity of mankind on Earth strongly related to our level of technology or the level of intelligence of our civilization, which can be improved by educating everyone better, all people & standardizing a single human language, English, the DeFacto secondary language in most countries, often used as an intermediate language to help everyone communicate intelligibly with writing in emails to coordinate billions of people collaborating & competing ethically & fairly to develop the best solutions to all problems.

There is No free lunch in Physics, or you can't get something from nothing, you have to plan & apply your plans & go make it happen to do anything! Pragmatic, logical, organized! 

Most people alive today recognize that pollution causes widespread human suffering, ecosystem damage & making climate change worse while degrading the biosphere of Earth 

Solar photovoltaic energy intelligent, so plants & algae make use of incoming solar radiation for metabolic input energy that we exploit by eating plants or animals that previously ate plants. 

Human body gut an ecosystem of millions of microbes in our digestive system, intestines, colon, in our nose & eyes & mouth & throat & all over our skin

Some pollutants are persistent & continue to harm life for a long time, POPs for example often due to pesticides, herbicides, fungicides or similar chemical toxins sprayed to make abundant food production happen without pests ruining everything or spoiling everything grown in large monocrops by Monsanto & other huge agricultural chemical companies to make food cheaper for everyone, what caused the Green Revolution that enabling human global population to boom after then 1960's. Here intelligent mixed crops, biological pest management & eco-safe biologics to sterilize the pest species rather than kill the pest. Not spraying chemical agents on farms while the bees are out pollinating & while other beneficial insects & microbes are doing their things. Our pesticides hurt & kill the good insects too, sadly. We must look to emerging biotechnology & pharmaceutical science to develop chemical sterilization techniques that are safe for people & pets & other animals, that specifically target a reproductive process or cell signaling cascade in the pest species. Think more applied intelligence & partnerships & collaboration. We can engineer our ways to ever better solutions & anything is possible! 

Energetic nuclear waste for example can continue to emit energy (alpha, beta, gamma particles & neutrons) for the thousands of years, thankfully it can be burned in newer nuclear reactors as fuel. Even natural uranium can be burned in the CANDU Canadian reactors. SMR or small modular reactors pair perfectly with renewables, especially molten salt or sodium fast reactors that can store hot heat exchanger mediums in large, insulated tanks so that the steam turbine hall can throttle power output to follow grid load changes, load following, improve capacity factor of PV & Wind power installations during stormy rainy times where there is very little sunlight hitting the PV for many days at a time. Significantly while Nuclear Energy a little more expensive, its long-term ROI or return on investment unmatched by any other technology. Nuclear waste is also very compact & easy to store very much unlike the emissions created by burning coal, diesel, gasoline, oil or other petroleum products or hydrocarbons which end up in air as toxic particles, soot & fumes & ash dust & become acid rain that rusts concrete & steel & infrastructure while also acidifying natural bodies of water, lakes & rivers & streams & oceans, which is bad for the marine life. 

Are you sold by fast fashion, the most environmentally toxic & wasteful of all human activities other than carbon energy? You should see what it takes to recycle the fibers of one clothing article into a new item. H&M developed a lab that does this & it takes machines that cost as much as houses in a lab thats just as expensive with a human expert more than 4 days to render all the fibers from one sweater & turn them into new fibers & a new garment. 

Who are you becoming as a person? You know you cannot buy your way to a happy life. You know that money is fake & so are people that worship money. Happiness is not money & you cannot hug the $11 million USD you inherited, it does not love you & can ruin your life easily if misappropriated. Chasing the joneses who espouse the American dream of financial independence when you know that frugality & investment the only way? My childhood best friend ended up committing suicide despite such a large cash inheritance. A happy life has to consist of thinks that are fun & knowing that you are doing your part to improve things, your life, the world around you, helping other people in any way that you can, being a good honest fair leader, being a nice boss, being respectful & loving & kind & making a strong positive impact on people you encounter, even if just to encourage them! 

Most intelligent rich people do not pursue flights of fantasy or frivolous pursuits, as they graduate to helping other people to thrive more. After a while of self-enrichment, buying elaborate expensive toys, people move on to higher thinking, bored by seeing it all fast, they move on to trying to help others elevate, with productive thinking, better ways of living, smarter working, better life & better ways of operating as a person, especially upgrading other people's minds! It's about a moral imperative to do something other than just bless yourself. You know deep down that its more gratifying to lift other people out of failure & poverty. We know that we must help each other, but so many people are self-focused, selfish, arrogant & materialistic & they do not even realize it. 

Here is a cold sober reality. If we do not change the course of human history towards a clean energy sustainability focused future, we will make Earth a terrible place. Lets examine recycling & sustainability with reduce, reuse & recycle

Reduce, means less energy waste, less clothing waste, less throw away, buying quality stuff that lasts longer

Reuse means continuing to make use of stuff you already have in novel ways by changing how you use your stuff

Recycle means intelligent waste handling of paper, plastic, glass & metals to make a circular economy for stuff

Today plastic pollution, styrene waste white foam insulation packages & cups & shipping materials, spread out all over the world in aquatic ecosystems, all oceans. Air pollution the main reason that emissions controls & phasing out combustion are so important, under the banner of decarbonization.

Ecology are webs of interconnected networks of organic living creatures in nature, including people, food plants, insects, bacterial & viruses, fungi & trees & flowers, in wet outdoor watery soil dirt systems teaming with life with living compost & every person will die also biodegradable, compostable, yes people are formed from star dust & will turn to dust again in the ground. No one knows everything & everyone is running out of time. 

Culture influences the way we think about buying things, making things, working with or against nature. Our ideologies & traditions & ways of doing stuff. These practices when multiplied by billions of people have a huge effect on nature, mainly because of waste & pollution that degrades nature, ecosystems & environments that are responsible for making our air, water & food & all materials used by people on Earth, excluding space rocks & debris from space that people make use of // 

Economics means making thinks, products are services, where educated people produce stuff that other people want & a system of infrastructure & currency to facilitate 

trade, manufacturing, investment & other financial instruments that have tremendous economic impacts recognized by NATO the IMF & other governments, in America & the EU.

Politics might sound like a dirty word because of bribery & corruption, but they are just people too. We are all in this together & must demand positive changes & the best ways of doing everything as they become clear to us, looking forward & backwards, prediction & analytics & figuring out how to improve everything, solving all problems progressively, cumulatively, one after the other, especially acknowledging that there are many ways to do anything & that no one knows everything or has the best answer & that we can all learn something from anyone. Even fools espouse wisdom sometimes as the Word of God' tells. 

Basic Human Needs are Complicate

People need something to eat or drink, something healthy or they will be sick with preventable diseases 

People need a place to call home, for their family, to sleep & cook & live 

People need clothing to insulate against environmental change, shoes, pants, jackets

People need sanitation to minimize common bacteriological infections & fungal infections & dysentery 

People need something to believe in for a sense of meaning or purpose, faith in God a good example 

To have an ethical society of fairness people need a sense of stability to take risks to make businesses, that means stable governments & good infrastructure or long-term investments into the good of the people. Remember the politicians are just limbic self-aware people too & want a better world for their grandchildren too. Most pollution the result of ignorant people or ignorant practices & rejection of new better ways of doing things that are cleaner or safer or less toxic. 

Education super important to teach people what to care about & how to solve problems with applied creativity & solution development. We have to teach each other & define the problems & then collaboratively work together to solve the problems, this well-known & well demonstrated repeatedly

Everyone might be very similar in all the above ways, but each person also unique, biologically, genetically, mentally, socially, historically, when ^ where ^ who they grew up around, their whole lifestyle of experiences unique to them, that first kiss, first love, first delicious flavor, first good music, first drug experiences, first spiritual experiences, first learning experiences. The human brain might be a metabolic flesh organ with clear functional science, but the human mind & consciousness very hard to understand because it's an emergent ephemeral phenomenon with cloudy unclean idea fusion or synthesis & abstractions called generalization logic & predicative analytics/ thinking & reasoning!  

The human brain can store more than 700 Terabytes of information & operates between 1 & 32 hz or cycles per second. Our memory storage system quantum dynamic based on magnetic fields that form when electro-chemical pulses transit in beautiful 3D waves across the brains structures, changing the structure & function of the brain dynamically with plasticity, specially neural plasticity, as I read about in the book "The Brain that Changes Itself" by Dr. Norman Dioge, which together with the Lever Of Riches by Professor Joel Mokyr & more recently the Power of Information by professor Jeremy Black, these literary factual works with abundant citations & based on empirical science research; these works demonstrate what I am talking about & I highly recommend them as good reads! 

Books allow your brain to download the thinking & insight of other people, just like reading this blog posting. There is no such thing as perfection, actually pursuing good enough makes it happpen! If you try to perfect everything you will not accomplish much! Make it happen first, then improve it. Ask lots of "how" questions & make plans on how to improve your base idea. Recycle anything for example! Work it & do it. The book authors did the same, they made it happen! 

Everything can be recycled, nature will do it over many hundreds of years with "weathering" if we do not, but we can capture the trash dump gases to replace natural gas. We can compost food waste & make soil or dirt or natural fibers for clothing or biogases for heating or processing or sanitation

Think compostable packaging, renewable energy, clean water, clean air, a better work for everyone, more fun & less pollution, more recycling & less waste. Applied intelligence to everything, making anything better. Fixing, repairing, upcycling, recycling, play more like children & have fun doing it. 

Look deep inside your heart & mind & find that thread that connects everyone, love, kindness, respect, honesty, fairness, justice, reason, sanity, balance, concern, benevolence, concession, generosity, taking the time to help someone else, thriving without causing harm, using your mind to good purposes & to improve things 

To make tomorrow better than today, everyone has to work on it, including remodeling the flaws in their thinking that got us into this mess in the first place. What mess? Climate change runaway sea levels rising, polar ice melting, forest fires bigger, more flooding & draught, increasingly energetic storm systems, human overpopulation, ecosystem degradation, pollution of all kinds & depression & anxiety or other mental health problems. Crime, poverty, corruption, I could go on & on, but we need to improve everything constantly, relentlessly & faster before we spoil the Earth with ignorance & negativity & greed & other dysfunctional toxic thinking. Thats why I am thinking about it & sharing my thoughts with you! Cheers friends! 

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