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Interval Fasting, Keto, Fasting Science

Overeating killing people with preventable diseases. Larger than metabolically safe servings & 3 meals a day confusion. Eating too close to bedtime interrupting sleep repair & restoration by occupying the biochemistry of the body with nutrient processing. First world diet confusion giving rise to a healthcare epidemic more costly than COVID19 could ever become worldwide. Worse, we are exporting harm be causing people in other parts of the world to embrace wester disease causing diets of simple carb abuse, lack of health fats (mono-unsaturated) not enough quality protein & dehydrated from a lack of water consumption & too much alcohol & caffeine consumption. 

Fat, sick, tired, sore, in pain, feeling drained, confused, trying to follow the lowfat movement for & ignorant of how sugar, which goes by more than 60 names in the ingredient's listings on food product packages. Americans turn to biologics & advanced expensive pharmaceutical & surgical techniques & extreme procedures like lap-band or stomach capacity reduction surgeries to cope with the effects of sugars turning into body fat, insulin resistance, high blood pressure, metabolic syndrome diseases, cancers & worse, emotional & psychological turmoil from trying to make health food choices unaware that sugar the hidden enemy in the fat free food movement. 

Sugar is cheaper than fat & has a much longer shelf life than most oils or fats that get rancid from oxygen exposure. Sugar is added in some form or another by more than 60 different names on packages to keep people confused. Low carb diabetic safer sugar alcohols also cause liquid poop if you consume them in any meaningful quantity. 

Our brains are wired to like sugars because we as people for millions of years were hunter gatherers who needed to fatten up before winter & had to have fast burning energy for hunting & foraging during the spring, summer & autumn. Most fruits & berries that contain natural sugars were seasonal & only available for a small part of the year. This is why the paleo diet & ketogenic diet are emergent trends.

Before insulin was available, diabetic people in the early 20th centry were prescribed an ultralow carbohydrate diet similar to a purely ketogenic diet. Once anti-diabetic drugs & semi-GMO insulin became widely available, American's became fatter & sicker. Profit motivated food processing & ultra-processing companies looking to increase the shelf life of their food stuffs found that removing rapidly biodegradable oils (see healthy plant fats, monounsaturated) & adding sucrose increased the shelf life of their products. Shelf stable versions of stuff that previously required energy expensive refrigeration started to become available, with less fat & more sugar, they can also freeze & thaw since they also have little or no fiber to mess with this thermal cycling that further enhances profit in food distribution systems by reducing losses. 

Today millions of tons of food are thrown away daily because they expire or go bad before someone purchases them. Consider French bread in France. Peresian consumers expect a baguette to be freshly baked the day they buy it. To avoid having a shortage, Frances some 30,000 local bakeries bake baguettes in excess capacity such that some are left over at the end of the day. They can let the break dry out & put it in a special crumble making machine & then replace 20% of the flour in the dough of new bread & produce a slightly darker deeper flavor version , but the machine to crumble the dry bread precisely costs in excess of $2000.

In banana producing countries 2lbs of fibrous wood stock produced for every 1 lb of bananas. These banana stocks can be turned into a strong natural fiber that's superior to cotton in many respects, but again the machine to do this, a high velocity tungsten carbide needle spinner machine costs $1000 old & very used & more than $10,000 new.

A vapor compression distillation setup made of machined metal parts can turn funky brackish contaminated muddy surface water filled with bacteria & particles into pristine drinking water with RO like quality. Dean Kamen, inventor of the Segway, has been trying to cost reduce his "slingshot" vapor distillation unit by making it out of Delrin or other engineering plastics to reduce the costs well below that of a machine metal unit, which can cost in excess of $100,000 new. Powered by a notoriously expensive & hard to manufacture required extreme precision & balancing of all components, Stirling external heat engine. Requiring no filters & can be powered by burning dried cow dung or similarly widely available biofuels. Able to operate for 5 years outside with no maintenance, operating on less than 1kw of electricity, generating 1000 liters of water per day, enough for about 100 people cooking & sanitation if the water conserved or used with intelligence to minimize water waste. Requires no pre-treatments, pipelines, engineers, consumable or installation permits, it also meets the U.S. pharmacopeia standard for water injections. Developed because Kamen recognized statistics showing that lack of access to clean water a worldwide public health crisis. 3.5 million people die every year because of a lack of access to clean water & more than 900 million people lack consistent access to water for cooking, consumption or sanitation. While more than 2/3rds of Earth covered in water, most of it salt water & only about 1% fresh water that is potable. Vapor compression distillation able to make 97% of that water on Earth drinkable & relatively inexpensive. By taking dirty water & running it through the vapor distillation process, his machine can produce 250 gallons per day, using river water, saline ocean water, or even raw sewage as inputs, anything that looks wet. To demonstrate he even ran his own urine through the machine & drank the output. At first 2 machines were built. A power generator with one kilowatt of output from anything that burns & a sperate machine with the water distiller. By 2005 more than 3 units produced by a team of 200 people at DEKA, each the size of a compact refrigerator. By 2020 Coca-cola had installed & had operational 150 units made in partnership with DEKA since 2011, deployed at their EKOCENTER kiosks worldwide, mostly in rural Latin America & Africa. The price target for future version intended to go down to $1000 to $2000 range.  

I bring up these examples because cost often the driving factor behind choices. In America natural gas from petroleum wells & pipelines costs about 8x less than biogas from food waste biogas generators. In some parts of Asia the price delta between brown natural gas & green gas from food waste only $1 or $2, so it does not cost much more to make the sustainable energy choice. Considering the shrinking middle class in America & rising costs of housing, food, cars & other commodities along with inflation of the USD, the consumer price index of electricity, gasoline & natural gas increasing. This mostly harms the working poor & lower class who have very little room for cost increases in their meager budgets. Services in America can cost 10x that of similar in India or China, drugs are more expensive, surgeries are more expensive, housing is way more expensive, taxes are high given the lack of public healthcare or free college tuition or similar benefits that wealthy socialist countries like Germany & France provide their citizens. America is one the wealthiest countries in the history of the world but fails to provide basic public healthcare to Americans & allows Americans to go bankrupt due to injury or illness with costly medical billions & horrendously high copays for people with basic private health insurance. 

Speaking of healthcare, the sugar abuse & dehydration epidemics have cost healthcare payouts to more than increased by 4X since 2000. People of all ages are developing metabolic syndrome diseases because of eating too many simple carbs & way too much sugar in meals that are too large, to many times per day & too close to bed time. 

Enter Keto & a new packaged food fad or trend, based on Ketogenic Diet Science. Low carb been a diet idea for a long time for people interested in weight loss, dieting or losing body mass, especially belly fat. Beer is a liquid carb like soda pop & the over consumption of both causing visceral fat to accumulate around the organs, visible externally as stubborn hard to remove belly fat. 

Fasting & The Science of Fasting video on YouTube. Now we got some real powerful factual science & truth for people suffering from carb abuse health impacts. Fat & sick Americans fueled by cheap sugar rich processed foods now have an option to just drink 2-3 liters of water & not eat anything for 3-7 days in a row. The first time I fasted for 4 days my urine smelled like burned electronics or industrial waste, as my body was clearing out junk & toxins that I have been exposed to though combustion experiments & industrial exposure to heavy metals while working with electroplating & through lead exposure working with & around lead acid batteries made in China. The boxes were often covered in coal soot & lead particles. A lead test kit fired up everywhere I tested one. I endued up leaving this job despite that most of my work had converted to a device repair technician. I did not want to be around the heavy metal dust anymore & have felt better nearly every day since leaving more than 3 months ago. 

Enter "Fasting Science" into Google or YouTube & Watch & Learn 
Enter "Ketogenic Diet" into Google or YouTube 
Lookup "Interval Fasting" & the Fastiq app on your smartphone! 

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