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Dr. Robert Lustig ( Sugar Evil )

Sugars were rare in nature in antiquity. Only very recently have we had cheap access to sugar & fat free foods abounding with sucrose & high fructose cory syrup. Our genome & decent with modification evolution not nearly fast enough to keep up with this kind of radical dietary change, that is also completely unnatural & without a historical analog or no previous examples to draw on from history. 

Sugar abuse causes pancreatic cancer, type 2 diabetes, weight gain, obesity, high blood pressure, red blood cell oxidation to increase, aging to increase, & other metabolic disorder diseases. 

Not when consumed like a spice, in small amounts sparingly, sugars are metabolically fine to consider. Just like having 1 beer or one glass of wine periodically. Sugar like ethanol, a dose dependent toxin. 

You might think that sounds crazy at first, since glucose enables all body cells to function. Consider how a human survives fasting in the wildness. Ketones. Their body starts burning stored body fat as energy & their body mass or weight starts to reduce. There was a guy in the 1800's that fasted for nearly 300 days to eliminate hundreds of pounds of excess body fat. 

Say Stoke, Clotting, Embolism, High Blood Pressure, Neuropathy, Eye Damage, Kidney Damage, Dehydration, Thirst, Food Coma, Lethargy after eating a high carb meal or starchy meal without complex carbs, too many simple carbs, not enough healthy fats or quality proteins. The SAD or Standard American Diet causes many preventable diseases & disorders that are extremely costly to America's health care system, causing costs to run out of control at Medicare & Medicaid while also driving up the costs of private healthcare insurance plans. 

Healthy mono-unsaturated fat from olive or avocado or nuts & seeds are great for the body. In fact if you mostly eat fat & protein & limit carb intake to tiny amounts, you can become Keto or enter a ketogenic state where your body is burning ketones with glucose, you become tri-fueled instead of only burning glucose which cause glucotoxicity to the brain, underlying primary causal mechanism of ADD & ADHD & Dementia & Alzheimer's.  

We fail as we go forward & are supposed to learn from the failures & adapt & integrate those learnings into healthy lifestyle changes. Here is the rub. Sugar & high fructose corn syrup are cheaper than gasoline or diesel in Europe at those prices per unit of energy #physics #economy & consumer price index. 

I am about to eat a piece of toast, at noon, with my green tea, which is made from sprouted organic nut & seed bread by Franz. My lovely wife also going to cover the toast with some butter & peanut butter because carbs always taste way better with some fats. This is why egg yolk so delicious in an egg muffin or added to oatmeal. There is a Netflix show called Chefs Table where some amazingly detailed fellow discovered 600 different ways to prepare egg's. We are not spot on that it was this show, having watched many other cooking shows, but the idea still the same. The Egg's yolk one of the tastiest food stuffs or foods that can be mixed with so many other foods to add savory flavor or add complex sweetness super enjoyable to taste. 

Hop onto YouTube in your browser & look up Dr. Robert Lustig & Dr. Jason Fung & add the search term "sugar" to their names. Hours of free educational medical nutritional factual science their to add intelligent to your diet & improve your health & wellness. I have not eaten anything caloric yet today, because I started interval fasting again, desperate for relief from a stomach flu or similar virus wrecked my GI with liquid output & pain & feeling like trash the last few days. 

1 cup of coffee & two cups of green tea & water to start my day today. 

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