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Entrenched Alcohol, Tobacco & Pharmaceutical Companies in America the Plutocracy with Soft Socialist Federal Programs for Seniors

To understand why America not a real democracy you have to look at the assault on social security, medicare & medicaid & social programs to redistribute wealth, that was Aristotle writing  about back then. 

Enter transnational conglomerates, merger & acquisition & super monopolies that concentrate wealth into the hands of a opulent tiny 1/10 of 1% of the US population, the elite income earners; rise of the billionaires economic aristocracy class in America the penultimate hybrid socialism with plutocracy (not a democracy) 

In the 1960's there we great egalitarian measures passed into law via public policy in response to widespread public outcry, normally passive people taking to political rallies, protests & demonstrations & a whole new era of young people "Turning on, tuning in, and dropping out" hippies living in colorfully decorated VW buses touring around America, screwing off & getting high & speaking against institutions of racism & government establishments of bigotry & injustice & incoherent laws like placing cannabis or marijuana as Schedule 1 with no medical use or benefit / prohibited - a way for rich caucasian men to punish minorities & people of color with racism implementation of law & justice such that while African American people only represent about 14% of the population in America, more than 40% of the people incarcerated for narcotics including possession of, growing of & selling weed (marijuana, cannabis) the plant source of THC & CBD phytocannabinoids that activate the CB1 & CB2 receptors in the human body & brain, just like the brains own ligands or activators of these respective receptors, namely Anandamide (bliss molecule, like THC) & 2AG (anti inflammatory, like CBD) 

See the law, placing cannabis has nothing to do with medical science, it was a racist policy actions to punish minorities with the legal system. Once convicted of a felony for selling drugs, gainful employment becomes an illusive proposition, as most employers will not hire a felon. Then you have big alcohol, big tobacco & big pharmaceutical companies, who all clearly understand cannabis & its medicinal effects on the human body (good & bad) depending on dose & relatively safe dose to toxicity threshold such that almost no human has ever died from a cannabis overdose that is well documented, where tons & tons, millions of people have been harmed, hurt, injured & killed by drunk drivers intoxicated on ethanol from drinking alcohol & a whole range of health care cost raising diseases & disorders from smoking tobacco & who even knows how many people have been killed by prescription drug abuse, side effects or allergies to specific chemical compounds or small molecules, the domain of most Pharma companies who are now moving on to biologics, namely MAB's & PAB or mono & poly clonal antibodies with lots of marketing & advertisements. 

Let food be thy medicine, famously said, but not the SAD or standard American diet. This diet rich with high glycemic carbohydrates, not enough dietary fiber, not enough health mono-unsaturated fats, too much saturated & trans fats, & weird hormone & antibiotic treated animals products that are no different than those that were not treated with RBST (rBST is a synthetic hormone created to increase milk production in dairy cows. developed by Monsanto, via trans genetic bacteria) according to the label on the packages (smoke & mirror, lies) like those marketing campaigns that say HFCS or high fructose corn syrup just like regular sugar, except that fructose can only be processed by your bodies liver, unlike glucose from sucrose that can be used as fuel by nearly every cell in the human body; more lies & fake news & no GMO labels. 

America is food dumb & ignorant to the point where general public are experiencing a epidemic of kidney failure from not drinking water, only drinking coffee & tea & alcohol; caffeine & ethanol are diuretics that cause the body to pee more * becoming dehydrated, like drinking sea water in a way // duh! It reminds me of "Idiocracy" the movie! "But the plants crave electrolytes too" when in reality many plants are intolerant too, or harmed by soil salting of common human electrolytes like NaCl or sodium chloride that is in every cell of the human body as an isotonic saline solution of about 0.9% concentration. Kentucky Fried Chicken & a Pizza-Hut. Junk Food, Fast Food & Ultra Processed Edible Food Like Industrial Substances & Engineered Fluids // completely unnatural & without historical precedence, a change in the human diet so extreme our human evolution rate cannot keep up, not even closed. Basically if you eat the government food pyramid, your will become morbidly obese with at least high blood pressure & possibly other health problems & diseases & disorders from eating the recommended three time per day, larger than normal serving sizes, SAD or standard American diet! The single biggest causal factor in rising healthcare costs in America, nearly entirely preventable too if people were educated with actually nutritional science facts in school as children & adolescents & in college as young adults as part of the core curriculum! 

Add in currency inflation, offshoring of labor & factories & manufacturing capacity, banks gaining control of half the capital in the economy with every financial trick & manipulation under the sun, all to concentrate wealth into the hands of a small opulent elite income earning class that pays zero, no income taxes & makes everyone else, the poor, the working class, the marginalized middle class & upper class pay all the federal & most state income taxes. 

America is Not a democracy folks. Hear my words, America is not a democracy, its a hybridization between social programs enacted in the 1960's that still exist today because millions of elderly people survive on them & capitalism gone wrong in a big way in the 1990's, but really the income inequity started increasing after the 1970's. 

Today there are a class of professionals, doctors & lawyers & A list actors & popular musicians, successful small business owners, entrepreneurial people who attract large capital investments into their latest e-commerce website like, Alibaba, Ebay or similar; those lucky few who actually have class mobility, the ability to go from being a poor nobody to someone of substantial wealth, social power & cultural influence on other peoples mindsets & ideologies! See mass psychology & aggregate human behavior, cultural trends, emergent & trending topics, popular things that sell well, what people are talking about online! Everyone else left out to hang & burn & make their own way & most people will fail to "commercialize their franchise as an individual" as Hillary Clinton likes to call it // its not a left or right thing, the rich establishment & ownership class that controls most of all of the shares of major & most minor & most small cap companies stocks, we are talking about billionaire individuals who have more money personally than some medium sized country economies. Radical income inequity thats increasing, immoral, unethical, evil & unfair & unreasonable & completely out of control! Thats why there is social division, school shootings & other social decay. Regular people hate politics, feel betrayed by an alien government that rarely if ever represents their interests. 

The only thing keeping this capitalism satanic beast in check, unions. Unions protect the workers that actually do the work from being abused (slave driven harder) by the capital ownership class of elite income earners! Private sector unions in America declined from nearly 40% of businesses in the 1960's to about 7% of private business today. 

This makes public sector jobs with unions coveted & hard to get in most cases, lots of hoops to jump through, deep background checks, no criminal history, no traffic violations, no failing random drug screenings for THC or other illegal drugs, a high bar given that people are just seeking relief from stress from all of these issues; their hard earned money steadily losing value to inflation, loss of benefits at work with higher copays, higher housing & food & energy prices. Even with 2 decent incomes, Meg & I cannot afford to have children, in Issaquah, Wa, USA ; as home prices & commodity prices are simply too high- having children too expensive & would be ruinous to our financial stability or any prospect of ever becoming home owners. 

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