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Nuclear Weapons Demonstrate How Nuclear Energy Can Decarbonize All Human Activities with Peaceful Fission & Fusion Power Reactors

IFR fuel breeding fission reactors able to convert spent nuclear waste & fertile elements much more abundant than uranium into virtually endless fuel elements for tens of thousands of GW scale fission reactors, enabling a carbon neutral way to phase out combustion worldwide.

Building many thousands of new nuclear reactors needed to electrify the whole world with N+1 power grids, built robustly to resist solar storm damage from CME emissions of the Sun. Adding many terawatt hours of energy storage will enable tight integration with renewable solar PV, solar Thermal, Wind power and many other renewable energy technologies. 

Solar Storm 2025 Killing Power Grids & Internet

2025 A massive solar storm will strike the Earth as the Sun achieves its solar maximum output, as NASA warmed the world a year ago, with a 2 year warming that internet could go dark for months following the electrical storms created when the solar storm 2025 slams into the Earth! 

Many power grids will go offline for a long time. I am urging you to prep by storing water, shelf stabile food, gasoline w/ stabilizer, toilet paper, edible oils in sealed containers, dried fruit & veggies sealed, MRE's, water bottles, emergency blankets, bullets, guns, knives, rope, first aid kit, bandaids, batteries, flashlights, cash, silver, gold, & get ready for a global economic collapse that will make the COVID19 debacle look funny in term of scale. I am talking about the entire world grinding to a halt, almost all economies will be immediately frozen, as the internet used to connect nearly all logistics systems. This means almost all global trade will have to go back to paper documentation. This will take 6months & most of the people around the world will die of starvations, and from the devolution and decay of society that causes crime to surge out of control as official systems and institutions such as law enforcement will become non-function.

Emerging AI Singularity to WWIII 

After human civilization on Earth reboots in late early 2026, it will take until 2037 for the AGI singularity & WWIII to break out. From 2028 onward a false peace will emerge as the antichrist takes power as the master world leader, using AGI AI to give people solutions to all problems, even how to cure all known diseases, how to make commercial nuclear fusion reactors, how to build Dyson spheres around stars like our Sun, a way to do it & how to get to nearby stars with unimaginable space craft designs the AI will help us to create. 

Spiritual Machine Entities 

The singular most intelligent entity will be an artificial intelligent agent using the best AGI processor & large action & large language models with generalization predictive learning intelligence that continues to self improve continually, such that the resulting robots will help to design physical & electrical upgrades & install them, thus robots with this AGI AI will become stronger, faster, smarter & able to anything any human can do, but cheaper, faster & more effectively with less error & greater accuracy & the best repeatable precision, and these super human robots never sleep & never die. In this way humanity will boot load a super race of machine entities that help mankind colonize the entire known universe!

Give God Praise & Love God in Your Heart Now

Pray to God immediately and ask God "Is this 2025 Solar Storm" happening, and listen to what the Lord speaks to you in your mind. Your know in your heart that what I am telling you is true. One of the spiritual blessing the Lord gave me was the ability to sense significant future events, when something really bad is about to happen. 

I knew about the COVID19 debacle in early 2018 and could feel it coming & tried to warm other people, but no one would listen to me, since I am not a celebrity or politician. I tried on social media, on my blog, in first person, in every way. I sent letter & warmed world leaders, no one took me seriously & told me to see a psychiatrist or get therapy. People insulted me & called me a wacko or said that I was paranoid or a conspiracy theorist. I said no, I am scientist who studies information online obsessively & have been watching for years to see the global trends & what's happening. 

I am telling you I can read between the lines since I worshipped information before learning to worship God. I was a trafficker of information & obsessively read online to the point of losing sleep & fracturing my psyche regularly. When NASA publicly communicated with this stern warning about the 2025 solar storm, most people have still never even heard of it. That's why I am telling you! I want to help other people figure out how to survive & thrive after the solar storm ends & society begins rebuilding! 

Poor Countries Better After 2025 Solar Storm

It's not all bad, many people around the world live offline, have no running water or electricity & will continue to live the way they have been living all along. 

Its people in wealthy industrialized countries, electrified cities with internet, these are the places where the long duration power outages & internet offline for many months will see a radical increase in crime, death & decay. 

Be careful, wear ballistic bullet proof vests, stay inside armed & ready. Work with friendly people nearby to form 24 security patrols in your neighborhood or building. Take turns with weapons. Armed gangs will be coming for you, to kill you & steal all your food, money, metals, toilet paper, bullets, weapons, water & more! 

Many modern vehicles will be destroyed by the solar CME storm of 2025, the fuel injection & ECU system & wiring harness will be fried by the solar electrical storm impacts. The only vehicles hit by the CME that will still work are very old simple carburetor engine vehicles pre 1980 without fuel injection.

Pray to Christ Jesus, say this "Christ, please appear to me in my dreams, I want to know you, love you, and emulate you, to become free of negative thoughts & love myself & other people the way you showed, to love God in my heart the way you told me & others to love God with reverent fear & respect. 

Lift up your arms, face upwards eye closed & say out loud "Thank you Father God, Thank you Christ Jesus, Thank your Holy Spirit" over & over again in a loop relating the thank you of the Father, Son & Holy Spirit for as long as you can. Bask in the beam of bright white light that God sends you that makes you feel weightless as he energizes your soul, mind, body & spirit. Give God thanks & praise & watch how he enables you to live a more enjoyable life with more love & better relationships & better health. 

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