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Be Careful with your finite time alive or it will slip by leaving only lonely memories of what you wish you would have done during life, at the end!

Everyone is running out of time, if they have ten cents or ten trillion dollars, all people eventually die when their biological life ends. 

I am very nutritionally confused like most Americans, so take this posting with a grain of salt, joking, but understand that the linked YouTube video can help you reverse diseases afflicting most people now!

Eat a lot of animal milk, cheese, dairy, red meat, & protein, and you will take at least 25 years of good life away, suffering from heart disease along your way to a painful earlier death, sick the whole last half of your life! 

Every interaction you have with other people precious & special since you never know when your last chance to interact with other people will be. If you love someone, tell them that you love them every day & remind them of why you care about them. 

But you have learned unhealthy diet ideas from systemic marketing of unhealthy animal based foods that also cause animal cruelty at the farms that produce these agricultural products with its trillion $ industry in America & deep ties to the USDA, FDA & Government. 

It's a free for all in Washington DC in the law making process where big toxic industries have representation & no one is looking to improve the health of the general public! America has one of the most unhealthy food cultures & unhealthy food culture translates into most preventable diseases, diseases that can be reversed with a Whole Food Plant Based Diet, sprinkling in your favorite unhealthy thing sparingly a few per year as a nostalgic throwback to when you were previously nutritionally confused. 

People are eating way too much oil, salt, fat, and animal protein. There are large muscular animals with 1000lbs bone skeletons who get all their calcium from plants, as they only eat plants. Cows, Gorillas, Giraffes, Bulls- giant muscular animals that never eat animals products, they are vegan / vegetarian animals & get all their nutrients from eating plants, veggies, fruits, nuts, seeds. 

There are lot of lonely people in the world who have empty lives of fake materialism unhappy, bored, stressed, frustrated, fearful, afraid, and their time eventually runs out. But what they are eating, sugary salty fatty junk foods, making them sick all the time. What you eat can turn cancer on or off. What you eat can accelerate or reverse heart disease! What you eat can turn on metabolic diseases like Type 2 diabetes or High Blood Pressure or reverse diabetes to non-diabetic with low blood pressure, without medications, if you switch to eating a WFPB whole food plant based diet! 

I know of a man who lived to be 92, who died with $77 million, but lived in fear of losing his money the entire last half of his life. I am not even sure what happened to all the money. He didn't take it with him to the afterlife because that is impossible! So what are we doing with our money while we are alive. If you only ever save & invest your money, are you helping yourself or anyone else? If you store up a big heavy pile of gold or silver, does that make a happy life? 

Having quality interactions with other people who become your friends is what makes people happy! 

Social isolation, elder poverty, war, crime, human trafficking, rape, murder, car accidents, even diseases kill people prematurely or cause them to be sick and unhappy during their time alive. This is why eating less as an adult so important. 

Watch this

Over-eating causes obesity, type 2 diabetes, stroke, clotting, heart disease, ADD, ADHD, some cancers, dementia, Alzheimers, embolisms, joint pain, inflammation, soreness, pain in the feet, losing of feeling in the feet and hands from capillary damage, and even blindness from retinal damage from ongoing uncontrolled high blood sugar levels as the cells of the retina are unable to regular glucose intake. 

Excessive carbohydrate consumption of simple refined grains of starches which are just polymerized sugars that break back down into blood sugar when we eat bread, rice, pasta, noodles, candy, baked goods, desert items, novelty food, junk foods, fast foods and any of more than 100,000 different processed and ultra proceed foods available at a grocery store in America. Many of these unhealthy foods have litter or no fiber, added sugars, not Omega 3 fats (anti-inflammatory), too much Omega 6 fats (inflammatory), not enough healthy mono-unsaturated fats that resist oxidation in the body, too much poly-unsaturated & saturated fats, too much salt, not enough protein & worse like artificial toxic colors & flavors of questionable synthetic chemicals or those derived from coal tar.

Staying physically active, drinking enough water to stay well hydrated, and eating a nutritious balance diet without deficiencies of excesses of the macros, vitamins, and minerals.

High quality fats are great for the skin, eyes, brain, heart & many other organs of the body. Butter, ghee, coconut oil, peanut oil, avocado oil, lard, nut oils, seed oils. These lipids help to improve the elasticity of skin, improve hair, improve vision, improve brain function, improve memory, are great for the digestive system, and give slow burning metabolic fuel energy as food that does not spike blood glucose levels. 

High quality proteins from peas, eggs, chicken, fish, meat, mushrooms, cheese, nuts, and many other sources are providing your body with amino acids that cells used as systems to make flesh to repair old cells and produce RNA from DNA to make proteins enzymes & many other biomolecules essential for cells, cell signaling like neurotransmitters. 

Many people who are depressed are low in blood calcium ion levels which cause a reducing in dopamine, serotonin & norepinephrine levels in the brain. 

Sugars, and polymers of sugars like starches & carbohydrates are great for fueling physical activity like hiking, going for a long bicycle ride, long walks on steep hills, rowing, swimming, or a physically demanding jobs that involves constant use of the skeletal muscles, such that moving with an elevated heart rate in Zone 2 training allows your muscles to burn blood sugars from eating carbs, starches & sugars. People who sit around too much, at work, at home, in their car, this kind of life known as sedentary and does not allow their muscles to burn sugars, so people who sit a lot will have high blood sugars if they consume too much carbohydrate, too much starch, or too much sugar. Most processed foods have very little fat, or are fat free, have low fiber, sugars added and made of carbs which are just sugars linked together. This means many processed foods caused elevated blood sugars that over a long period of time cause obesity, diabetes, heart disease, some cancers, brain damage, kidney damage, liver damage, digestive problems, depression, anxiety, fear, & worse. 

Known as the SAD or western diet making so many people overweight now, even children are morbidly obese worldwide. More than half the people alive on Earth are now overweight. 10,000 people die of uncontrolled Type 2 diabetes every day. 400 million people have diabetes type 2 and have no idea, and have stokes, clots, night sweats, inflammation & pain, the feel like crap, have low energy, can't focus, and have no idea they are diabetic. The ignorant low skill doctors don't even test the HbA1c or blood glucose levels, so they can escape early medical detection for years while suffering needlessly at the eventual profits of big pharmaceutical companies eager to sell people subscription medications to treat the symptoms from eating the western processed food diet. 

This steals parents from children, children from partners, and ruins people finite time alive with injuries that do not heal, loss of feeling in the hands & feet, loss of taste & smell sensitivity, loss of executive function and brain memory. Eating too much, with large servings, and never fasting, means people are killing each other with unhealthy diets. In a way excess blood sugars are a biological war from dietary confusion the enemy of health & wellness. Let food be thy medicine means you need to eat less often, skip breakfast, drink water on waking, small snack for dinner, go to bed earlier & wake at the same time every day. Get at least 7500 steps or similar amounts of water aerobics to keep your brain & heart and arteries, veins & capillaries in good health. 

High blood sugars are toxic to the eyes & caused progressive loss of visual sensitivity and eventual blindness. Chronically elevated blood glucose gives rise to a loss of insulin sensitivity that means pancreatic disfunction, kidney damage & worse. Many people with undiagnosed diabetes 2 have foot ulcers that never heal & eventually cause a deadly blood infection. 

3 billion people alive today have Pre-diabetes to Type 3 diabetes, the conditions from eating ignorant western processed foods in excess, in large servings, too often, never fasting, not getting enough sleep, being stressed out constantly, having fear & anxiety, this combination of industrial life disfunction is making more people more sick more of the time and getting worse every day. Many people with Type 3 diabetes are not far or long away from developing full on Type 2 diabetes. This means we have a worldwide obesity epidemic, worldwide dehydration & kidney failure epidemic, and worldwide diabetes epidemic. 

Thus the Western Diet is killing and sickening more people than all world wars combined! This makes the western dietary disease the most formidable negative force harming & hurting people with preventable disease, driving up healthcare costs while also reducing productivity! So we have the DEA waging a war against drugs, where is the war against big alcohol, big sugar and big food processing companies that are harming, hurting and killing people with preventable diseases. 

When the US FDA released the Food Pyramid in 1992, I was a cynical intelligent 9 year old boy who identified as factual inaccurate misinformation and confusion and actually asked my parents "What kind of dishonest stupid jerks would publish something so misleading? The US government would because there is a revolving door between pharmaceutical companies & the FDA, in what amounts to crony capitalism, bribery & corruption or at lease a gross conflict of interests. I smell huge greedy corporate monopolies making everyone sick faster to make even more money! Greedy people making ill gotten gain who should be charged with RICO for racketeering because of how their sugary soda & pop is killing people with preventable diseases. 

When sugar consumed in excess it is as toxic or harmful to the body as alcohol abuse. You know that this is true, it is metabolically factual from science in physiology and medicine. Pollutant exposure is also toxic and everyone knows it. But the liar jerks in government are blinded by bribery money & are unable to pass laws in the public interest. They are beholden to greed jerks who own these large evil companies because those evil profitable companies paid for the election campaigns of our leaders, and elections are very expensive. Did I mention that almost all countries are engaged in currency manipulation with fake fiat currencies that keep losing reap purchasing power. 

This means everything will become more expensive in the future. It also means that the house of cards currencies can collapse suddenly, giving rise to a renumeration like Mexico did with the Peso in 1980. Take at look at the economic history of Argentina, and how wealthy people in Argentina stole all the countries money 9X in a row! 

So, most people aspired to make a strong positive difference in the world, for their family, for their children, while other people are whacked out sickos and evil bad actors like Vladimir Putin or his long time friend Donald Trump. There are evil sickos like Hillary Clinton and George Soros who operate above the law enforced on everyone else. These evils people serve the kingdom of hell and are mental slaves to Satan the accuser. Under demonic influence, these bad actors engage in rampant sick criminal activities that harm, hurt & kill other people. They have cold hearts & turn a blind eye to the suffering of other people, animals & nature, and only care about making more money! But like I said towards the beginning of this post, having billions of dollars did not, does not, and never will make a happy life. 

Many people are diluted into thinking that more money will solve all their lives problems, but many lottery winners are broke 10 years later because there were never financially accountable. They had low credit scores before winning the lottery, and spent money like it was going out of style fast when they won the lottery winnings. Look at the guy who sold Jelly Belly, who in the documentary film about him said it was the worst mistake of his entire life. His family fell apart, spoiled beyond imagination, never accomplishing anything note worthy. He feels ashamed, guilts, and sad that his company went on after being sold to harm & hurt so many other people with metabolic diseases. 

My childhood best friend Matt Mayo inhered more than $11 million but still committed suicide by shooting himself in the head with a large caliber handgun while high as a kite from snorting lots of cocaine that was found mounded over on a large plate next to his dead body. The money alone gave him the freedom to never work, but he felt pointless, aimless, useless, and was under deep demonic oppression asking me to do perverted things with him in private, which I denied. 

I felt really bad for him and tried to help him for many many years and so did Meg, but we had to give up towards the very end because of how he started saying cruel mean things to me. He dishonored my wife, my marriage, God, his country, his mind, his legacy, his dad, and many other people by conducting himself life that, like a pervert. I still have unresolved feelings surrounding his suicide and the decay of his mind & body towards the end. It was a motorcycle accident 10 years prior that left him deeply mentally & physically disabled that resulted in his psyche decaying. He gave up his will to live & made a choice to kill himself because he had determined that he would never become fully physical able again, like he was before the accident. He told people around him near the end "I won't be seeing you much anymore" as a hint that he was letting go. He phoned me a few days before committing suicide and said "Aaron, please take good care of Meg, don't worry so much, everything will be ok, I love you man, take care of yourself, I will see you on the other side" / I thought he was just traveling to Europe again, which he did often, but he was actually saying goodbye for the last time. 

I share this example because injuries can steal peoples life joy away with pain & suffering that makes like terrible. But eating wrong can make life terribly painful with suffering from the negative health effects of SAD or Standard American Diet. Disease of Civilization or Western Industrial Processed Foods Diet. In the form of TV show content & commercial, western junk foods & fast foods have been culturally exported around the world, where even many children in the PRC or China are now morbidly obese with type 3 pre-diabetes. 

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