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Amazon & E-commerce & Blue Origin + Why Praising God Intelligent To Make Life Better for Everyone

Amazon uses AI through Prime & AWS to track users behaviors & predict their shopping behavior in order to show them suggestions of what they might like to buy & even more sinister dark weird satanic aspects of predatory sales technologies applied that are too grotesque or disgusting to even mention. 

The head of AI development at Amazon & I had a few minutes in real life to discuss the abusive use of artificial intelligence to effectively perform mental inception in e-commerce better than any advertisement to skillfully divorce people from their money using any means needed with information manipulation & getting people to pay for a Prime subscription, nearly $200 per year.

In fairness Prime Subscriptions include movie & music streaming, free shipping, faster website performance & many other services that increase the value of the subscription making it worthwhile if you regularly shop on & use its steaming services. 

I started as a naive book store customer of almost at the start, way back in 1999 when Amazon was a newer e-commerce site. I was online searching Google & found because my late mother wanted books to read that were unavailable locally at nearby retail book stores. 

After a few year I started noticing other items available on Amazon that I could not find nearby that I wanted, and thus a long series of amazon prime purchases began & years of subscribing. Today I use amazon to watch movies & documentary films & other kinds of video content that are special interest related about automobiles, technology, history, & other interest of mine.

Meg shops on Amazon too, so we get a double person benefit from the Prime subscription, and she has a prime video streaming account & mainly watches christian spiritual content, since she is passionate about her faith in God, Christ Jesus & the Holy Spirit a bit more than me, but on a similar level overall. 

I don't dislike Jeff Bezos the founder of Amazon or Blue Origin, especially since he has recently ramped up philanthropic efforts to make a strong positive difference where governments are unable! Blue Origin likely pushes the envelop of aerospace technologies that get me excited about improved space access. 

Amazon now has their own brands, and this has pushed many previous sellers on Amazon out of business, such that Amazon works directly with a supplier to develop & sell Amazon Basic's branded electrical cables, chargers, microwaves & many other products that are cheaper than alternatives from other brands available on their website. Still many tens of thousands of individual people in the USA are private sellers on Amazon, as are many others on Ebay & Alibaba for Etsy. Online e-commerce leverages the power of search engine technology to connect buyers to products and sellers in ways that were previously impossibly by any other means. This is why Amazon does not have to do marketing or advertising to have amazing class leading sales in many different sectors of the global economy. Amazon is an economic powerhouse as a company & creates a lot of business activity worldwide that would not exist without amazon. 

Amazon has started using fully electric Rivian delivery trucks that emit much less noise & air pollution near homes where people are sleeping, working, doing homework, cooking, cleaning, yard work, or similar tasks in the garage or around the house, thus reducing peoples exposure to sound & air pollution, making less of negative impact, while also allowing older disabled people to get groceries & medical supplies delivery, shop for gifts for family members, get replacement parts to fix equipment, appliances, tools, computers, laptops, cell phones, books, music, movies, TV, & more without having to drive anywhere, which is great for older people or disabled people with poor vision or physical disabilities that make driving more difficult or challenging, noting that many cities in America are setup in ways that require a person to own a car or SUV or truck to be full functioning. 

There are even many cities in America that still do not have high speed internet accessed as of early 2024, incredibly, especially given that America was the fiber optic telecom & computer giant earlier than any other country & nearly all internet traffic moves through the USA a boon for the NSA to perform signal intelligence on internet traffic for project PRISM mass surveillance though in my case I post to X or Twitter exactly what I think about evil businesses, bad actors, unethical governments & similar honest factual information about how the SAD ultra processed industrial wester American diet proven widely by many scientific studies & links showing that eating junk foods & heavily processed foods cause diabetes, heart disease, stoke, obesity, high blood pressure, some cancers, dementia, Alzheimers, ADD, ADHD, inflammation, kidney failure, liver damage & worse. 

A whole spectrum of preventable diseases that cost the US healthcare industry at least $338 billion in added costs, to treat all the disease caused from disease of civilization or eating what Americans buy at grocery stores that sell 100,000 different food items. Foods that have colorful boxes or that come in plastic bags, with nutritional labels & strange unfounded health claims printed, of which there are more than 70,000 ultra processed foods known also as edible food like substances, containing strange hard to pronounce chemical additives that no one cooks with at home. 

I am talking about food additives like artificial dye, color, scents, fragrances, aromas, flavors & smells that are made of toxic synthetic chemicals that harm human health in a variety of different detrimental ways well demonstrate in medicine & physiology studies about how such poisonous & toxic substance & nutritional excess harm the human body, cells, organs & flesh & cell signaling & mitochondrial energy production functions, such that many heavy toxic metals are similar to artificial chemicals added to food, in that they inhibit or block the citric acid cycle or TCA or electron exchange & hydrogen ion membrane transit in human cells, having different kinds of toxic effects on human health.

This information is true or factually accurate & I am unafraid to tell the scientific truth because God protects me, as I love God in my heart & mind! 

I suggest that you immediately start loving God too & praying to God for guidance & advice about how to live a better life since God has all the answers and loves you & wants to have an active communication relationship with you, such that you consult God in all matters all the time, whenever making any choice, to apologize when you slip up & sin, when you make mistakes, remember also to forgive yourself & other people freely so that God will forgive you readily too, when you die & your soul face God for his supreme legitimate judgement. You don't want to keep living a life of habitual sin since doing so would cause your name to be blotted out of the book of life. 

When wicked evil people die, they face God & he says them "Go away from me, I do not know you" & sends them to the lake of fire & fry to eventually be destroyed with Lucifer or Satan & all the other fallen angels that followed his arrogant misguided confused self idolatry right out of heaven as God cast them away to be later destroyed when Christ Jesus returns to earth on a thunderous cloud system so vast & bright that it will visible worldwide. Christ will then, upon reaching the Earth, smite all wicked people & destroy satan & all the demons at the same time. 

Christ Jesus will then remake the Earth with all his faithful believers who trusting & believing in God & who emulated Christ Jesus by helping other people, animals & nature with a contrite heart, humble edifying helpful words of encouragement as a natural leader of men & women, who inspired other people to love God in their hearts so they can be saved from eternal damnation too :) 

To whom much was given much is required, such that we are called to not pollute and be good stewards of the Earth, animals, nature, ecosystems & never cause harm to one another, such that all world wars are as evil as greed, as evil as slavery or bigotry or racism or cruelty. 

War is nonsensical because it represent human civilization fighting against its own self interest as a society worldwide, as one human people on Planet Earth. We teach children to play nice but then do not set good examples as adults, its non sense & need to stop. We need to work together & collaborate more to solve all the worlds problems, starting by having each person turn away from sin, giving God praise & worship, learning & practicing saying no to their worldly sinful lusts, yielding to God to execute his will showing other people loving kindness in any way imaginable. 

Am I making myself clear, you have agency or free will to do what you know is right in your heart, to love yourself, love God & love other people, animals & nature & make a big positive difference during your finite time alive to make life better for your children & their children & everyone else. 

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