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Finite Fossile Fueled Future

All the cheap easy oil gone, burned up in low thermal efficiency engines in the 20th century when little attention was paid to fuel economy or toxic tailpipe emissions with HC causing brain damage, particulate causing lung & kidney damage, while the NOX, CO, CO2, and SOX mix with rain to become acid rain that corrodes vehicles and infrastructure while also acidifying bodies of water making them toxic to fish and other aquatic wildlife in natural ecosystems where human food, air and water come from. 

Polymers and plastics made from oil seasoning the biosphere of earth with microplastics and other hormone disrupting chemicals that cause obesity and the feminization of men or worse. Wasting fuel in inefficient machines of war with no fiscal accountability practically defines the military industrial complex known as America or the USA that flexes its pentagon vehicles of all kinds to bully the entire Earth into the new American century control, with some cookies of humanitarian relief efforts by the same military around the world as a kudos to helping other people. 

The shrinking American middle class the most generous group of human on Earth, giving abundantly money, time and resources to help other people in nations far away in many ways. Capitalism via merger & acquisition + funny money fiat currency USD means everything about life basics, rent, food, fuel, etc becoming more expensive for everyone as the middle class shrinks and more people are moving towards poverty, including many older people suffering from elder poverty which is horrible. 

Companies like Amazon getting political representation while the general public have been sold out to the largest corporate bidder who also bribe the congress and senate, at least to pay for the expensive election campaigns in exchange for special favors, effectively a plutocracy with crony capitalism, a far cry from the historical democracy of the past. Child trafficking, slavery, and war continue around the world. Crime, corruption, evil, sickness, cruelty, and people with hearts growing cold to other people in what is accurately called increasing income inequality + social decay. 

Finite fossil fuel energy scarcity in mobile energy systems like ICE or internal combustion engine energized automobiles means that energy poverty means less for everyone. That means life will keep getting harder and more complicated, making life worse every year for peoples children and grandchildren's because 1 generation of ignorant American's thought it was perfectly adequate to waste resources like there is no tomorrow. 

Look at the growing national debt of America on the US National Debt Clock website and tell me that makes logical sense. If the government is not fiscally accountable, how can it expect American's to be accountable? The Food Pyramid lies and lies to keep people from fasting and other nutritional confusion abound to the point where people stopped trusting the government a long time ago. 

The whole COVID19 debacle and social frustration over wearing masks showed another aspect of how many American's hate government, and for good reasons too. Sleaze bags in leadership positions in government engages in unethical, immoral, sleazy activities at parties with Jeffry Epstein and similar, his longtime friend Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin patronizing the abuse of teenage girls on that disgusting private island that so many other dignitaries and famous people also visited to spectate the abuse as groups of sickos. I don't trust governments at all. 

Biological fuels and synthetic fuels made from crop waste, natural gas, trash, sewage, and more will replace crude oil, mineral oil, petroleum based fossil fuels. Even propane, butane, and natural gas will go a long way to help phase out gasoline and diesel, as will DME or dimethyl either. Much applied science and technology will drive vehicle engine efficiency towards 70% thermal efficiency, the 5th Gen. Prius engine at 43% thermal efficiency now for comparison. This means vehicles with superlative energy efficiency or much better fuel economy that cost less to operate, especially given how fueling cost tend to dominate operating costs when fuel prices are higher. 

Premium efficiency means the most fuel efficiency vehicles will command a price premium or cost more than less fuel efficient alternatives. Cars are not even a good transportation solution for 8 billion people because of the parking space required, expensive roadways, microplastics from tire tread erosion emissions & toxic brake dust emissions and tail pipe air pollution bad for public health released where most people are living and breathing all the time. 

Electric cars with batteries are not the silver bullet solution either. Enclosed e-bike cars or electrically assisted bicycle cars made of low mass materials will help to address some of the problems, especially in European cities where the government has good urban planning on coherent networks that mix rail, bus, car, bicycle and pedestrian road paths in a system, perhaps most notable in the Netherlands or NL in Amsterdam for example, where mixed mode transport well developed. I witness a dutch woman riding a bicycle carrying a large green plastic canoe that was much larger than her and the bicycle, in a bicycle lane, in central Amsterdam. 

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