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Innovation Improving Energy Efficiency

Reducing drag in passenger vehicles like Aptera aero- efficient designs means a smaller cheaper lower mass battery like a 16kWh pack can give more range than a 40kWh pack in our 19 Nissan LEAF SV that uses a practical cost optimized cheap metal stamping design that was extensively optimized to make Nissan Versa the most affordable new automobile sold, though the LEAF program means that design was improved extensively for the battery electric LEAF which has a similar hatchback shape as a hybrid Toyota Prius or similar passenger automobile with excellent energy economy or fuel economy or fuel efficiency or low fuel use per unit of distance traveled so as they say people "Let's Go Places" 

Toyota Yamaha partnership Axial Motors taking cues from Koenigsegg RAXIAL motors design by Genius Christian Von Koenigsegg, blessings be to his name! 

Improve electric vehicle motors means longer range with same battery or same range with less battery at lower mass & lower cost & better performance lighter weight gives better vehicle dynamics

Consider an 85kWh pack in an Aptera giving it 1200 mi of range per charge! 

More insulation & smart solar thermal energy capture in buildings

Shorter showers with hot rinse, then off + soap up + then warm rinse off, using a timer to race yourself to reduce water use & natural gas or electricity used to heat the water / save time too, since we are all running out of time alive! 

Hypermiling efficient driving in any vehicle to reduce fuel or energy use to improve range per fueling session or recharging session. Save time by going to the gas station less often, or charging station less often, and enjoy lower energy or fuel costs that save you money in real time by just driving smarter with energy efficient driving techniques called hypermiling! Efficient driving reduces tire microplastic emissions & tailpipe emissions in the vehicle or from the factory-- think lifetime total energy for the vehicle or Total cost of operation or cost per mile - you can go further cheaper faster & better by just applying more intelligence to your vehicle control theory in application on the seat of your pants in real time while driving! 

Improving tires means lower rolling resistances & reducing microplastic emissions and longer tire life with better traction all season & all around better longer life & longer lasting & more durable & stronger & tougher! Polymer technologies developed for road car tires making tires today way better than tires from the history of automotive applications. They last much longer now & are much more durable & stronger. 

Solar PV rooftop for $0.20/ watt into Battery Energy Storage whole home batteries, so no power outages as long as sky light on cloudy days or sun on sunny days hitting the PV shingles from Solar City 4.0 installed facing the sky 

We can capture waste energy & reduce emissions in many industries, even at home by thinking less wasteful, cheap, frugal, economical, practical, low cost, low impact, less waste, better in every way 

Our 22 MacBook Pro edits video 2x faster with 30x less energy than our 19 iMac, so there is an example of how improving computer chips made by YouTube video production process radically less energy intensive, so even the energy from the 12v automotive outlet can 60watts can do a lot of video editing on the go in a smaller lower mass machine with superior chip technology! 

At electricity energy operating cost of only $0.0456 per mile our 2019 Nissan LEAF SV base model gets 111mpg E with 3.3-5.3mi/ kWh or more than double the efficiency & half the cost of operating our 2010 Toyota Prius III which has a fuel cost per mile of around $0.21 with gasoline at $4.40 / gal while netting 44-54 mpg on regular unleaded gas. 

Some instant hot water heaters can save you 3x energy costs of hot water vs a Tank Water heat if you bundle hot loads together, laundry, shower, dishes into a one big hot run & then cold off for days, where those days in the water heater would be losing waste heat continually by comparison. 

A heat pump air sourced mini split can use 1 unit of electricity to move 4 units of heat for cooling or heating all season & is the most energy efficient way to provide AC + Heat in a RV or Car. Nissan LEAF have heat-pump technology for HVAC. Mitsubishi Mini-Split air source heat pumps about $1300 & perhaps $600 to install, but are 5x more energy efficient than a conventional AC setup + heating setup - so as a solution for billions of people the Air Source Heat Pump can be applied in multi-family condos & apartments & single family homes & duplexes or office spaces or school rooms where each room can be kept at different temperatures with a strong insulating safety door separating rooms.

Not flushing for just pee at night so many people can urinate in the toilet for 1 mega flush the next morning when someone goes poo. This can save trillions of gallons of water! I pee in a gallon sized plastic bottle & save up to combine with a #2 flush later on & save more than 30 gallons of water daily vs flushing every time I pee for example. Meg does the let the yellow mellow thing with our toilet too which saves another few flushes every night // so if people just think a little more about how to waste less they can save money & reduce their negative impacts on nature. 

Frugality smart & makes for less wastefulness! 

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