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Write Your Life Story / Abundance For Everyone if You Believe It & Manifest It Into Reality

What you think about becomes your future. Embrace thoughts that make you feel good. What is true for those other people does not apply to you. Set yourself free & be ok with having more abundance, there is more than enough to go around! 

Embrace healing restorative good emotions, happiness, joy, gladness, enjoyment, yummy goodness that feeds your soul. Be thankful & appreciative & imagine a better life & will it into existence by manifestation by focusing on enjoying it before it becomes real, if you think about it & believe it can become your reality, it will! 

Just to illustrate the abundance & why scarcity is lie, know that fashion brands & online companies have burned thousands of tons of perfectly good items that did not sell. We live in an era where mass producing all matter of goods & services not only possible, but already happening every day. There is more than enough minerals, energy & stuff to give everyone what they really want! People just need to believe that they deserve a better happier life for it to become so! 

Everything is made of different forms of energy, so we just need to imagine more for everyone. Think abundance, more wealth & prosperity. Ecofriendly life on earth without pollutants or pollution. A clean energy future where people live longer dynamic & more interesting lives, feeling younger & healthy the whole time. Imagine being an explorer in the Universe, going in spacecraft that travel faster than the speed of light. I

Imagine a better life & focus on it so that it can manifest into reality! You have to believe that you deserve a better life, to be happier, to have more, for it to happen! 

You contain unlimited potential & an power to create infinite abundance & positive change, especially when you teach someone else the secret, the law of attraction, that states "what you think about becomes your reality" 

The good news is that positive healthy ideas that are affirmative & empowering, like thinking about what you are thankful for, think about what you appreciate about the people who are in your life, giving other people positive compliments & doing random acts of kindness as a loving go giver, a doer of the Holy Word, the powerful example of Christ Jesus & conducting yourself with ethical moral behaviors, even when no one else looking. 

Abandon or give up any kind of scarcity mindset or thinking that makes you feel bad. Imagine & hold onto the idea of what you want, what you really want you life to be like. Imagine having the things you really want, more money, a better home, better relationships, better thinking, better sleep, better sex, better energy, more strength, more endurance. 

Do this with me right now. Say this out loud. I am not allergic to anything. I am not afraid of anything. I am beautifully and wonderfully made in the Image of God, with the ability to create signs wonder & miracles just like Jesus Christ did, if I am a reader of the Holy Word & do exactly as it says, believing complete that God is who God says God is, giving thanks, Holy Praise & Worship to God as to make choices with your free will, with God on your side, such that nothing is impossible & anything is possible. 

Energy is everything, even matter is made of energy. Your body & mind is made of energy. The Sun has so much light & heat energy that it can power a 100 kw lifestyle for 200 billion people alive at the same time, with no carbon emissions- all we have to do is capture & store the solar energy & release it for use on demand 24/7/365 to empower & energize all human activities. We can do eco-friendly mining of the oceans & produce abundant amounts of gold, iridium, uranium, silver, copper, nickel, cobalt & many other valuable metals. 

There is no scarcity. Its the limited toxic thinking that causes people to believe there is not enough abundance in the world & that becomes their reality, holding people in poverty & sickness because the do not believe they deserve wealth or happiness or abundance in all domains of their life, even though every person deserve whatever it is their soul really desires & we have the energy & technology & resources to make it happen for everyone! 

Not everyone wants the same things, which means this will not ruin the natural world. We will do ecological restoration & agriculture on scales that seem unimaginable to many people today. We will create abundance clean cheap electricity using new forms of nuclear fission with fuel breeding technology & fusion that energizes space exploration & mining on Earth & in space on levels that would blow most peoples minds away, and that and many other unbelievable things are not only possible, they can happen right now if we get more people to genuinely believe in them, mentally visualize them happening & then manifesting those better realities & much better tomorrow into existence today! We just have to upgrade peoples thinking, so that they understand they are unlimited!

Feeling that make you feel good, embrace those, dwell on those, focus on those. Focus on becoming a happier, healthier, younger, brighter, smarter, more skilled, more passionate, more capable person, and if you believe it, you will become it. You are becoming your own self professed reality, be that things you fear or things you actually want. 

Visualize those better things in your life, that lifestyle that you want, and imagine it happening, enjoying it, really hold that idea & think about every day, that life that you really want. Make that a constant focus, always being appreciative of what you have right now, of the people in your life, in your community, in your home, at your workplace. Be as kind, respectful, and polite as possible & treat yourself & everyone else with dignity & respect. But know & believe that you can have more & that the universe has more than enough to give you a really wealthy life of abundance in all domains. 

People & life are precious & special & the world is an amazing place to live now. Never has it been easier to access information about almost anything at our fingertips. Being alive is special gift, life itself & your free will to change your focus or choose what you focus on is a gift from God. 

So be glad, focus on being thankful and appreciative. Love yourself completely, like you want to kiss yourself, not narcism or conceit, I am talking about inner love, because if you love yourself the way that God wants you to love yourself, you become free to genuinely love other people, like your spouse or children or neighbors or even random strangers! 

Wake up and write a list of things you are thankful for, of things that you appreciate. For a few minutes every day, imagine what you life will be like when you achieve your goals, to own a better home, to own a better car, to have better clothes, to be a better person. What you imagine become your reality by plastic changes in your brain caused by protein synthesis as your thoughts are transcribed by DNA & epigenetic factors into the structure and function of your brain, your body & your physiology. You were never meant to live in disease, or dis-ease. 

Your body heals, your immune system can heal you of cancers, autoimmune disorders, heart disease, ADHD, autism, demential, Alzheimers, arthritis, you can be healed of any medical disease and disorder. 

You have to imagine your life living free of disease, focus on that idea of a miraculously healing & let it become your reality. Let God move in your life & bring miraculously healing, you just have to get out of the way, stop saying "I can't" and start saying "I accept my healing, I know I am going better, I know that God is healing me, that I was never intended to live with diseases, believe it & make it real, let it become your reality by being a part of your thought. Imagine who you want too become, compare that with who you are, now focus on being thankful for who are you becoming, the wealthier version of you. 

I am not just talking about money & power, I am talking about abundant love in your relationships, improved communication, better social interactions, improved performance in all domains of life, not just income, though you can easily make more money too, if you imagine it & believe that its a part of your future, then visualize it being part of your future, feel the enjoyment of what it will be like and then let it manifest in your life by going with your instincts, with the zeitgeist, in the moment, taking & embracing these opportunities as you attract more abundance into your life by believe that you deserve it. 

You are writing your own story in life, so why not write a better story? Why not imagine having more of what you want? Don't worry about not knowing hot to make it happen, focus on what you really want, visualize it, and let it become real to you! 

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