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More Love People / The Law of Attraction / Praise God & Help Other People & Nature

Let the Love Well Up Inside your Soul & Overflow & Shower It On Other People with Random Acts of Kindness Motivated by the Healing & Restorative Love that God wants to Share with you through Faith in Christ Jesus as Christianity All About Embracing Love, Showing our brothers & sisters compassion, empathy, helping to raise up & lift up our neighbors, random strangers, our friends & family, by sharing the powerful disruptive truth from quantum physics about the Law of Attraction that is confirmed by every chapter in the New Testament of the Christian Bible! 

You are unlimited & have an infinite potential to create unimaginable positive change in the world, in your mind, in your body. You can be healed of incurable diseases. You can heal other people with signs wonders & miracles just like Christ Jesus did when he was alive, inspiring endless generations of people to keep talking about Christ Jesus & to discover Faith in God, who empowered Christ & who wants a relationship with you so that he can affirm you, so that God can teach you that you are loved, beautifully & wonderfully made in his sublime Holy Image, that your soul made of energy that is never destroyed, that you have an afterlife & can go through the narrow gate to Heaven, by becoming a peculiar person applying the Christian Conduct messages & the Law of Attraction thereby! 

You have the power to change your thinking, choices, actions, personality, and character. You can become the best version of you right now by changing your focus to embracing thankfulness, appreciation, greatfulness & positive enjoyable moods & emotions that make you feel better, healing your mind & body as you dwell on God's Holy Word, as you embrace who God says you are in the Holy Bible! 

Everything that Science Elucidating Confirmed by What God Was Saying All Along! Faith & Science are uniting as quantum physics confirms the Holy Word with real world evidence, quantum entanglement of human souls that connect, how mind are connected by quantum electromagnetic wave emission that connect everyone & everything living in the universe, including in other dimensional levels and layers. 

We are going to infinity & beyond right now people. The greatest minds in history applied the Law of Attraction & there are people alive today to who are creating amazing positive change that no for profit corporation could ever make, that no government can ever make, motivate by the Holy Love of God overflowing so they are motivate to help other people any way they can think of! 

I have said that pollution is evil because it results from untrue scarcity mindsets! There is more than enough in the World to make an amazing life for Everyone, especially because not everyone wants the same things. Tell God & the universe what you deep inner wishes are for your life, let your true desires & wants be known & focus on enjoying them with visualization before they are granted to you, so that they can manifest into reality

There is a solid reason, a factual reason why 2% of people control 98% of the income, they are applying the Law of Attraction, many of them motivated by Faith in God to help other people more! 

There are radically more good people in the world than bad people. Most people are just waiting to be unleashed to embrace their unlimited potential to create a utopia by working with other good people to put more love into the world in more ways, helping animals, people, nature, ecosystems, phasing out pollution by upgrading industrial processes with water recycling, air cleaning, ion capture, polymer bead heavy metal capture, sea mining, green hydrogen, clean nuclear fuel breeding, there are so many emergent solutions that if people were enabled by learning the Power of Attraction everything would become better for everyone faster! 

We owe it to our children & all future generations to stop emitting pollutants, pollution & toxic chemicals into the world since everything in Earth's natural ecosystems are connected and nearly everyone implicitly understands this at some level. God tells us to be good stewards of the world, to love & take care of our neighbors, of strangers, of people with different cultures, humbling washing the feet of others without expecting any reward, with humility, treating other people with dignity & respect because you start loving yourself in an honorable fair and balanced way, that causes love to overflow from your soul into random acts of kindness as you become motivated to make a bigger positive impact on the world & and in so doing drawing other people towards you, as they will want to be more like you, they will ask you how you did it and then you can teach them about Faith in God & the Law of Attraction from Quantum Physics! 

We will make Earth a biodynamic Uptopia overflowing with nature & ecosystems working fully the way they did before ignorance & greed driven industrial revolutions started treating the natural world like a toxic waste dump, the people responsible fully understanding that their choice to emit toxins into others peoples air & water would end up poisoning people they love, their family, their children, their spouses & friends, since they implicitly understand that everything in the Biosphere of Earth is connected chemically, since all the chemicals are moved around by the water cycle energized by incoming solar energy evaporating it making clouds that move & rain & snow, that everything in this world in a state of flux & connected, but these polluters hold stingy mindsets of greedy scarcity thinking that inhibit them from understanding and applying the Law of Attraction

I am not just talking about making more money, when you apply the Low of Attraction you get upgrades in every domain of life, but it requires that you jump at the emergent oputunities that the universe presents to you when you start visualizing what you really want & imagining what it will be like to enjoy that radically improved lifestyle, living more fully, more dynamically, exploring, sharing, helping, fixing, enjoying more, you will become able to live so much more interesting lives that you mind will be completely blow if you actually apply the Law of Attraction to embrace good emotional states, shifting your mind to focus on being thankful, appreciative, & loving everything more, including forgiving yourself & other people for trespasses, when they hurt or wronged you ; no sane person hurts another person or animal. 

Sane people help other people & animals. Sane people are out there keeping the world running! Sane rational people applying the Law of Attraction while humbling Praising God with Holy Worship are making all the money, controlling all the money. Its not just empty lives of vanity, these people are living lives that other people think are impossible, they are living the dream, their lives are a utopia of amazingness in all ways, and your life can be too, if you apply the Law of Attraction! 

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