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Vladimir Putin an Evil Psychopathic Maniacal Sicko Guilty of War Crimes & Worse

The Invasion of the Ukraine by Russian Military forces highly immoral & unethical. I stand with the Ukrainian democracy & its independence as a country! Most of the Russian people are angry with Vladimir Putin, because his war against the Ukraine costing the Russian economy an enormous amount, vastly negatively & broadly damaging the Russian economy, while causing crazy costly fallout on the Ukraine, its people & infrastructure & environments heavily damaged, killed & destroyed & degraded because of the munitions the Russian military has bombarded parts of the Ukraine with. Many of the Russian troops disagree with Vladimirs orders, since those Russian troops & many other Russian people in Russia have friends & relatives & family that live in the Ukraine. 

I find it almost unbelievable, the images & video of the fallout & destruction & chaos created by the Russian military complying with crazy Vladimir Putin's orders, the illegitimate self appointed president of Russia, put in power with a sham / scam election with manipulated results in his favor. Consider how the Russian Military personal going around the UK armed to collect votes in favor of annexing parts of the Ukraine back to Russian control & ownership. 

I think what Russia doing to the Ukraine despicable & insane, evil & mean & cruel & vile likes its directly being done by Satan from the pit of hell! 

Vladimir Putin must be criminally insane, a real despot evil leader like Adolf Hitler, Slobodan Milosevic, Mao Zedong, Joseph Stalin, Pol Pot, Leopold II, Kim Ill-Sung, Saddam Hussein, Idi Amin, Mengistu Haile Mariam, and Joseph Mengele. He is a rapist, murderer, hater, negative, jerk, arrogant, narcissistic, and friends with Donald Trump & other sickos & weirdos in other governments. He should be captured, tried for crimes against humanity & then publicly tortured & slowly execute in front of a live global audience, broadcast on every telecom networks so that all people who have access can watch! I think Vladimir Putin must be stoped, and or he will make use of Russian nuclear weapons & kick off world war three WWIII! 

I think the sick evil whack out out crazy people in the CCP in the PRC will take Russia's side in WWIII, that Vladimir Putin would make special deals with the Chinese central politburo or the Politburo of the Chinese Communist Party, the most unethical & immoral murdering sicko government in the world. I am deeply ashamed that any nation trades with china given the kind of evil sick things the government does to Chinese people, with no value for human life or any respect for basic human rights, also the worst polluter & worst destroyer of ecosystems with the highest emissions to toxic substances into nature, the worse energy system dominated by dirty coal power  electricity production plants, that spew insane amounts of particular & radioactive fly ash & other NOX & SOX into the air in China, making it look foul & contaminated like pea soup, such that people wear face masks that are darkened by the fumes & soot in the air. China places money & wealth & economic progress well above human life, respect for ecosystems or nature, its all about how to become the worlds most powerful superpower & dominate as the global power in the future, after WWIII, or at least that what they think their drone cluster fleets will enable, their biological warfare plans, their plans to use engineered viral pathogens, chemical weapons & other things like laser & directed energy devices that break every warfare convention known. That China will stop at nothing to try to take over the world but will be surprised as most other countries join Taiwan, Japan & South Korea to stop Russia & China from becoming the world leading superpower. 

I am disgusted by how China has ruined Hong Kong

The Tiananmen Square Incident or June 4th Incident, what happened before & after it, in 1989, I saw that on TV as a child & instantly knew that the CCP was evil, evil like Satan, demonic evil that seeks to kill, steal & destroy anyway possible, anyone or anything that gets in its way! I think the CCP the most evil government in the world today! Outlawing religion, putting christians in China to death for their religion. Going on a witch hunt to kill off any pro-democracy supporters in China & abroad. China has engaged in every form of unethical warfare, really despicable evil thats hard to describe, but that even makes what is happening in the Ukraine look less terrible by comparison. We are talking about pure evil, the worst kind in the CCP. Insecure loser haters who are vain, glib, materialistic, filled with avarice, jealousy, animosity, hatred, bigotry, racism, murderous intent & worse! 

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