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A Moral Imperative to Broadly Decarbonize

We must stop emitting pollution now, and nuclear reactors offer the safest way to make electricity for 200 billion people for thousands of years with fuel breeding nuclear power reactors that make more fuel than they consume while operating 24/7/365 making clean cheap abundance electricity for everyone to use! Carbon combustion finite, limited, & its immoral to continue burning carbon. Carbon energy is a dead end & everyone knows it! 

Most of the nuclear power reactors operating (~400) around the world today a gigawatt class electricity production facilities on large parcels of land, usually thousands of acres, built using 1960's designs that only make use of 4% of the fissile fuel element fission energy, leaving long lived dangerous actinide waste in the spent fuel rods, which are also made of highly cost iridium alloys to resist corrosion, both from the gamma & neutron flux & the high temperature in water pools operation as rods filled with uranium oxide pellets, assembled into bundles of rods in a rectangular matrix. 

New 4th generation reactors address most of the design problems, fuel problems & waste problems of over 3rd & common 2nd generation reactors. 

Able to burn actinide waste generated by fission as fission products, the new reactors can burn up actinides so that no long lived nuclear waste created during operations. So newer reactors produced shorter lived less radioactive waste, and a lot last waste! 

Reprocessing spent nuclear fuel rods with metal ion processing means that many valuable elements, valuable isotopes, many elements are activated into fissile states & have tremendous value as elements to be used to make new fuel bundles, especially with fertile to fissile conversion done intentionally in breeder reactors to achieve fuel over parity, meaning IFR & similar breeder reactors create more fuel than they consume during operation, can can be consider fuel generating reactors! This means that breeder reactors can make electricity & industrial processing heat to desalinate sea water and to make green hydrogen, for 200 billion + people for many thousands of years. 

Nuclear fission reactors are the safest electricity generating technology by a large margin statistically speaking. Most people can name all the major nuclear accidents, just a few, off the top of their head and count them off with their fingers, since so few reactors have melted down. 

When a reactor first goes critical the core releases a pulse of blue light that is super cool to watch on YouTube videos of reactor startup. There are actually thousands of non electrical generating nuclear reactors used to make medical isotopes & for materials science research, at many universities & business around the world! 

Nuclear fission utilizes super cool applied nuclear physics with industrial production & construction technologies & super cool metal alloys & materials to make fission reactors happen :) I love nuclear energy & especially nuclear power reactors. I even have an electronic geiger-mueller counter and track the background CPM where I live, which is higher than nearby nuclear power reactors I have visited in first person to take measurements. 

This means the granite rocks nearby are releasing more radiation as NORM naturally occurring radioactive minerals, which make coal power emissions especially toxic, since radioactive metal element fly ash oxides are present in coal power soot that is emitted by the thousands of tons into the atmosphere & air nearby coal power plants. This means people living near coal power are breathing in radioactive dust constantly, and like second hand smoke, that increases lung cancer rates near coal power reactors. 

Nuclear reactor waste is tightly contained, very small, compact & the most carefully managed & most highly controlled substance on earth. The government takes great measures to make sure that spent nuclear fuel & nuclear waste are managed with the highest level of security possible, mostly to prevent criminals from acquiring these materials for the construction of a dirty bomb or processing into nuclear weapons materials by illigitmate islamic states who might seek to use an unsanctioned nuclear weapon against Israel or the United State in a terrorist attack. This is known a proliferation risk for spend nuclear fuel & nuclear waste and the main reason for the tight security.This also means that nuclear power plants are not emitting radioactive elements into the air or water nearby, like their dirt coal power counterparts in the commercial power plant space. 

Even solar panels are dirtier than nuclear energy when all of the mining, manufacturing, shipping, installation & end of life recycling of solar panels factored into the analysis. Wind power turbines are eco-toxic because the giant composite fiberglass blades are completely useless heavy complex waste after only 20 years of operation 24/7/365 since small particles in the air slowly erode the blades leading edge. I am surprised they do not put a thin ultra strong ceramic like zirconia as a protective edge on the leading edge of wind power turbines blades to greatly enhance the useful life of these giant fiberglass waste generating products. This makes wind power more environmentally damaging than nuclear power. 

Burning natural gas releases Radon 222 which turns into solid particles of toxic radioactive polonium dust which then turn into toxic lead dust. When people breathe radon gas, it makes polonium & lead dust in their lungs. This means that Radon exposure causes lung cancer, and this has been known for decades! Burning any hydrocarbon produces air pollution emissions that are toxic to humans brain & lung cells, also widely known for a long time. 

Burning biomass & biofuels also releases toxic air pollution. This means that all forms of combustion are bad for public & environmental health. The gigaton emissions of CO2 is making climate change worse faster & making storm systems more powerful. With human emission of air pollutants, health cares cost rise because those pollutants cause diseases. 

Diesel is Dead in the Passenger Car Space

But all forms of carbon combustion are doomed. Almost no motorcycles use diesel fuel & the dieselgate emissions scandal at VW caused the entire automotive industry to abandon diesel engine technology. Today electric vehicles & hybrid vehicles are being developed because they offer superior fuel economy, lower emissions & are a less toxic transportation solution, especially since EV' batteries can be recycle to recover costly valuable nickel, cobalt, copper, lithium, gold, silver, steel alloys, aluminum, manganese & many other elements & valuable materials can be recovered during the end of life scrapping or recycling of older electric passenger vehicles. 

Combustion is bad for the environment because the air pollutants emitted when things are burned end up forming acid rain as the NOX & SOX dissolve in rain droplets forming nitric & sulfuric acid. Acid rain is toxic to bodies of water & thus combustion causes commercial losses in fishing industry. 

Acid raid causes corrosion of common building materials, materials in roadways, bridges, homes, rooftops, vehicle bodies, metal pipes & water pipes, electric conduit tubes & many other parts of infrastructure that would last a lot longer if people were not causing acid rain by burning things that emit air pollutant toxic to human & environmental health. 

We are phasing out combustion technology worldwide with the widespread legal adoption & commercial adaptation & implementation of decarbonization technologies, manly to electrify & empower transportation, but also to radically reduce air pollution. We owe it to our future, our children, grandchildren & all future generations to stop emitting pollution. 

Air & Water pollution are immoral and unethical because they represent profits above people. Companies that emit pollutants are using things that damage public health to improve their profits. This means that many company profits are actually generating public harm, damaging peoples health. 

Consider all the pesticides sprayed in agriculture. These pesticides are carcinogens that end up in people water & food, such that scientists are now able to detect pesticide in peoples hair, meaning these neonictinoids are entering the body & staying in the body. Research from Japan shows that pesticide exposure caused fetal development problems, giving rise to preventable retardation & thus further increasing healthcare costs. So the pesticide manufacturers profit ends up costing health insurance payers more money. That should make people & government accountable enough to ban toxic pesticides quickly. 

This means that pollution should be banned quickly. We owe it to ourselves & each other & our children to stop polluting. This means we have moral obligation to develop more nuclear reactors, since they are the cleanest safest & most renewable way to make electricity without emitting toxic pollutants. This is why I like Nuclear Power as an environmental. 

Consider you dogs & cats & other animals, birds or reptiles, everything that breathes is harmed by air pollutants! This means many common cancers & brain disorders are caused by pollution exposure. This means that a few people are profiting greatly at the expense of everyone else, giving other people diseases, suffering, pain & increasing healthcare costs. 

Even the people profiting from pollution are being harmed by the pollutants they are responsible for emitting. This means that only a psychopath would habitually sin by ongoing application of greed to fuel profits while fully knowing that doing so it hurting & killing other people, animals & nature. 

Carbon combustion is a dead end, literally and figuratively. We cannot afford to keep polluting Earth's biosphere where everyone lives, where all food & air & water are regenerated by natural ecosystems. We cannot continue burning the world down for economic progress that makes life worse for everyone, that is insanity & must be stopped! 

This is why there is an urgent global need for broad decarbonization in all sectors, in every country, in every industrial process, in all manufacturing, everything needs to be radically more electrified, especially transportation, aircraft, ships, trucks, mining equipment, passenger vehicles, we need more electric vehicles of all kinds with better batteries for more people all around the world, recharged with power generated at nuclear power plants that do not emit pollution! 

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