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Allergies from Fear & a Way to Freedom from Allergies

Scientific research shows that some allergies are related to fear, the negative emotion, especially dread or inhibitory chronic fear, a kind of stress that can set off the immune system reacting to pollen or other common irritants with a histamine response that gives rise to allergy symptoms, runny noise, itchy eyes, itchy skin, rashes, flushing, redness, pain, irritation, soreness, sore throat, nasal drainage, eye drainage, things that cause people to use expensive allergy medications, when sometimes those allergies are actually caused by FUD or fear uncertainty & doubt.

Say these things with me, out loud, right now! 

"I am not allergic to anything, I am beautifully and wonderfully made, all of my body cells self assembled & life is magical beyond anyones ability to describe it all." 

"I see mystery & hold a sense of awe at the precious special beauty in all forms of Life on Earth and value & appreciate myself & other people."

"I am not afraid of anything or anyone."

"I have the power to become stronger, more intelligent, to learn & develop new skills, to become more than what I though I was capable of previously."

"I know that I hold strange beliefs that are untrue, that I do not have all the answers and that is ok." 

"I know that I can make a positive contribution to make the world a better place." 

"I will do my best to do my socially accountable duty to other people & to my country & God, to be morally straight, ethically honest with personal integrity, and vow to do the right thing even when other people are not watching."

"I choose to let go of the past & forgive people who have hurt or wronged me, because I know that forgiveness is healing to my mind & body."

I love myself, I love life & I am learning to love other people & animals & nature more."

"I will become better at energy conservation, recycling & doing my part to make my community & home, city, state, country & the world as a whole, a better place to live!"

Placebo Effect Powerful 

To understand why, consider the placebo effect & the power of beliefs whether factually true or untrue in nature. When study participants take placebos believing that they are getting the real powerful medication in pharmaceutical studies, the research see the same or similar percentage of patients benefiting from the placebo as the percentage of other study participants who got the pharmacologically active substance or drug being studied in the clinical trials. 

Over long periods of times & many different studies, it was proven scientifically that placebo effect was real, that the power of belief can cause a person's body & mind to respond with physiological changes that can solve many disease pathway imbalances or cell signaling cascade dysfunction, hormonal disruptions, autoimmunity, and many other diseases and disorders that result from the brain sending out stress hormones & other signaling molecules in response to "certain kinds of fear thinking" 

Mind Body Connection

It is also important to understand that the mind body connection already firmly established as an axiomatic fact in medicine & physiology, such that some kinds of thinking can raise blood pressure & other kinds of thinking can lower blood pressure. 

Some kinds of thoughts can cause fear, uncertainty & doubt, other kinds of thought create appreciativeness, thankfulness, forgiveness and other healing positive thoughts that make people confident, kind, compassionate such that people who embrace mindfulness taking captive every thought and comparing it with what kinds of thought help & what kinds of thoughts harm, so that they do not engage in reactionary thinking, instead responding to life with cool, calm, collected, smooth, reasonable, fair & balanced responses, being slow to anger & quick to understanding & forgiveness, actively letting go of the small things & focusing on what really add's value, love, other people, or friends & family & pets & animals, flavors, aromas, experiences, focusing on enjoying life since its temporary and especially because we are all running out of time! 

Encouragement & Motivational Ideology

So try to make the best of your time alive, being the best version of you with high quality thinking that elevates your character, emotions, moods & personality to brighter higher states that will foster better social connectivity, better relationships with other people, better learning, better sleep, better energy levels, better memory function, better executive function, better balance, better coordination, making you feel better all the time, liberating & freeing your mind with healthy thinking, healthy choices, so that you engage in healthy actions like exercise, so that you stay hydrated by drinking enough water to protect your brain & kidneys, so that you eat enough fiber & healthy fats & try to avoid abusing sugar, alcohol, tobacco & if you do drink or smoke or eat candy or soda, to do so in balanced moderation sparingly, to add just a touch of variety spice to life, not to be drunk or intoxicated, make it about enjoyment, about having a special time, about making the best of your finite time alive. 

Everyone Unique & Valuable

What's true for you surely not true for other people, your unique & special & precious, beautifully & wonderfully made. Your body self assembled from genetic & epigenetic information from your parents DNA, using elements & molecules from foods that come from nature as the raw ingredients to make up all your cells. Life is amazing because all living things on Earth self assemble with molecular machinery that makes cells work. Inside every cell thousands of enzymes going thousands of miles per hour are making hundreds of chemical reactions happen every second at just above room temperature.

Appreciation From Understanding

The more you understand about biology & botany & environmental science, medicine & physiology, cytology, chemistry & physics, the more you will appreciate how amazingly complicated life is, with an awe inspired sense of joy at the magical mystery of it all, that no one can explain entirely. That's why people have faith in things hoped for, and evidence of things unseen-  because they want to see that special sparkle, that magical joy that inspires people to keep going, giving people something to live for, positive beliefs, healthy attitudes, enabling perspectives, so they can be constantly holding a "can-do-attitude" & making it happen the best that they can to help other people more in any way they can imagine. 

Inspirational Motives 

I hope to inspire you like this, not just to think about it, but also to make plans about how to make it happen & then just do it, make it happen, make the world a better place than when you entered it by helping your bothers & sisters in mankind more, especially since all people and really everything is connected, even though most people barely understand it yet! 

I share this posting with you with the hope that it will help you, healing your mind & in so doing making your body healthier! This is a way that I can help other people, by teaching powerful facts that I learn by reading intelligent wise writing in the Bible & in medicine & physiology text books, on wikipedia, from psychology & psychiatry, from peer reviewed journal articles & scientific research papers! 

Think FACTS! Not fake news. Real Information published with personal integrity, honesty & factual truth backed by empirical scientific research repeated by many teams around the world with the same or similar results, that show that nuclear energy the cleanest & safest way to make electricity for examples, but also that Nuclear Fission Reactors with Fuel Breeding Cycle hav the best long term ROI or returns on invents of any investment! That's right, fission reactors pay back investors 9000% or more, if the investors are willing to have there funds tied up for 20 years. Investors did that for, so they can easily do it investing in nuclear energy to benefit their children & grandchildren.

Stop Climate Change with Nuclear Reactors 

I want people to start making choices right now that will make life better for people in 200 years. We need to embrace long term planning! Especially because of climate change happening right now. We need to think about and anticipate and plan for natural hazards & disasters, like flooding & drought, tidal waves, hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes & similar tropical storms, landslides, sink holes, movement of the plates in Earth's mantle, floating on the molten core of magma in Earth's core! 

CO2 Pollution Preventable : Renewable Breeder Reactors 

We have the answers & technology & solutions available right now to make 4th Gen. Breeder reactors phase out coal power, to energize electric vehicles charging 24/7/365 with new intelligent actinide burning fission that makes less nuclear waste, short lived waste, safer waste that is all tightly contained, compact and managed with the highest security possible; very unlike coal & natural gas, gasoline & diesel emission that blow around as air pollution harming peoples lungs, causing acid rain & worse, making climate change worse faster & making storm systems more energetic. Releasing that much CO2 obviously making the climate & weather change! 

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