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Mr Nobody & Vanilla Sky & The Matrix : Sci-fi Drama Philosophical Reflections

How do you even know that you are real? How do you know that you exist? What if what you think about reality turns out to be completely wrong? How can you know for sure that what you believe is right, true, or factually correct?

The science fiction dram movie titles from the title of this blog posting explore these epistemological questions about the very nature of reality, human brains inside liquid filled bone containers call a scull where no light & hardly any sound can reach, where tastes & smells are not sensed. 

Instead brain connected nerves link the eyes for sight, the nasal bulb for smell, the tongue for taste, and nerves in the skin for feeling, balancing, proprioception, the spinal & CNS forming a local area network like a LAN connected two the gut neuron network & brain neuron network to for a whole body information processing. 

The brain also controls IO or input output control to articulate skeletal muscles for balance & to enable movement or locomotion of the body. The brain handles the adaptive plastic information, predictive analytics, & other executives functions required to learn, remember information, to execute or do the things we think about, which are also at the same time being encoded by proteins synthesis into the structure and function of the brain that is constantly changing both its structure and function in response to what the person does, see's, hears, smells, tastes, or experiences. 

The brain the changes itself as we develop from a single cell, the gamete fusion our our parents, giving us a new distinctive DNA combination, and unique epigenetic conditions that result in every person being slightly different. We learn things from people we spend time with, as children from our parents & siblings, at school from teachers, and student peers, from our friends, from song lyrics, from movies, from books that we read, from our smartphones. We learn things online, on YouTube videos, Brilliant and other educational websites, when we search products on EBAY or do product research before buying on Amazon or Alibaba or other e-commerce websites. When we driver a motor vehicle, ride a motorcycle, walk, run, operate a bicycle, go skiing or snowboard, wakeboarding, when we are fling aircraft or operating a train or school bus, even when we are sleeping, our brain is constantly adapting, the brain that continually changes itself. 

That's why taking control of your mind so important, because capturing every thought enables you to perform analytics to determine if that thought aligns with what you know to be true about yourself or the world, if that is a healthy thought that makes you feel better, enabled, improves you life, results in good outcomes, so that you can self test your thoughts and thinkings in real time, by being slower to speak, slow to become upset, being thoughtful, considerate & aware of how what you do affects other people, being socially conscientious & polite, fair, honest & reasonable when interacting with other people who you deliberately treat with dignity & respect! 

I have been telling my lovely wife Meg for years that I can remember existing before my body, in heaven, next to God, as an energetic being without a physical body. I think the spark that occurs when the sperm & egg fuse into a new person might actually be the soul entering the body. That's my personal belief & I have no evidence to support these claims. I am only one data point among billions of people, but it does feel like I have lived on Earth in a past life before, several times actually. The one that sticks out the most is a collection of memories about living in Persia in the 13th century as a lonely single nobleman, very wealthy but without a single genuine friend & single without a wife or girlfriend. I remember feeling alone & isolated, willing to trade my money & all my stuff for a life of poverty with more live. I remember being an old man, waiting to die alone, feeling sad & depressed looking back at my life of hedonistic pursuits, flights of fancy & endless temporary pleasures. 

I have told Meg that I feel like we are living in a simulation, testing simulator, some kind of dimensional transition state, where just above this dimensions there exists a better dimension of endless clean energy, faster than light travel, limitless knowledge & information about everything & infinite ability to move around, to travel, to learn & grow, without every being tired, without a physical body, just energy & information comprising the soul, sorta like the mind exists as transient electrochemical gradients operating on brain neuron glial cell hardware, that emit quantum magnetic signals like NFC or Bluetooth that other people nearby can feel or detect with non verbal communication. 

I furthermore believe that all human minds are connected to an information stream, like the worldwide web, but something much more vast like a universal scale blockchain that records information about every single thought, event, such that all phenomenon are recorded & encoded into the stream that anyones mind can access instantly if they know how to channel access to it though careful meditation or prayer. I believe that God sometimes opens a persons mind to be able to access the absolute truth about everything, or a narrow slice of it. 

I was badly injured in 2013, laying in bed, praying to God very intensely, with my eyes closed, when this scintillating liner green laser like scanning started passing over my body, kind of like a photo scanner, up and down, causing miraculous healing in multiple organs & cell grounds, restoring my muscles & skeletal system & brain. It was a profoundly bright intense vivid green laser scanner like light that was progressively scanning my body for what felt like several minutes. I then felt really tired & fell asleep, waking the next day feeling amazing without any pain or stiffness, sharp as a tack mentally, physically stronger & really good overall. 

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