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Sugar a Dose Dependent Toxic, Unnatural, & Highly Refined Substance / SAD DIET Problems

Too much sugar & simple carbohydrate consumption a toxic mess emblematic of the expensive health problems created by the SAD or standard American or Western Diet // 

ACNE, CANCER, Chronic Inflammation, Dementia & Alzheimers Disease 

Sugar fueling acne, cancer, auto immune disorders & other diseases & its completely un-natural & our bodies are not genetically equipped to handle something so toxic thats only been in the human diet for about 10 generations since the first industrial revolution. Today many diseases & disorders affecting people of all ages can be sourced to origins in unhealthy diets & not enough physical movement or activities emblematic of sedentary lifestyles. Too much blood sugar from eating sugars fuel plague formation that are the core mechanism or causal factor of dementia & Alzheimers diseases.

Fasting Can Help

Interval fasting & semi-annual longer fasts can reset problems created by sugar consumption & must be followed by intelligent diet changes to eat more veggies & only low glycemic index fruits & moderate amounts of protein from healthy sources & more omega 3 fats & less omega-6 fats & more fiber & water air digestion & stay hydrated. Modifying diet with this information will promote cell health & fasting will rejuvenate your cells by helping them clear out metabolites & debris & enter a more youthful state, literally anti-aging & rolling back the clock on your life! Most health adults can fast for 3+ days & slightly longer like 5 to 7 days achieves the full benefits of fasting & enhance full autophagy cleanup & removal of cancer cells & cell debris & waste from the body by enabling those wastes to be consumed as fuel while rebuilding other cells & fixing & repairing cells during feeding after the fast over with. 

Careful After Fasting First Few Meals 

Start with a bone broth meal, then simple soup & stew meals, then low glycemic fruits & veggies & then slowly small serving of nuts & seeds & then meat & fish & poultry. Make sure to drink 20oz of water before eating the first time & for the next 10 meals after fasting to help hydrate & soften up the flesh in your stomach & intestines so they can slowly warm up to help digest your full interval fasting diet. Slowly warming up your gut helps protect the gut biome. Introduce probiotic foods & fermented foods & healthy proteins in their natural state & healthy fats & fiber from veggies & drink enough water to stay well hydrated! 

Fructose a Liver Toxin at Higher Doses 

Sucrose consumption increasing inflammation in the body while fructose harms the liver. Historically humans only got a little fruit in the fall or autumn to fatten up before winter famine or food shortage during the winter happened. Today people are eating processed junk foods, candy, soda pop, desert items & other sugar rich & simple high glycemic index carb rich foods that turn into elevated blood sugars that cause elevated insulin levels & then insulin resistance & then pre-diabetes then Type 2 diabetes

Higher Blood Sugars Promote Skin ACNE 

Sugar consumption makes acne of the skin worse & fuels proliferating cancer cells. Consuming sugars increases blood sugars which fuels tumor cells & other cancer cells. Sugars make acne worse by increasing sebum production in the hair follicles & then promoting faster cell turnover in the cells lining the hair follicle. As these follicle lining cells mix with the sebum skin oil, they form a white head plug that oxidizes to a black head as O2 from air oxidizes the mix. This cell sebum plug blocks the pore, causing it to swell with inflammation & then other skin mechanism fill it with apocrine fluids & immune cells to quench the resulting infection when bacteria start to eat the cell sebum mix, further contaminating the clogged pore. 

Blood Sugars Fuel Cancer Cells 

Sugar fuels cancer cells by elevating blood glucose levels, which increase inflammation in the body while giving cancer cells their preferred fuel while suppressing autophagy by modulating ILF-1A & PI3K & RAS & other biochemical cascade feedback axis balances to an out of balance state. 

Unnatural & No Human Genetic Mechanism to Handle Modern Diets 

We are not genetically equipped to handle the toxic effects of the western diet, lacking fiber & water & healthy fats like monounsaturated & having too much omega-6 & not enough omega-3. We were never meant to sit around all day & sedentary lifestyles are associated with higher consumption of nutritionally deficient processed junk foods & food stuffs or semi-edible & hard to digest foods that are implicated in digestive diseases like leaky gut or inflammatory bowl disorders.

Real Meat & Veggies & Fruit in the Autumn or Fall

People were never meant to consume refined sugars or simple carbs with a high glycemic index present in bread, rice & pasta. When people ate animal flesh in the Paleolithic era, they also consumed it with the vitamins A, D, E & K that are fat soluble in the animal flesh fat naturally present in meat (beef), fish & poultry. Processing foods now removes these fats & degrades the vitamins present. 

Organic Throughout History Until Recently

Fruits were 100 organic & natural until we invented pesticides & herbicides & GMO to cope with challenges in the green-revolution that improve agricultural output of foods ingredients to feed billions of people with huge industrial mono-crops that are neither renewable or sustainable because of soil runoff problems & toxic chemical applied in ignorant pest management strategies that are not biological or biodynamic & consist of toxic chemicals that improve evolution rates of the target pest insect. 

Drinks Important Too, Drink Water in Reusable Bottles

People only drank water & beer & tea & coffee until modern engineer beverages in portable containers became available, like the plastic pollution problem of single use plastic water bottles not recycle & left in the oceans to become part of the ocean trash problems. We have a space trash problems from similar ignorant thinking. 

Doctors on YouTube Teaching People Biochemisty & Medical Science

Many doctors like Dr. Robert Lustig are on YouTube trying to educate people about why sugar toxic when its consumed in abundance. Dose makes the difference. A small amount of sugar fine. Its the over consumption of sugars & simple carbs that causes metabolic syndrome disease like diabetes, some cancers, high blood pressure, auto-inflammatory disorders & skin disorders & gut disorders & even brain disorders related to dementia & Alzheimers plaques & glucotoxicity to neurons & glial cells in the human brain & CNS. Please checkout Dr. Jason Fung's videos & books too! 

Fasting & Interval Fasting / Autophagy while Sleeping Important 

Fasting for 3-7 days twice a year & interval fasting by only eating lunch one way to reduce body weight & improve health from a previous lifestyle of over eating all the wrong things at the wrong times of day. When we eat before bed, our body cannot enter ketosis or autophagy when sleeping. Much of the repair mechanism of the body happen during sleep. This is why sleep disorders are unhealthy. Not enough sleep inhibit cell repair processes. Thankfully water fasting & interval fasting & staying fit & hydrated & eating real whole natural organic foods associated with reduced risks of all sorts of diseases. 

Movement is Life 

Sitting around a lot not what our muscles & brain & bones & joints were made for / nature designed people to move so that we could hunt & make tools & use tools to hunt & then shape the world around us by actively applying the tools & learning to innovate our ways of operating or lifestyles progressively until we reached the industrial revolution where carbon was exploited to replace human labor & it became possible for people to eat without working physical much & possible for people to sit around to read my blog postings or for me to write them // I went for a walk after waking up this morning for about 30 minutes. I am going to go hiking for a few hours later today when my wife wakes up & ready to go. I am at 47 hrs of water fasting & feeling great. 


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