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Not All Calories The Same :: Insulin Stores Sugars As Body Fat

Not all calories are the same. Insulin the hormone that stores sugar as body fat! Obesity caused by excess intake of sugars & simple carbs. Metabolic diseases, many cancers & other disorders are caused by over-eating carbohydrates & not getting enough fiber or healthy fats or water. Nutrition simple but complicated which is why I take a multivitamin & D3 supplement & drink lots of water // 


When you consume fructose your body makes your liver convert it to LDL fats in your blood stream that get stored as body fat & a kind of plaque that damages arteries through arteriosclerosis or the narrowing of your vascular blood distribution system that increases your blood pressure while also increasing your risks of clotting stroke or embolism

Glucose Cell Fuel

When you consume simple carbs or sucrose or glucose, nearly all the free sugars released into your body via these components can be utilized by nearly every cell in the body, brain, muscles, organs, flesh. The problem with glucose because of glucose toxicity when too many high glycemic carbs consumed without fiber or health fats or quality proteins in an imbalance cheap diet of simple carbs & sugars & highly processed foods not good to consume in excess or too often. 

3 Meals Per Day Fake News

Not normal, healthy & our body not equipped to handle a constant onslaught of food. When you eat 100 calories of food the body has to do a ton of work to absorb energy, using up to 60 calories to consume & break down & absorb the food molecules into cells for fuel & as ingredients for repairs of cell & cell replacements. 

Think One Meal Per Day

Historically, people only ate 1 meal per day until a few thousand years ago. 250 years ago we started eating more processed foods & that never gave our body a chance to keep up with the changes in diet. We are talking about a mere 10 generations when the body through genetic transfer & heritable trait pass down takes 1000 generations or more to adapt to structural changes in diet as severe & intense as the ultra-processed low fiber high sugar foods & fast foods people frequently over-eat in America

Paleolithic Sleep Hunt Eat Sleep

Think cave people life, when a person living in a cave long ago was to eat, there was no processed foods. They would wake up & not eat breakfast, maybe water if they were lucky, then they would go hunting for meat & when they got a kill they would eat it then, fresh, or carry it home to cook over fire in the cave. Once the sun set, without artificial light, melatonin increased & the cave dweller became tire & slept during the night. Wake up & repeat, maybe some seasonable berries or fruit, but never anything like what people eat today // 

Food Pyramid False Lies 

If you were to eat the way the American Food Pyramid says you should, it would make you fat & sick with metabolic disease like Type 2 diabetes, heart disease & high blood pressure. The Food Pyramid fake news or lies & you can not count on the government for sound medical advice about diet or nutrition. 

Not All Carbs Similar 

Complex carbohydrates are better than simple carbs because they are less prone to create sharp spikes in your blood glucose levels associated with obesity, pre-diabetes, insulin resistance, Hyperinsulinemia & other related metabolic syndrome disorders like dementia & Alzheimers & autism which share common causal bases in glucose toxicity, a cell disorder caused when cells are forced to exclusively burn glucose in the CNS, brain & nerves, etc. 

Ketogenic Cell Fuel Cleaner Burning 

Ketone bodies created by a ketogenic diet or ultra low carb diet created when your body starts utilizing fats for energy by creating BHA & AAA in your liver. These cleaner burning ketones can fuel your brain & body & muscles & organics & other cells with ketones that do not produce the toxic problems associated with exclusive utilization of glucose. 

Medical Facts & Science on YouTube 

Dr. Jason Funk, Dr. Robert Lustig, Dr. Annette Bosworth, & Dr. Pradip Jamnadas are on YouTube trying to explain fasting, keto diet, intermittent fasting, glucose toxicity, fructose toxicity, healthy fats, your metabolism, effective weight loss & metabolic tuning. There are many other people online trying to teach you how to overcome the nasty toxic effects of eating too often & all the wrong ratios of food nutrients associate with the American died of ultra processed junk foods that are causing disease rates to increase & driving up healthcare costs in America. 

Western Died Diseases Largely Preventable 

Preventable diseases are the hallmark outcome of the SAD or Standard American Diet & a boon to sickness focused, illness treating wester medicine with questionable dosing of small molecules with many side effects, often prescribed in toxic mixes with other small molecules, something that often causes drug overdoses & fatal interactions that frequently kills people of notoriety & fame, but many others are harmed, taking one drug to treat one disease only to get another disease from taking that drug that requires yet another drug /// a sic vicious negative toxic feedback loop complicated by the fact that ever person has a unique genome & biome that influences how they body respond to different compounds, molecules, drugs, diets, et. cetera // 

Biologics & Lifescience Medicine 

Lifescience & cell cytokine signaling pathways, axis, feedback loops, receptor, agonists, antagonist, vesicles, production of neurotransmitters & hormones, neurogenesis, bone remodeling, muscle growth, vascular development, healing & repair, all cell processes are mediated by cell signaling, peptides, hormones, regulatory molecules, ejection fractions, small molecules created by cell metabolism like metabolites, liver enzymes & more. The body super cool system of biomolecules in systems of systems with eco-systems inside & out know as the skin & gut biome. 

Cell Signaling Key / Regeneron Pharmaceuticals ^^ 

We are entering a life science era & slowly moving away from small molecular pharmaceuticals to more effective custom tuned biologic medications with greater efficacy & fewer side effects // thanks largely to the science created by the founder of Regeneron, scientist George Yancopoulos, whose theory of cell signaling & protein kinase complex basis of disease turned out to be factually correct in medical science of disease origins, cell signaling cascade imbalances that knock cell systems out of balance into dysfunction states that cause many different diseases & medical disorders. 

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