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Fasting Theory & Science

One of the problems making people sick in industrialized countries constant overeating & obesity & metabolic syndrome diseases I briefly write about in the context of Interval Fasting & Fasting I learned about in this YouTube video ->  "The Science of Fasting" 

Overeating SAD Diet Disorders & Diseases Expensive 

Diabetes, cancers, insulin resistance, glucose toxicity to brain cell, obesity, joint damage, inflammation & worse, many diseases of civilization originate in food trends of the SAD or standard American diet, a diet missing fiber & healthy monounsaturated fats & having too much sugars & fast to turn into blood sugar carbs from bread rice & pasta & beers (liquid bread) & candy & other junk & ultra-recessed food stuffs that resemble real whole natural foods but are missing many essential nutrients & healthy components present in raw real fruit & veggies & healthy animal & plant fats & fiber & water & enzymes that help with digestion like those present in raw milk. 

Disaster Relief Medicine in America 

Western medicine operates in a disaster relief mode of treating people who are already really sick with disease from metabolic syndrome disorders that start with insulin resistance & proceed to pre-diabetes & then type 2 diabetes. I was eating like an average American & gave myself Type 2 diabetes over the corse of about 8 years, observing higher & high blood glucose levels, joint pain, loss of energy levels, tiredness & inflammation of my joints & connective tissue, particularly in my ankles which gives me great pain & suffering even now, even through I have addressed the dietary problems that gave me diabetes in the first place & by taking diverted metformin that my wife Meg gives me. 

Fastic App on iOS 

I am interval fasting right now with the help of an iOS app called Fastic developed by a German smartphone app developer to help people with interval fasting & fasting training daily! Its a wonderful app even in its free form & offers much more for a small monthly fee if you're into that kind of thing. 

More Water, No Food 

Fasting means no food & just water consumption. Straight black coffee or tea without anything added is ok if your into that stuff. I drink coffee every morning since my brother-in-law Drake died suddenly & unexpectedly. I needed the boost to overcome grief & depression. Drake was my HAM radio mentor & helped me obtain my Technician License from the FCC. KJ7IOF if you catch me on air, 73 brothers & sisters! 

Time Interval Fasting

Interval fasting starts with something like 14 hours without eating & a 10 hour eating window. More advanced forms have 16 hours fasting & 8 hour eating window. Longer fasts can extend to an entire day or multiple days. I started fasting with a 4 day long fast followed by a conversion to a ketogenic diet to undo Type 2 diabetes that had my fasting glucose level as high as 347, way too high. My A1C score rose from 4.9 to 8.6 when I developed Type 2 diabetes. I was desparate for a non drug solution when I was searching YouTube for videos about the metabolism when I found "The Science of Fasting" / I have it playing in the background now while I write this article. |

Fasting for Health Reasons

I was never fasting to lose weight, I was fasting to lower my blood glucose levels & reduce visceral fat around my organs that was making me feel tired & sick in a progressive & worsening way before I interviewed with ketogenic diet & fasting & interval fasting, encouraged by Meg & other YouTube personality who make videos about these topics like Dr. Jason Fung the nephrologist from Canada that explains how the human metabolism works or Dr. Robert Lustic the cardiologist from America who teaches people about sugar overdose toxicity & especially content from Dr. Annette Bosworth 

Fasting Good 

Doctors trained by western medicine find it difficult to accept that short term hunger actually helps the body by inducing autophagy or a cell cleanup process that removes cell waste junk & cancer cells from the body. They worry about acidosis crisis & tell diabetic people they cannot fast, but this not factual or true. 

Diabetic People Can Fast Safely If They Learn How

People who have Type 2 diabetes often benefit from fasting & by reducing saturated fat & increasing fiber & water consumption & adding healthy fats & other ketogenic concepts to their food & drink choices & behaviors, especially understand food serving sizes & what causes a food over eating coma or tiredness after overeating at a feast celebration like Thanksgiving // in America where obesity & Type 2 diabetes & high blood pressure & heart disease. 

Fasting with Type 1 Diabetes Possible 

My wife who is Type 1 diabetic also learned how to fast via a book for Type 1 diabetic people about cytogenesis & autophagy cell cleanup processes initiated by food deprivation. Faced with starvation the brain sends out an alert, & therapeutic effects resulting help the patients body to clear out cell junk & start burning itself in a ketogenic fat burning state as digestion enters a state of rest since food intake cessation commenced. 

Some muscle & protein are consumed during the first 48 hours as the body uses gluoconeogenisis to make blood sugars in the liver to stabilize blood glucose levels to support brain function & muscle function. Special fat burning activated by enzymes related to the body operating without food energy as it must use stored fats from previous food consumption as energy to power the brain & muscles. 

Fasting Gives Digestive System Rest

One of the most powerful & wonderful parts of fasting after the body adapts to feeling hunger, the digestive system rest from bloating & gas & discomfort that many people feel from eating processed junk foods & fast foods & other SAD or standard American diet foods missing fiber & healthy fats & containing too many high glycemic index carbohydrates & sugars. 

Metabolite Clearance Modes

Autophagy means that cells consume themselves, derived from a greek word describe self consumption associated historically with weight loss or body mass reduction associated with prolonged fasting or absence of food consumption for many days or weeks in antiquity, either due to a food shortage or for religious observation or as prescribed by a greek physician at the time. 

When we eat foods, microbes in our gut help to break down the chewed up saliva activated digestion process that makes a stream of small biomolecules that the body must use to make cells, to perform cell repairs & all of the other cryogenic functions of cells systems & organs & flesh!

Constantly over eating & never gives your body a break from food & drinks containing food energy makes the body work overtime to processes stuff & never gives your body a chance to perform cleanup & maintenance & repairs needed for healing & recovery to slow down aging & reverse the formation of some diseases of civilization related to eating too much too often & junk foods missing fiber & healthy fats & being dehydrated // 

Watch "The Science of Fasting" video, link in the header of this post & learn more about Fasting & how it can help some people to live a happier healthier life

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