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Economy of the USA in a Downturn *About to Take a Dump worse than 2008*

Telsa Motors started selling Model S, Model 3, Model X, and Model Y new at 20-40% discounts to stimulate sales, lowering their profit margins on each unit from ~26% to ~17% angering investors in Telsa Stock TSLA & people who recently purchased new Tesla EV's at full price before the discounts.

Buyers of the Cyber Truck also have to sign a special end user agreement that prevent them from selling their new 2024-25 MY Cyber Truck for an entire year to prevent scalping or selling them at a premium to other buyers further out on the waiting list. 

Scalping Products on Waiting Lists

Some sleazy people do this, they get in on an early deposit for a new very popular emerging product, then as soon as they get theirs, they immediately list it for 20-50% more than the full purchase price to make a quick profit at someone else's expense. 

Failing Fiat Currencies

Fiat Currencies like the Euro, RMB & USD are losing value rapidly now in a kind of hyperinflation style loss of the average person's buying power or purchasing parity, making all of life's basics proportionately more expensive for the general public, normal families, and even high-income earners or the upper middle class or lower upper class income earners. 

Real Estate Debacle Unfolding

Home prices in many US cities & other developed locals in wealthier nations are so expensive that working families are being forced to move away from these cities, it what could reasonably be called extensive gentrification. 

Rent prices for even a basic apartment nearby, with utilities & parking can cost north of $2,000 per month. (See King County Real Estate Bubble 2023) / this is in part because inventories for homes listed still 45% lower than pre-Covid19 levels, causing bidding wars on used home purchases. 

Upside Down Mortgages

Many recent home buyers will find themselves upside down with mortgages, having recently overpaid for a home as the bottom falls out of the real estate markets in America. This means people will owe the banks more than they can sell their homes for, or negative equity, especially when factoring in closing costs of actually selling the home down the road or in the future. 

Economic Inverse Precious Metal Investing

Buy Gold, Platinum, Silver, Cobalt, Nickle, Mercury, Rhodium, Palladium, when value low, sell the metals when value high & cash in on the inverse relationship between the economic health & metal prices. When the economy sick or going downhill the metal prices climb. When the economy recovering strength or going strong the price of precious metals declines. 

If you look at precious metal prices, they tend to have a negative correlation with the strength of a currency or the economy & industrial military complex that issues that fiat currency, like the Pentagon & the USD respectively vs the cost of Gold or Silver. As the USD weakens the precious metals become more expensive. 

Many precious metal investors hedge bet against the economy by buying precious metals when the currency strong at lower prices per once, then when the currency weakens & the value of the precious metal surges, the high liquidity of the metal coins or bars means that hedging metal better can cash out the metal for lots of the devalued currency to pay as good against all public & private debts, in God We Trust like the United States Dollars :) 


Mark my words, by 2025 the US Economy will be in shambles, automobile sales will radically decline, currency inflation will increase, the price of food & fuel will climb rapidly, and large swaths of the middle class in America will be destroyed. 

Layoffs will increase as unemployment surges. The state will send out stimulus payments & alternative minimum income to people on unemployment, like they did during covid as the economy tanks worse than the 2008 mortgage market failure epidemic did, in a way that causes many world economies that adopted fiat currencies to also experience radical economic loses. 

It's going to make the future harder, less nice, more expensive & more unfair. Income inequality will continue increasing, as will merger & Acquistion monopoly formation. The words first Trillionaires will emerge as the wealthiest individuals in the world, a few of whom will have more money personally than even developed larger whole country economies. 

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