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2038 Electrical Power Dead Worldwide

 In 2026 General Electric shows off Singularity Power technology that makes use of tiny manmade black holes to create continual vacuum energy generating to make continuous electric current flow so abundantly that as market penetration increases towards complete diffusion that replaces all other power & energy technologies. We are talking about energy density of synthetic singularities made in particle accelerators, at CERN in 2004, on accident, 2 million times more energy dense than plutonium. For 10 years from 2027 till 2037 nearly limitless electricity makes all people very wealthy, creates a strong global universal currency or money system, untold wealth & provides the solution to all space trash and ocean and air pollution. Singularity Energy also know as Dark Energy, enables the complete decarbonization of all energy in transport, mining, materials processing, refining, smelting, casting, welding, lasers, computers, appliances, pumps, motors, fans, servers & cloud compute, compressors & heat pumps & HVAC, all human energy systems are upgraded and enhanced with Singularity Power tech. Then in 2038 a worldwide electrical storm kicked off by a CME or coronal mass ejection from the Sun wiped out all electrical & computer & information systems worldwide, plunging society into a dark age of chaos where 90% of the public worldwide dead within 3 months of the sustained global power blackouts. 

Nothing works. No gas pumps, no refrigerators, debit & credit & all computers & smart phones dead. No electronics and no power generator. All electric grids, switching & sub stations, all power plants & all electrical systems and most vehicles are broken or destroyed by the CME EMP electrical shorting storm, that cooks wires and conductors in chip sets and as big as GW class power generator windings, all burned or fried & shorted out or melted instantly. All these things have to be made from scratch which takes years. 

Spacetime or The Universe as we know it from science today, over dead & gone by 2564 / after that no time traveler has been able to go past that date in the future. 

Someone from the future time traveled back to 1971 where he helped Intel to launch the 4004 or first widely commercialized integrated circuit chip! Others from the future helped us with rechargeable batteries & how to make solar PV. 

Others from deeper into the future from other dimensions have come to tell mankind to stop developing nuclear weapons and bioweapons, and radically reduce pollution to improve the health of the biosphere so we can educate healthy people to engineer our way off of Earth so we can colonize other Earth like planets many light years away from our local solar system. NASA already found hundreds of thousand of water rock Earth like planets with the Hubble and JWST. 

After 2038 a new society emerges under the Anti Christ who rules on Earth as the supreme leader of the Earth.

Then in 2564 God returns & destroys the heavens & all existence & makes a new Heaven & New Earth populated by all who loved God in their heart! 

So give God praise & thank him for the next 15 years of electricity while we still have functional electrical utility systems & electronics that work. 

Most people will ignore this & say it’s fiction, saying it’s impossible to support these claims with facts. But I firmly believe that what I share is true, even thought it’s from my imagination. Call that prediction of future events or forecasting, but I have a growing vast amount of big data supporting this understanding of quantum space weather that radically increases the Suns energy output in early 2038. By summer of 2038 the ongoing electrical storms caused by CME events hitting different areas around the globe, causes society to plunge into lawless chaos. 

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