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Rameses B "Fallen Angel" Lyrics

I was listening to Pandora streaming music on "Blackmill Radio" channel, when the song from the title started playing with thought provoking lyrics about being a genuinely good person vs a wannabe. I took the pleasure of transcribing these lyrics & found the source of the material from Alan Watts via google searching!  

To be clear, these lyrics & or poetry are not mine, only reproduced as text from listening to the song in the aforementioned way. The YouTube video offers insight in the source of the lyrics.

Adapted from the video description ~"quotations of Alan Watts about how we as an individual person cannot know what is good for other people, but we can be a genuine natural person and observer how we affect the world, sometimes doing so with good intentions that others perceive as destructive" : 

Source work of Alan Watts

“The reason you want to be better is the reason why you aren’t, shall I put it like that? We aren’t better because we want to be. Because the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Because all the do-gooders in the world whether they’re doing good for others or doing it for themselves are troublemakers: on the basis of “kindly let me help you or you will drown,” said the monkey putting the fish safely up a tree. Sometimes doing good to others and even doing good to oneself is amazingly destructive because it’s full of conceit. How do you know what’s good for other people? How do you know what’s good for you? If you say you want to improve then you ought to know what’s good for you, but obviously you don’t because if you did then you would be improved. So, we don’t know. We do not really know how to interfere with the way the world is.” —Alan Watts

An example of "good intentions gone wrong" might be intelligible through a well known celebrity turned politician who frequently made claims to want to "Make America Great Again" but then engaged in conduct inspiring extremist criminals to "sack the capital complex" in Washington DC, the participants as a group yelling out "Kill Mike Pence", the subject on many ongoing FBI investigations, prosecutions & punishments administered for the maintenance of the rule of law & order & for justice reasons related to protecting the federal government during a peaceful transition between one presidential administration and the next administration. Whether or not there was foul play during the election procedure or fraudulent voting not the point as that always happens to some extent one way or the other. Furthermore, the fact that America has a two party political system not logical as most American do not ideologically align with either party & have personal views, perspectives, beliefs & other philosophies that puts them somewhere in the middle politically. 

If we consider far more socially developed older countries in Western Europe for example, it is common in those "socialist countries" to have 3+ different political parties. Human people are all slightly different, like individual lines on the electrodynamic spectrum, as in each person has a unique frequency. Sometimes people are similar in ways that produce a symphony of positive feedback in groups & teams that excel & function well together, like non-conflict seeking people working at the research stations in Antartica, who all have to live indoors together for many months at a time, some who stay the winter living there together for years. There is an extremely interesting Amazon Prime video about Antarctica and this radio technician photographer (Anthony Powell) called "Antarctica A Year On Ice" that is most excellent via the following link

Rameses B "Fallen Angel" Lyrics

The reason you want to be better is the reason why you aren't

We aren't better because we want to be

Because the road to hell is paved with good intentions

Because all the do gooders in the world wether they're doing good for others or doing it for themselves, are problem makers

Sometimes doing good to others or even doing good to ones self is basically destructive 

Because its full of conceit

How do you know what's good for other people, how do you know what's good for you

If you say you want to improve, then you ought to know what's good for you, but obviously you don't, cause if you did you would be improved, so we don't know

You can't be designedly spontaneous, and you cannot be genuinely loving by intending to love

Either you love someone or you don't

If you pretend to love a person, you deceive them and build up reasons for resentment

Doing something about your situation is not going to help you and you see equally that trying not to do anything about it is not going to help

Where are you? Where do you stand?

You are simply reduced to watching 

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