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Crony Capitalism

Frugality intelligent, just like honest business exchanges between one person & another where money from one person exchanged for a good or service from another person. When the government becomes the customer the seed of corruption enters the military industrial complex with lobbyists paid for by corporate special interests that undermine the foundation of capitalism & produce a plutocracy where billionaire & transnational corporation granted personhood have more representation than citizens in government. 

Fiscal accountability lost in a sea of bribery, collusion, special favors, kickbacks & other forms of white collar crimes committed at the highest levels in America between companies like & its 1151 lobbyists in Washington DC & the US Federal Government Legislative Branches, while in poor & developing countries small bribery between regular people & law enforcement or other local government services is such that bribing the person in control enables you to get your license faster, to get out of a traffic citation, to get the police to leave you alone & other minor favors. In these developing nations people in local government jobs are paid poorly, so much of their income comes from taking small bribes all the time. In America is the billionaire elite income earners & big rich companies like Apple & Alphabet Inc. pulling the backdoor deals with senators & congressmen. 

Your personal information being sold to the highest bidder, by Comcast, Apple, Google, Samsung, Microsoft; have you ever read the EULA you "agree too" when installing an operating system, an upgrade for an operating system, a software package or any other digital intellectual property ? You probably unwittingly agreed to forfeit all your legal rights to your content, photos, writings & other personal works produced on your non commercial compute device, your laptop, desktop, tablet or smartphone. You gave permission for the service provider or OEM or their partners to share intimate personal information about every aspect of how you use your device & what you are using it for, when you use it & for how long. 

Personal data is valuable because when sold it allows other greedy for profit businesses to target you with advertisements, though with a Prime membership you do it to yourself. Speaking of strange agreements you signed, look at the TOS & EULA for your prime membership. Amazon very interested in boosting revenue, that's why they have over a thousand lobbyist in the Federal Government performing rhetoric conversion of your elected leadership. 

This kind of perversion of law & justice happens in European countries, Japan, Korea, Australia, & every other country on Earth. You cannot find a perfect country or perfect person. There is a flaw inside each human alive that causes people to do things they do not want to do & to not do things they know they should do. I know this is true because its true for me, I am a flawed hypocrite sinner & fall short of the Glory of God every time I sin. I try not to sin & repent to God when I do, but I still fail. Everyone fails, the winner gets back up & keeps going! No one sets out to become a loser, sometimes people just cave & give in because they are tired & sick from eating too much sugar & starchy carbohydrates & the SAD standard American diet triggered metabolic syndrome disorders they suffer from medically.

So in real capitalism, its a cold hard business world where competition drives innovation & people strive to improve all products & services with the aim of making them more appealing to more people who might become customers if their products are well made, durable, reasonably priced with good value & can be repaired easily with parts that the OEM makes readily available. 

Market forces work to make sure that you the customer are treated fairly by people who sell you products & services. Sadly, this is not the case because of weird, illogical, immoral & unethical choices that people in large businesses make in order to maximize next quarters earnings even if that's bad for the customers, employees or future of the company. The people in control of the company making these evil choice don't care either, they are close to retirement & have already been paid enough money for 5 lifetimes to attempt to insure the success of their children & grand children, though by the 3rd or 4th generation all of that money will have been redistributed because the later trust fund generation have no sense of accomplishment having done nothing to make money or build a company & just have fun screwing off wasting their inheritance of grandpas money.

Insourcing, outsourcing, globalization & other perverted sources by merging unethical government like the CCP in the PRC results in further market perversion & deep global back scratching & transnational manufacturing deals, special trade agreements, special tax breaks, special treatment, more bribery & corruption covered with glib celebrity star treatment so they & their friends can fly to Blue Origins Moon Unit as a vacation as some point in the near future, as space tourists. Increasing income inequality has made individual people more wealthy than entire medium sized economies in other countries. These arrogant jerks like Donald Trump like to gold plate everything, thinking that doing so will make America Great again, probably confused by the dialog he exchanges with his deranged psychopath friend Vladimir Putin. 

Efficiency drawn out to its logical end would result in one company, one currency, one government, one human people on one planet Earth as a super unit. Imagine merging all the countries, all the markets, making everyone live a 6kw lifestyle like Americans with robots doing all the hard work, 95% out of work, machines doing everything, all made by one corporation that controls all the information. Innovation grinds to a half when the AI & Automatic is just good enough to allow 9 out of 10 people to screw off retired endlessly like a trust fund millionaire, hedonistic pursuits & flights of fancy for life. Sadly, the antidepressants stop working, weed & alcohol are not enough, they get into an accident & then start taking illicit drugs to cope. This happened to my friend Matt Mayo. In the end he snorted so much cocaine that he lost control & shot himself in the head, now dead. He had inherited millions as a teenager & owned multiple homes, traveled easily around the world, hated Seattle but chose to live there anyway. His brain damage from a intense motorcycle accident 10 years prior did not help, it left him physically debilitated & unable to skateboard, his favorite thing to do. The peak of his working career was as a lot attendant at a Casino in Auburn Washington. He proved to me, that money itself not a happy life. No amount of money can protect anyone from intransigent situations, accidents, unanticipated hazards & disasters. Sometimes bad things happen to good people without a logical explanation, I usually follow the money. 

Money has a way of causing people to fold on their ethics & morality. They see what the money can enable, a better life, & they use this thought to motivate all kinds of sick evil choices. Look at what Vladimir Putin doing with his billions. Look at what Jeffry Epstein was doing with his wealth. Scores of sickos & weirdos are in government, whacked out evil people that live above the law, like Hilary & Bill Clinton. These people actually want to wield power over other people. What kind of person does that? A slave owners. These people have the same mindsets as slave owners. That the means justify the ends, even if that hurts, sickens & kills people. Look at what the soda pop manufacturers are doing that increases diabetes & preventable sickness & suffering around the world. Look at what big alcohol & big tobacco & big pharmaceutical companies are doing to hurt, sickness & kill other people with side effects, later withdrawing VIOX or similar. Pricing scams are another problem with prescription drugs /

"It was 2015 when Martin Shkreli, then CEO of Turing Pharmaceuticals and the notorious “pharma bro,” jacked up the cost of the lifesaving drug Daraprim by 5,000 percent. Overnight, its price tag skyrocketed from $13.50 a pill to $750."

I know enough about organic chemistry to tell you definitively that making Darapim not chemically challenging & that there is literally no logical reason that anyone should be able to get $750 for a single pill of this life saving drug that treats a small number of people with an orphan disease or special genetic disorder that only affects a small number of people. If I was needing that, I would go online to a contract manufacturer in Asia & have them cook up the compound of interest at a reasonable price, then use a milligram scale to load it into a gel caps myself! Sick evil companies raising the price of insulin that people with Type 1 diabetes will die without! 

That's immoral & evil, to keep medications like insulin that can be cheaply & easily made at large volumes with yeast in bioreactors that are easy to build & operate. Even the CEO of Astra-Zeneca said that making more Lantus, the long acting analog of insulin, very easy & that making more of it as simple as cloning the production plant with another similar unit. The profit margins in Pharma are inkjet cartridge scam level, they justify this to legislators by saying the costs of developing & marketing drugs takes so long & costs so much- its bullshit & lies! They are just greedy jerks trying to maximize profit & everyone knows that! What's weird is the confusion between medicare & Medicaid with what they will pay with public funding for prescription drugs for retired peoples collecting social security. Which incidentally proves that America also has soft socialism, with the aforementioned big 3 spending programs to benefit elderly & retired people who absorb large portions of healthcare spending since they are suffering the most from age related diseases. 

Sometimes, with aerospace, military contractors, weapons manufacturers, sometimes the Federal Government the only customers. How many stinger missile systems do regular citizens buy? Its a billionaire toy if you have one. Even just the weekly argon cooling cartridge changes for the command & control "aiming" unit are not "affordable" / the expanding compressed argon cools the high resolution IR imaging chip, so that it can see through fog, dust & other visible noise just like the Spitzer Space Telescope. Multi-spectral imaging allows people to see vastly more information about reality. Visible light only a very small narrow slice of the electrodynamic spectrum. By using infrared & ultraviolet, amazingly better laser etching possible. Deep UV for example used in mirror bounce ASML machines to make the latest smartphone chips at TSMC, the worlds largest & most profitable chip maker, those brain chips in your latest iPhone or Samsung Galaxy whatever // Infrared laser make "hand" safe laser engravers like the Atomstack possible. You can even get a FLIR dongle called a SEEK Thermal that plugs into the charging port of your smartphone & works with the related app to perform thermal imaging using your phone as the brains & display! 

Speaking of brains, a cubic millimeter of brain tissue contains petabytes of data in its "wiring" diagram. An entire human brain so complicated, making a map of it would contain as much data as the entire world produces annually today, according to the Harvard Neuroscientist who was talking about this topic in a highly interesting DW documentary film about the human brain. The human brain & mind are complicated to study because its a complicated biochemical information machine that constantly changes its structure & function in response to what the person is doing, using neuron-plasticity or fire together wire together changes via protein synthesis memory encoding & conceptual formation in the brains working memory to imagine things that do not actually exist. The human brain does amazing predictive analytics, modeling & deep processing to make sense of reality using signals from our senses, sight, hearing, smell, taste & touch. So you must wonder, with all of this brain power, why are so many people so confused. 

We have people saying the "Moon" is a hoax when China, America & Russia have all landed spacecraft on the moon & sent moon rocks back to Earth. We have people calling Earth flat when there exists a vast library of visual proof & information that proves otherwise, on NASA & ESA's websites especially. We have people calling vaccines bad, when they were the single most effective diseases prevention technology ever developed, because one stupid actress & a discredited doctor claimed that some vaccine caused her son autism, what a joke! People follow celebrity too & this tricked millions of other normal people into not vaccinating their children, which is an example of causing harm or hurting other people. The people responsible for posting that YouTube video that encouraged thousands of children to eat Tide Pods, these actions are evil because the hurt & sicken & sometimes kill other people. Some disinformation & misinformation harmful. 

I am not surprised also, since I seem to know more about Fiat Currencies that people in charge of the Federal Reserve. It's lonely being an intelligent polymath in a world of fools who embrace nonsense & reject facts & science. I look around & wonder "how can people conduct themselves like that". I have noticed inconsiderate people since I was a small child. God blessed me with a profound ability to understand & integrate ideas, but this combined with tens of thousands of hours of reading wikipedia did not make a happy life. Actually, its deeply saddening. Crime, war, poverty, ecosystem degradation, pollution, unethical & immoral governments, evil corporations, crony capitalism, its not all roses & sunshine out there in the real world. I roll around armed to the teeth expecting that any moment everything could go to seed because of an earthquake or other natural hazard or disaster. I am not convinced that runaway climate change not happening. 

The weather keeps changing every year! I am deeply disappointed with mono crops & the overuse of pesticides like the toxic neonicotinoids that caused a massive die off of bees & now implicated as a causal factor of many human diseases. I am very disappointed with the lack of commercialized water saving drip irrigation in agriculture, when doing so can reduce water use by 90% or more. Farm subsidies are another example of Crony Capitalism, that inhibit innovation & promote the wasting of fresh water resources! It seems like everywhere that big government gets involved with, more problems arise. This is why I want to see a vibrant economy made of small business, rapid innovation, more free market competition, less corruption, more energy storage paired with solar & wind, we know the better ways, they are already products & services, not embraced widely or diffused globally because of Crony Capitalism, the perversion of free market functionality. Free markets & innovation create wealth! We are literally making it up as we go, so we have to invent & apply new knowledge continually to make the world a better place. Consider all the problems that need to be solved! Problems that continue being unsolved because of Chrony Capitalism, bribery, lobbies & corruption between corporations & governments who are their largest customer. 

I want smaller, smarter, logical, science based government. I want energy units to replace fiat currencies. I want a society based on Physics & Chemistry, video wide field scanning tunneling electron micoscropes, quantum computing, more nuclear energy, more energy storage, high quality products that hold up well that are well made & reasonably priced. I want a world with more applied intelligence. I would also appreciate if the government would stop lying to the public about Alien civilizations visiting Earth. I want you to go watch the History Channel videos about how big our universe is, even just the Milky Way has billions of stars with many more habitable planets. To suggest that we are alone in the universe is just ignorant, especially statistically. Astronauts who have been to the international space station have publicly said they have seen things enter the vicinity near earth at speeds that are impossible using existing technology, balls of light, etc that we cannot explain. Many people in the Air Force have come forward, credible witnesses, telling that we have been visited by space aliens from outerspace, from other celestial star systems, from planets other than Earth. That some of them are good, some are neutral, and some are bad & have abducted and performed genetic manipulation experiments on them. Alien visitation drawn on rock walls of caves from thousands of years ago. People all around the world have seen aliens visit Earth. I wonder why the official lies, why is the government so concerned to lie to the public about unidentified arial objects? What is there motivation? This brings up additional questions about why science seems to have leaped forward after the 1940's. What has information technology improved so fast, transforming every other industry & sector worldwide, even the way that regular people thing, as they keep staring into their smartphones as if they had the answers to all their lives problems, even when they are out with other people in groups. My wife & I have noticed this at restaurants since 2010, a family of 4, all sitting at the dinning table, staring at their smartphones. What is wrong with these people, no social etiquette? No Honor or Decorum? No sense of social accountability? No social skills? Why? What is wrong with them? They are getting dopamine hits from what is happing on the screen of their phone, cat videos on YouTube or similar. People are addicted to information, just like me! I at least leave my smartphone in my pocket when I have the unique pleasure of spending time with other people IRL. I try to be a decent person! 

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