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Insulin, Insulin, Insulin : Diabetes + Obesity Epidemic

Diabetes & obesity caused by it, are a silent killing epidemic worldwide, affecting children as young as 6 years old. There are pathogens that cause diabetes, genetic disorders that cause diabetes, viruses that cause diabetes, parasites that eat the pancreas. Pancreatic cancer made worse by high blood sugars. Sugars feed rapidly dividing cancer cells. Sugar is a metabolic toxin when its consumed in excess because doing so raising blood sugar & elevating blood sugars cause progressive organ failure, cardiovascular disease, neuroendocrine disease, brain degeneration that makes ADD, ADHD, Dementia & Alzheimers diseases worse faster, just like trans fats. 

Yes, I am going on public record as a person suffering from Type 3 diabetes (pre-diabetes) & hypertension of hight blood pressure that I take metformin & lisinopril to treat, to tell you, unambiguously that I caused these problems by eating like a typical American. Too many carbohydrates, starches & sugars in excess, too many times per day, every day, for years. 

On the outside, I was so active, so thin & fit looking, younger looking than my chronologic age by the feedback given to me by other people who meet me. I ask them how old they think I am. I am nearly 40 & they think I am in my early to mid 20's (I thank them) / I am TOFI or thin on the outside & fat on the inside, with too much visceral dangerous fat around my liver & other organs. 

I was desperate for change back in 2017 when I began to search online for a cure to metabolic syndrome symptoms I was suffering from. Night sweats, low blood sugars, high blood sugars & feeling irritated & annoyed over nothing. I was starting to feel more tired or fatigued. My athletic performance was declining & I was experiencing mental fog, memory problems, negative thoughts, depression & anxiety. I found a bunch of videos on YouTube by doctors like Jason Fung the nephrologist from Canda who teaches people how the metabolism works. I learned about eating ketogenic low carb diets & tried it with some success. I learned about interval fasting & multi-day water fasting in the Science of Fasting video on YouTube. Dr. Robert Lustig & his excellent videos on Sugar the Toxic, since sugar in excess a metabolic poison, as bad as alcohol or worse in many ways, as both cause increased oxidative stress & thereby accelerating aging. Who wants to get older faster? Smoke, drink more alcohol & eat a lot of sugar & you will become sick like a very old person in no time! I highly advise against such lifestyle choices. 

I am not writing this to tell you how to live, only sharing the truth, like this powerful documentary for free on YouTube about Diabetes <- click link to watch 

I wake up early each day

I drink 16+ oz of water right away

I drink my coffee black or green tea without adding anything

I take a 20 mg lisinopril

I take ~250 mg of powered NMN

I skip breakfast usually

At lunch I take my 1000 mg metformin, a daily multi vitamin, a multi-b

I drink 1 gallon or so of water throughout the day, with real lemon added

After dinner, I take another 20 mg lisinopril 

I take 1 or 5 mg of melatonin

I try to make health food choices, shop foods at the grocery & cook home cooked meals at home and am steadily improving my cooking skills. 

I gave up baking as a hobby because most of what I made while baking was unhealthy. A couple of times a year I make a bread, letting it rise 5-8 times to improve the flavor, I bake it at 500 F to get a nice crust, European Style :) I enjoy the bread with butter, a magical combo that tastes amazing.

I like hot spicy foods & add Da Bomb sauce to many things I eat. 

I try to eat a moderate amount of carbs, not in excess. I try to eat more fiber & add health fats to my food in the form of butter & olive oil mostly, sometimes coconut butter or almond oil. 

I do not have a solution that works for everyone

Every 3 or 4 months I fast for 3-7 days, to let my body reset. Leading up to the fast I slowly reduce my prescription drug intake by cutting my pills in half, then in quarters, then to 1/8th, then off. On the first day of fasting I allow myself a small bowl of warm bone broth. I take pinches of salt while fasting & drink extra water. Fasting makes me feel like crap on day 1 & 2, by day 3 things improve & by day 4 it feels like I am on stimulant drugs or something like that, vivacious & energetic like I was as a child, happy & free feeling, amazing! I feel like moving & go hiking & get out there while only drinking water, black coffee & eating a little pink salt pinch here & there. The keto strips I test my urine with show that I am ketogenic burning ketone bodies by day 2 of fasting. 

So I am not obese, have a normal BMI, but without medication I have high blood pressure & type 2 diabetes would form. I used the above methods to prevent diabetes from becoming fully developed as a disease and plan to completely reverse all of my health problems with genetic reprogramming & other age reversal technology if I am fortunate enough to live long enough to see low cost access to such things that other normal people can hopefully benefit from as well. I highly recommend you read the Book "Lifespan" by Dr. David A Sinclair / Behe's Book "Darwins Black Box" another illuminating read & a companion Biochemistry text book a good read along with it! 

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