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Keto & Fasting Body Energy

How do your muscles & brain get glucose when your not eating, when your sleeping, when your interval fasting or fasting for 3-7 days ? Gluconeogenesis the biochemistry of survival & why fasting is healthy for overweight people and people with diabetes & hypertension & other metabolic syndrome disorders.

When you stop eating food, your body starts making ATP with neat biochemical pathways, using glycogen from your liver & muscles & fat lipids as fuels. These ketone bodies can fuel cell processes, the mitochondria, brain & muscle cells, while the body can also produce blood glucose from protein & fat. The human body operates at about 0.2 volts & 500 amps using the same mass of ATP as the person body mass in 24 hours. Our bodies are always on, even while we are sleeping. Think of your brain while your sleeping, its dreaming, organizing memories, deleting useless low value information & storing stuff you should probably remember in order to be high functioning as a student, as a parents, as the employee or owner of a business. 

High blood sugars are toxic to many organs, especially the micro-capillaries in the retina of the eye & those tiny capillaries in the feet & near nerve endings that when damage cause neuropathy & the loss of sensory feeling of peoples feet & that diabetic foot ulcers that get infected are the leading cause of amputation? Do you have any idea how many elderly people are living right now without the ability to work or be mobile because they had to have their feet or leg amputated because of a diabetic foot ulcers. 

50 years ago there were only about 50 million people with diabetes, 90% of which were Type II, mostly adults. Today, in late 2022, there are more than 500 million people worldwide, most of whom are unaware that they are diabetic, unaware until they have sudden terrible health problems that land them in a costly hospital with a painful expensive problem that robs them of their mobility, endurance, health, wellness, that punishes them with preventable suffering & pain, causing the death of people who cannot afford their insulin? Do you realize how sick & unethical & immoral it is to raise insulin prices to levels that cause people to die because they can't afford insulin even when working full time? 

Did you know that Type II diabetic people who lose weight & burn the fat off from around their pancreas can stop taking anti-diabetic drugs in about 30% of cases? That visceral fat surrounding the pancreas impairs its ability to secrete insulin to regulate blood sugars? 

Did you know that a protein peptide called GLUT1 transports blood glucose across cell membranes? 
That this system of blood glucose levels very carefully balanced with glucagon that causes the liver to release sugars from stored glycogen into the blood to prevent hypoglycemia, while insulin prevent hyperglycemia by removing glucose from the blood? Did you know that epinephrin & nonepinepherin release can cause your muscles to release glucose into the blood stream via gluconeogenesis? 

What about when you fasting, did you know that your body can covert stored body fat into blood glucose? Did you know that your muscles can provide blood glucose? That after fasting for a day or so your body starts cranking out ketone bodies from your liver that can fuel your bodies cells, like glucose. As you continue fasting into day 2 & 3 & 4 or up to 7 for most adults, the body burns body fat to make metabolic energy to fuel the cells. Did you know that a person can live with just water & vitamins for up to 40 days without food? Fasting longer than 7 days very dangerous & I strongly advise against doing so outside of strict constant medical supervision of doctors & nurses during regular daily blood & urine testing who are also very familiar with long term water fasting, like at some of those health resorts in Russia or German where long term fasting the go to solution for metabolic disorders caused by carbohydrate, starch & sugar food abuse, are treated effectively with long duration fasting. Did you know that fasting is biblical, that many other traditions & religions around the world have their followers engaging in day fasts or multday fasts. Did you know that fasting & prayer to God at the same time can have a healing restorative effect? Did you know that fasting for 4+ days can choke off cancer cells & that autophagy or amino acid metabolism will recycle broken cell components back into amino acids that can be degraded into metabolic ingredients to make more ATP to fuels cell energy processes ? Have you read a biochemistry text book? Do you want to know the truth about how your body actually works? 

What kind of sick evil person profits on the suffering, death & pain of other people ? Vladimir Putin, Adolf Hitler, Slobodan Milosevic, Joseph Stalin, Pol Pot; yes there are sickos like the distributors of insulin in the USA who raised insulin prices 1000% over the last 10 years, like that evil sick whacked out pervert jerk fellow Martin Shkreli that raised the price of Daraprim by 5,455% from $13.50 to $750 per pill) / he was sent to prison for 7 years & order to pay more than $70 million in fines, thankfully! 
Good news; Ghislaine Maxwell convicted as a sex offender and also sent to prison for 20 years for helping Jeff Epstein engage in global child sex trafficking that hurt hundreds of young women with physical & lifelong mental problems. Sometimes justice is served & that makes other people happy, like me! Most of the time evil crooks in big business & government engage in unethical immoral backdoor deals, in secrete, with the highest level of bribery & collusion possible, people like Hillary Clinton & Donald Trump, there are not just unlikable, they are downright evil, narcissistic & means spirited. No one wants to be friends with this low caliber kind of person; people devoid of positive personality virtues or good character virtues. A tiny fraction of people alive are dirt balls, bad people who probably belong in a mental hospital in a padded room, a prison isolated from the public, or something more sinister like capital punishment for crimes against humanity. I hope, with all sincerity, that Vladimir Putin brought to justice, charged with war crimes & punished accordingly! I want to see the bad people in this world brought to justice! 

Are you willing to consider fasting if you are overweight? If you have Type II diabetes or high blood pressure? Are you willing to consider skipping breakfast or lunch or dinner, to interval fast? Have you ever considered that eating too much too often the reason for diseases of western civilization and why there is global epidemic of obesity & diabetes unfolding right now worldwide ? 

I don't think the brain cells of most diplomats are working very well, not in America at least. It seems that corporate personhood & plutocracy representing the interests of politically active billionaires like the primary beneficiary of, who also owns a rocket company that makes mushroom shaped space rocks (other jokes about the shape also abound). I think chemical rockets are dead end because of the fuel mass paradox, a problem where making the rocket bigger to hold more fuel makes the rocket burn more fuel, to a diminishing return point that pushes existing material science to the limit for what the tanks filled with cryogenic fuels are able to do physically. I am sure some wonder material from materials science, carbon carbon diamond something nano-bling will make lower mass cryogenic fuel tanks possible, but eventually physical limits are reached even with improved materials. 

If diplomats were thinking correctly, they would be passing regulatory laws to govern the profits & price of drugs that people need to live, like insulin to make insulin affordable to everyone for example! If diplomats were honest people, less corruption would exist in the world. More government laws would be passed that benefit the constituency, the public, you & me, regular people! Most people don't like politics because they feel like they have no representation at the national level. They feel like the politicians care more about big business & billionaires who fund their election campaigns, especially for reelection. That makes people like Hillary Clinton beholden to corporate special interests, not the interest or good of the general public, the American People, your friends & family & neighbors. Odd consdiering that these evil greedy corporations are just made of other people? What kind of people are t they made of if the business profits by hurting people ? Does that sound evil to you like it does to me? Must there exist evil people in charge of such companies? Do the cold harsh market conditions created by globalization cause people to make unethical & immoral choices as business leaders ? What kind of perverse business deals do you think Donald Trump is up to right now? He has a long history of engaging in frivolous lawsuits against other people. He is a liar & a jerk & should never be allowed to serve a public office. I think Donald Trump & Hillary Clinton Belong in Prison, Just like Martin Shkreli & Ghislaine Maxwell. I really pray to God & hope that Vladimir Putin ends up in prison too, ordered to give his money back to the Ukrainian people to rebuild the country that the Russian military seems hell bent on destroying. I want to see the Russian economy destroyed by oil sanctions as the rest of the world moves on with decarbonization, phasing out oil, natural gas, gasoline & diesel, in favor of local biofuel production, coal, local natural gas, nuclear, solar, wave, wind, geothermal, tidal energy & energy storage & electric vehicles with batteries of all kinds. Battery technology will keep improving with lower cost per kWh using earth abundant materials & mass manufacturing. Consider the Tesla Battery Day 2170 cell that got bulk commercial pricing down to $57/kWh a while back! I am confident that technology will keep improve because more people alive are good people. I think 99% of people are decent honest reasonable people & that the sick jerks I have mention are part of a tiny minority, most of whom will be brought to justice, some of whom already have, thankfully :) Think about That! 

Its not eat less & move more

Its eat less sugar, starchy & carbohydrate rich foods
Avoid soda pop & alcoholic beverages
Drink black coffee or green tea with nothing added
Think about eating keto or low carb & why that helps people
Consider interval fasting by skipping 1 meal per day for while
Maybe think about trying a longer term fast, for 1-7 days, watch "how to fast videos on YouTube" 

You can undo Type II diabetes! You can choose to put less sugar in your mouth.
Most of the time you think you are hungry, your probably thirsty! Drink more water! 
You can do it, put your thinking into it & make it happen. Have a can do attitude! 

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