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Fitness Activity Movement / Thought Life Faith Mental Moral Mind & More

You have muscles, joints, bones & a brain to move! 

Movement stimulates blood flow, bone strength maintenance or development or dynamic remodeling of the bones, metabolic health, physical strength, endurance, drive, ambition, passion, executive function of your brain.

Physical activities are proven to help students do better in school which is why most modern OECD country public schools have a period called P.E. or Physical Education!

Sitting around too much known as a sedentary lifestyle & gives rise to lower back pack, pooling of blood in the legs, weight gain, metabolic syndrome disease problems with Type II diabetes & high blood pressure. To undo my high blood pressure & Type II diabetes I regularly work out at home by walking up and down the steep hill (mountain) I live on. I see many other people out walking too :) 

I walk up and down this steep hill to get exercise. Takes me 12 min if I go fast, 15 min if mix walking with jogging, and 20 min if I walk at a brisk pace, 25 min at a leisurely rate. Today I achieved 11,546 steps, 5.52 mi, 68 flights of stairs eq, walking to the park (City of Issaquah, Tibbetts Valley Park) to and from 3 times. This route is 427 ft of elevation down hill on the way there or uphill on the way back (where my heart rate climbs from going up the hill on foot :)) 

Spiritual Health Part of Mental & Emotional Health. 

What you dream about related to things you have been thinking about recently, as in the past few months. 

Everything that crosses your visual field, enters your eyes, ears or brain, all of it, including who you spend your time with, affects who you are becoming! 

You become like people that you spend time with. 

You become more like what you spend your time doing.

If you use drugs or alcohol, your probably learned about it from a family member or friend originally

If you gamble, or engage in impulsive behaviors, your probably learned about it from someone else

Monkey see, monkey do, we unwhittingly repeat what we observe other people doing

You know that what I am saying is true, because you can feel it inside, in your brain, mind, and body

Love God with all your heart & mind and he will bless your life & help you resist temptation to sin

People are all prone to being tempted to sin and do the wrong things

No one is perfect and all people make mistakes

No human has all the answers, we are all just guessing

In a way, human life on Earth has a lot in common with the blind leading the blind

"For my people die for a lack of knowledge" of the "Holy Word" as it is written in the "Bible" according to God in Hosea 4:6 / though this poetic way of describing people dying for a lack of knowledge also true in worldly terms, which is why societies of people agree that education important and why wikipedia exists and why there are printed copies of the Bible & encyclopedias and so many non-fiction or factual books, news, and information available in print & online about the world. Ignorance means rejecting these facts for personal opinion, bias, phobias, fears, proclivities, preferences, likes. 

You don't have to understand something to life something, someone, a device, a machine, a color, a style, an appearance, your programming some complicated and layered that the mind remains a large mastering in science. 

People want to feel loved and appreciated and understood by other people. Many people seek out unhealthy relationships of carnal temporary pleasure because they feel lonely, alone, isolated, want to talk to someone & be heard. Everyone of a sound mind desires a sense of meaning & purpose in life, and most people want to feel wanted, freely loved by someone else that they can love in return. 

Even if you don't get love from other people, God can love you even more than anyone else. God wants a loving relationship with you. Just pray in private where no one else can hear and ask God "Lord, I am know I am not worthy to receive you, but I want to know and love you, convict my heart & mind, that I might become a child of yours, a well beloved child who emulated your ways in my life, so that I do as you ask of me father God, thank you in the Holy Name of Christ Jesus" or something like that! 

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