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Obesity Epidemic in America

In a 2022 study the United States Centers for Disease Control & Prevention or CDC found that 42% of adult American can be classified as obese, with BMI or body mass index scores higher than 30.

HDP Hormone Disrupting Pollutants, many pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, insecticides and chemical waste emitted by industrial companies enters the biosphere, food chain, food web, and causes hormonal disruption that blocks leptin such that people affected by this eat much more without feeling full in such a way that effectively causes obesity. 

In this way many pollutants cause obesity. HFCS or high fructose corn syrup adding to made beverages like soda pop, when consumed with a meal, enable a person to eat 30% more food before feeling full, since HFCS increasing ghrelin the hunger hormone production. 

Chronic sleep deficit or sleep loss also blocks leptin production, increases TNF-Alpha levels, increases cortisol levels, upregulates ghrelin production, and produces a cascade of biological effects that increase belly fat, weight gain, visceral fat storage, glycogen conversion to fat, more subcutaneous fat, and overall increases in swelling of fat cells that cause obesity. 

14 years of lost life expectancy can be attributed to obesity, as being obese means the body in a chronic state of inflammation. Inflammation does not cause obesity, obesity causes inflammation. This contributes to the blockbuster annual sales of drugs like Ibuprofen and anti-diabetic drugs, metformin, Ozempic, insulin, and many other biologics and small molecule drugs respectively.

Obesity in America costs the healthcare systems hundreds of billions in preventable costs. Obesity also damages feet, ankles, knees, hips, and causes back and neck problems that create chronic pain & discomfort that furthermore robs people who are obese of joy while they are still alive. 

Heart disease or cardiovascular disease kills women as much as men now, noting that obesity has a strong statistically sound relationship with incidence of CD, heart attack, high blood pressure, strokes, clotting, embolism, swell of the limbs, nerve pain, jaw pain, chest pain, throbbing in the ears, pain in the joints, difficulty breathing, being winded easily, running out of steam or wearing out easily, having poor athletic performance, unable to walk far, walk fast, hike, swim, bicycle ride, scuba dive, ski or snowboard or engage in activities that require good physical fitness. 

Best advice possible, skip a meal, skip breakfast or dinner, eat a healthy vibrant colorful natural lunch with most of your daily RDA fats, proteins, fiber, carbs, vitamins, minerals & nutrients. When you skip breakfast after sleeping all night, it leaves your body in a fasted state of enhanced cell repair called Autophagy from Greek for "To Eat Self" referring to how our bodies cells recycle cell components when we are not busy digesting food. This is why skipping a meal works so well, it gives your body more time to engage in cell repairs to keep you younger longer, feeling better, with more energy of your youth into older age :) 

There are thin people are just as week and unfit with poor endurance and low physical strength adjusted for their size, age and gender respectively. Some thin people are fat on the inside around their organs with visceral white fat, an enlarged liver, gastric problems and similar health problems from living a sedentary life without enough physical movement of their bodies to keep the blood moving around :) 

The latest science on movement suggests that 7500 steps per day are essential for health and wellness. Rest and sleep are just as important as exercises for health, and so is diet, so I am not suggesting that all fat people are unhealthy.

Some subcutaneous fat is actually good for fueling muscles and muscles during weight training or working out with resistance training, doing push-ups or pull-ups, or squats, lunges, or calisthenics using your body weight, gravity and deliberate moves to work out. I really like HIIT or high intensity interval training, bursts of activity in sets. With weight training I usually do 3 sets of 8 reps and that seems to be a sweet spot :)   

I am never telling anyone what to eat or drink, how to live, what to do, how to choose, what choices to make, but I am telling you that there is a problem worth recognizing. 

Just as increasing public awareness about the dangers of smoking curbed most people away from smoking cigarettes in the USA, and thus a dramatic drop in tobacco sales in the USA, increasing awareness about the dehydration epidemic, obesity epidemic, preventable disease epidemic and other health problems caused by the western diet of ultra processed junk foods with too many sugary starch carbs, not enough healthy fats, and the wrong kinds of protein from GMO fed animals given hormones that end up in the meat or similar pesticide, herbicide, fungicide or insecticide residue on foods. Add in synthetic dye, artificial colors and flavors, and other chemically engineered weird ingredients that are added to processed foods and beverages that virtually no one cooks with at home. 

All of these factors make Disease of Civilization or preventable diseases characterized by developed wealthy economies that are not present in populations of people eating historically traditional indigenous diets based on natural organic water and food from nature without industrialization, living the way people lived for eons before the first industrialization or even the Middle Ages.  

Agriculture industrialized with diesel fueled farming equipment machines along with the widespread commercial availability of fertilizers made from nature gas gave rise to the Green Revolution where human population tripled as a result of rapidly declining food prices.

In antiquity being fat was considered more beautiful than being thinner. Being fat meant that someone back then was wealthy and privileged. Voluptuous was a positive sexual attributed term to describe fluffy rounded women with "Junk in their Trunk" as its as described by some more recently. Another expression "More cushion for pushing" also a positive word for obese women in modern American slang terms. 

Fat, dumb and happy often used to describe American's as being not concerned with anything that does not affect their day-to-day personal lives directly. A kind of blind disregard for the suffering of other people and nature around the world, as long as things are going ok for the American' they honestly don't care about things they have no control over. 

In a way, not caring about things outside your control also wise, since worry and negative emotions can be toxic to your health and wellness, and often cause people to abuse sugary starchy carbohydrate foods that cause obesity when regularly consumed in excess like the SAD or standard American diet that sadly so common that even children are becoming morbidly obese from never going outside, addicted to screens with games or content, their tablet, smartphone, laptop or desktop connected online to an endless amount of distraction.     

Watch the Weight Loss Drugs video by Asianometry on Youtube

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