Fire allowed man to cook animals & plants he or she hunted or gathered. Cooking increases calorie density and digestibility, making it easier for early humans using fire to sustain themselves.
Coal, diesel, gasoline, natural gas, propane, butane, LNC, CNG, jet fuel, 100LL, there are many kinds or grades of hydrocarbon fuels made from crude oil or petroleum, and many kinds of natural gas from oil wells collected and sold, and many grades of coal burned to make heat, steam & power, that is electricity connected to power grids to distribute electricidal energy to utility customers loads, appliances, lights or bulbs, heaters, blower motors, vacuums, Wi-Fi routers, to charge EV's or portable electronics, like recharging smartphones or smartwatches, to power fridges & freezers, to energize gas pumps, water pumps, natural gas pumps, electrical energy to heat oil at oil refineries where oil is column distilled into many different streams of chemical gases, liquids and solids left behind like tar.
Making heat & power burning or combusting coal & crude oil produces a lot of toxic air, water & land pollutants & pollution emissions, not just huge amounts of CO2, but also CO, PM, NOX, particles, fumes HC, smoke, soot, just as crude wood fires are dirty burners, carbon and hydrocarbon energy have a emissions debacle as the pollution emitted this way causes more diseases and death than all other known causes.
In other words, pollutants emitted from burning fuels the world's most prolific mass murderer, because of how the emissions have toxic effects on human health but also poses existential problems like Peak Oil supply declining and cost increasing and economic effects thereof, or climate change acceleration which could doom life in the biosphere of Earth. For 100 years acid rain has been corroding infrastructure and making bodies of water with fish more acidic, causing trillions in losses of both biomass in waterbodies and rusting & corrosion of steel, rebar & masonry in infrastructure and vehicles.
Biofuels offer a renewable way to make cleaner fuels, and we can and will make gasoline from goal with Coal to Gasoline CTG and Natural Gas to Gasoline or NGG, to make synthetic gasoline & diesel sold at millions of commercial gas stations for at least 300 more years. We continue to increase efforts to collect waste gas from trash dumps and compost as an alternative to oil well natural gas, known as biogas recovery technology. Old tires, plastics, used motor oil, these are additional sources of alternative oil feedstock inputs for oil refineries to make synthetic lubricants & fuels.
3 trillion Trees & trillions of tons of Algae + Cellulosic Ethanol / Methanol to Gasoline & Diesel, we can make wood for buildings, furniture, & fuel for thousands of years, for cardboard boxes & paper production, for paper towels and toilet paper. We are never going to run out of trees to cut down or Algae to harvest from the oceans. Not especially because atmospheric CO2 increasing which helps increase Alge levels and fuels more prolific growth of plants & trees. Get your chainsaw ready, wood is going nowhere and will continue being a fuel for thousands of years. It seems those ancient cave man fires set an example that wood pellet stoves & furnaces today still derived their primary chemical input from :)
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