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MCT's & Polyphenols, Improve Your Health, Sleep Tricks, & Staying Active & Fit in many ways :)

Foods rich in these substance (MCT's & Polyphenols) according to Dr. Steven Gundry, the heart surgeon, turn on caloric bypass or a mechanism that tells cell mitochondria to calm down & stop making body fat from excess sugars. 

By turning on the Slow cell molecular signalizing switches, ketones, MCT's & polyphenols tell the body to go into thinner autopilot, causing people who eat foods rich in these substance to lose weight. He mentions that fasting, one meal per day interval fasting & actual nutritional ketosis all activate these same mitochondria throttling pathways to slow down the storage of body fat. 

All because DNP was previously used to make weapons on world war 1, as factory worker exposure to DNP was causing the workers to lose weight no matter how much they ate. The dose to toxicity ratio for DNP meant that the FDA banned it as a diet drug, since effective doses that cause notable weight loss also cause many patients to experience noxious side effects. 


Black & Red Currents from France

Polyphenol Rich Olive Oil

Dark Sicilian Purple Black Wine Grapes

Grape Seed Extract

Goat Milk

Black Coffee with nothing added, heavy cream & half & half negate or block many of the healthy effects of the Polyphenols & dissolved fiber & bioflavonoids & many other healthy substances in black coffee. I recently started using my hand grinder with 30 grams of darker roasted coffee beans to brew 300ml of black coffee in a borosilicate French press early in the morning before work :) This helps motivated a bathroom break for both outputs shortly thereafter & keeps me regular too! 

Egg's, particularly the yolk! 

Butter, because cooking with it & lard are superior to all forms of other cooking oils

Coconut oil & MCT are even better than butter, but butter tastes amazing, especially real French Butter!

The antioxidant power of clean drinking water superior to any food substance, berry or supplement. Drinking enough water protects your kidneys & brain. Staying hydrated great for your skin & eyes too! 

Sleeping More Improves Glucose Metabolism

More Sleep Reduces Blood Pressure

High Quality Sleep Improves Immune Function

Getting Enough Sleep Prevents Obesity

Sleeping in cooler darker quiet conditions & getting enough sleep has positive effects on hormone levels & hormone signaling that end up improving many aspects of human body & brain health! 

Going to bed earlier in a cooler, darker, silent or brown noise or pink noise or white noise or fan noise environment to block sound pollution from traffic or aircraft or barking dogs. The idea to reduce artificial light pollution, so no looking at TVs, laptops, tablets, smartphones or smartwatches, all light exposure stimulate wakefulness through the SCN nerve ganglion light circadian regulating mechanisms. Even a candle worth of warm white light enough to increase the release of cortisol and reduce the release of melatonin, since that axis of cortisol and melatonin regulated by light exposure such that if your eyes see any light, that will increase cortisol release and reduce melatonin release. This is why light pollution since the introduction of artificial lighting in bulbs, lamps & screens correlates strongly with an epidemic rise in sleep disorders. I find that music stimulates wakefulness too. 

From Wikipedia on Circadian Rhythm (Mammals, Humans) 

'The primary circadian clock in mammals is located in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (or nuclei) (SCN), a pair of distinct groups of cells located in the hypothalamus. Destruction of the SCN results in the complete absence of a regular sleep–wake rhythm. The SCN receives information about illumination through the eyes. The retina of the eye contains "classical" photoreceptors ("rods" and "cones"), which are used for conventional vision. But the retina also contains specialized ganglion cells that are directly photosensitive, and project directly to the SCN, where they help in the entrainment (synchronization) of this master circadian clock. The proteins involved in the SCN clock are homologous to those found in the fruit fly.[80]

These cells contain the photopigment melanopsin and their signals follow a pathway called the retinohypothalamic tract, leading to the SCN. If cells from the SCN are removed and cultured, they maintain their own rhythm in the absence of external cues.[81]

The SCN takes the information on the lengths of the day and night from the retina, interprets it, and passes it on to the pineal gland, a tiny structure shaped like a pine cone and located on the epithalamus. In response, the pineal secretes the hormone melatonin.[82] Secretion of melatonin peaks at night and ebbs during the day and its presence provides information about night-length.

Several studies have indicated that pineal melatonin feeds back on SCN rhythmicity to modulate circadian patterns of activity and other processes. However, the nature and system-level significance of this feedback are unknown.[83]

The circadian rhythms of humans can be entrained to slightly shorter and longer periods than the Earth's 24 hours. Researchers at Harvard have shown that human subjects can at least be entrained to a 23.5-hour cycle and a 24.65-hour cycle"

Going for a walk & staying active, physically, mentally, & morally fit, aka Fitness & Exercise. 10 min enough at first, don't overdo it for the first 6 weeks and gradually build up. I tell people who ask me to eat a big lunch, a small snack for dinner, skip breakfast & no snacking. After lunch, go for a walk & move since the action of walking helps improve the movement of your lunch through your digestive system. 

Avoid excessive sugar consumption, its a dose dependent toxic like alcohol or ethanol 

Avoid excess caffeine, it can be a trap, let me tell you, and eventually stop being effective. Known as chasing the dragon, anything beyond 400mg per day a dead end. Try cutting back, taking brakes or fasts from coffee, reducing your dose, moderating, then finding a happy medium. For me that's 4:30 am French press with hand ground coffee beans stepped in 185 F water for 5 min & nothing added, black coffee, freshly ground & freshly brewed. I played with the grinder settings for a while, went with 17 clicks then a little finger to 15 clicks for more flavor. 

Eat the majority of your food in the middle of your day then fast the rest of the evening & next morning. A lot of the molecular signaling tricks can be achieve by ketosis as your body burns fat during prolonged 12-18 hours interval fasting. 

Manage stress. Short lasting acute stress fine, but chronic stress toxic. I find that deep breathing & going limp & calm while praying 12x per day helps to lower my blood pressure naturally. Focusing on these 4 areas of thought in your thinking or thought life.

1. Forgiveness inwardly towards yourself & outward towards others who have hurt or harmed you

2. Thankfulness focusing on what you appreciate or like in life, name 10 things

3. Appreciativeness & Gratitude to God for existence, air, water, the earth, animals, friends, family, your body & mind & muscles & bones. 

4. Focused on a positive can do attitude. Avoiding learned helplessness. Believe in your ability and the ability of others to solve problems and make the world a better place for everyones benefit.

I find that Metformin helps keep my HbA1C level below 5

I find that NMN 250mg daily + a multi-B vitamin & good quality men's multi vitamin really help too! 

Those are my tricks to looking & feeling younger, happier, healthier & higher functioning! I need this to be inspiring to children on my School Bus Routes since I am the school bus driver for more than 100 middle school students in Bellevue, Wa, USA now :) 

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