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Human Memory A Mental Hall of Mirrors

New ideas, images, words, sounds, things, money, stuff, when your sensory organs take in these phenomena, even video or audio, the idea's thereby formed in the mind bounce around for up to 3 years before being fully integrated into your brain hardware as neuron plastic changes in the structure & function of the brain.

Do you ever wake up with music playing in your head? Do you remember vivid lifelike dreams when you awake that feel strongly more real than reality itself? Do you wonder how ideas enter your mind & become part of your brain & physiology. Well the mind body connection fully established in medical science, such that what you think about strongly influences your outlook, persona, ideologies, physical body, mental & emotion health, your physiology & biochemistry are tweaked by what you think about, so being grateful & happy actually healthy for your mind & body! Think about how more children are filled with imagination & curiosity & willing to pretend play & have fun vs adults that are more boring & less dynamic in every possible way, largely since aging a disease that can be undone using gerontology science like NMN & Metformin & interval fasting & cardio exercises & fitness weight training :) 

Our brains exist inside a fluid filled bone skull that protect it in fluid suspension in cerebral spinal fluid. Our nasal bulb for smells, tongue taste buds for taste, our eyes for vision, and ears for hearing, even special nerves in our skin so we can articulate movement via proprioception feedback control mechanism with the spinal cord & CNS. A lot of brain thinking goes into controlling human body activities, movements or exercise or acts of human labor, like weight training or fitness improving lifestyle recreation like hiking or swimming or running or skiing or snowboarding or bicycle riding.

The human body self assembles using genetic & epigenetic information that we inherit from our XX mother & XY father, female & male parents who sexually reproduced together such that there genes were combined into the resulting fetus that self assembles using biochemicals from food & drink, starting via the umbilical cord from what the mother eats, then to breast milk once born, then to soft foods like baby food then to a more complex diet as the child's gut flora complexity increases over time. The self-assembling part of life the most interesting since all life on Earth shares the same DNA or language of life. It's a digital code with ACTG letters of amino acids assembled into helical spirals of DNA that wrap up on themselves & which unwrap according to epigenetic analog information that tells which part of the DNA to unwrap. Humans have 23 chromosomes with about 3 GB of quad-base digital information for the production of every biomolecule in the human body. Amazingly the gut bacterial flora are all foreign non human organisms that help accomplish digestion & absorption of biochemicals from food that have to pass the intestinal wall as liquids in order to be integrated into flesh & cells of the human body! This is alway why staying well hydrated super important for health & wellness. 

Fasting activates biochemical pathways & sirtuins that initiate the conversion of body fat to metabolic fuel called ketone bodies. The goal of the ketogenic diet or ultra-low carbohydrate diet to put the patient into a triple metabolic fuel burning state where they can convert several kinds of ketones & blood glucose to fuel brain cells & other cells in every other organ & flesh of the body. Long duration water fasting for 3-7 days was practices by every major world religion leader throughout history. Fasting can cause complications from high blood ketone levels which you can measure with urine test strips. Fasting for longer periods can also kick off an electrolyte imbalance of sodium, calcium, chloride & potassium, which can cause arrhythmias of the heart & rapid heart rate or nausea. 

There are a lot of complicate things happing at the same time in the body when we cut off food & only drink water for 3+ days. There are genetic protective mechanism that were present historically to help humans survive periods of time without stead access to food. If anything characterizes the SAD or standard American diet, its the overconsumption of simple carbohydrates of fast burning hight glycemic index carbohydrates like sugars & high fructose corn syrup & sugar & other things like bread, rice, pasta & soda. A distinctive lack of health dietary fiber intake, not enough omega 3 & too much inflammatory omega 6 & 9 cause inflammatory disorders, inflammation & joint pain as people do not consume olive oil or butter, but cook with toxic over-processed veggie oils like canola oil that goes though more processing stages that crude oil does to become vehicle gasoline. 

Stop eating or cooking with veggie oils & starting cooking with butter or nut oils or other health mono-unsaturated fats. The problem with trans fats & poly unansturated fats is that they become rancid easily oxidizing & those oxidized fats produced when veggie oil is heated over 50 C is similar to cooking food in pesticide reside in terms of its negative effect on cardiovascular health. If there is one thing I can tell you to do that will improve your health, its go to bed earlier & avoid light at night time. Tuning your died to under the effects of western disease of civilization way more complicated & involves a complete rethink of how you prepare foods, what foods to cook, to cook & eat at home, to stop buying restaurant food, to add more whole nature veggies & fruits, cut back on unhealthy oils, increase fiber intake, eat high quality proteins, more saturated & mono-unsaturated fat, enough sodium for electrolytic balance of your cells, but not too much salt since that can raise blood pressure. 

Law of Attraction

Imagine what you really want & think about enjoying it before you get it & the universe will give it to you! Poverty a poor mindset in origin. Wealth also a mindset. Being rich or broke are financial realities. What we think about now affects our future or who we are becoming down the road in life. It can be more fun to go fast in a slow vehicle than to operate a fast vehicle slowly. Sometimes less can be more, especially saying less & listening more. We learn when we listen to other people. That can go either way depending on who we spend our finite time alive with. We unwittingly or otherwise become like people we spend time with. A lot of human communication non-verbal with body language & other wireless communications based on quantum mechanics or spooky action at a distance. Our thinking emits electrodynamics waves in other dimensional layers that manifest things into reality in our dimension. 

Dimensional Gateway Access

There are ways for your mind to exit your body with remote viewing or astral protection, such that you can travel faster than light, you can fly around & experience life without your physical body. This was proven when studying how general anesthetic drugs used to sedate people during surgery often allow the surgery patients to leave their physical bodies. One anesthesiologist wanting to study these "out of body experiences" placed colorful boxes of different shapes all around the operating room, on top of high cabinets not viewable from standing nearby. 

When patients would wake up from general anethstics, he would ask them if they saw anything out of place in the hospitals & many of them reported strangly shaped colored boxes of metallic foil placed on top of tall cabinets around the operating room. Without any knowledge of these boxes, how did the patients see them. Their mind or soul left their bodies & flew around the hospital. Many patients undergoing general anesthesia also report upon waking up as the drugs wear off, of "looking down at the operating table at their own body being worked on by the surgeon & nurses & other doctors, hooked up to special equipment" underscoring the essential value of electricity to modern civilization. 

In intelligence communities in governments, agents engage in circle group remote viewing of tactical assets, such that they are able to locate things hidden, to see secrete locations. For example, it's possible using remote viewing to find Vladimir Putin, but he use location mirroring to fool remote viewing fully aware of this technology as utilized by agents working for the Russian Government. The rooms he inhabits are cloned, so they all look the same, so it's confusing to remote view correctly. He also use special blocking techniques with microwave weapons, faraday cages wire mesh, RF blocking, RF jamming, multifrequencies disruption & other tech to block remote viewing, or to radically reduce viewing resolution so the information yielded useless, noisy or not relevant or useful. 

Astral projection something that anyone can practice at home on their bed, lying down, eyes closed. You can start with lucid dreaming & progress towards other dark arts, but be warned. Engaging in the dark arts spiritually dangerous to your soul & you will be interacting with agents & entities & things that no one on Earth fully understands, in other dimensional spaces, aliens operating in higher dimensions, demons, angels, other races of beings from other galaxies similar to the milky way / from other plants & celestial systems / space aliens, some of whom are millions of years more technologically advanced than human civilization 2022 for example. God exist in the highest dimension with access to unlimited knowledge, unlimited power & able to do anything as the most powerful, most intelligent, most gifted & most creative being of infinite love & creativity! Praise be to God! Go breathes out star systems into existence, making human activity seem appropriately energetically limited & foolish by comparison. We are but children in the eyes of God! No human knows everything, no one has all the answers, only God knows it all about all things! 

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