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There is No "Man", System, & No One is Holding You Down :

If you have a sharp mind, drive, and apply it, you can have a more dynamic and interesting life. Do not believe anyone that tells you that you are being held under the thumb of the elite or powerful people in the world, thats a lie that will hold you back if you believe it. Let's talk about agency & free will, starting with some science about human life. 

If your life is not what you want your life to be like, you are likely your own worst enemy, with a mind of sin & negative thinking that is actually holding you back from a more dynamic, more interesting, wealthier & more engaging life with more opportunities, novelty & enjoyable phenomena (situations, circumstances) that you can interact with more intelligently with a positive can do attitude. The world filled with naysayers & people inhibited by broken stupid ignorant or foolish thinking; try to avoid becoming like that. 

Have an open mind & keep learning new things as much as you can. Keep your mind bright & engaged, searching to know more & to understand more. You can become an interesting dynamic person that other people find enjoyable to interact with, especially if you are nice to them & tell them interesting helpful lifestyle tips & tricks of uplifting interesting science facts or anything to encourage or uplift them. Be a natural helper & help other people & find that fulfillment that can only come by helping another person to rise above mediocrity. Aim to become a more excellent person in every way that you can imagine, inspired by the Love that God has for mankind, to create the Earth & the Universe & all life that it contains, in every dimensional layer, in all multiverses, that God that reigns supreme above all other entities in all of existence, known or unknown. 

You were born as a single cell, the fusion of your fathers sperm & your mothers egg. You developed like a parasite inside your mothers uterus, where your body attached to take from her body like a metastasized cancer tumor as you developed as a fetus, like a parasite inside your mother, who eventually gave birth to you. In this way all people entered the world, Earth, through their biological female mothers body and reproductive organs. These are scientific facts, and empirical axioms about life beyond any doubt or debate. I do not care what gender you identify as, if you are non binary, you do you, but you were most likely born either a XX female or an XY male. A tiny relative fraction of people are genetically XXY or XYY or exhibit hermaphroditism, where both kinds of reproductive organs are expressed. 

As a baby you knew almost nothing & were helpless with a large relative to your physical size, brain, that exhibited rapid neuronal development, with incredible neuroplasticity (Not Misspelled)(even though my computer underlines it in red to indicate a spelling error) to adapt to sensory input signals from your eyes, ears, nasal bulb, tongue, skin, touch, taste, proprioception feedback nerve spinal cord feedback control mechanism sensing. A poetic way to say this, movement is life. You are an animal, not a plant, fungi or bacteria. 

We have muscles, bones, and joints so that we can achieve locomotion or movement, or engage in activities. Even people stuck with limited control of their bodies can enter data into a computer & type the way that I am writing this blog. Stephen William Hawking for example, wrote many scientific books on cosmology & theoretical physics, while completely physically incapacitated with early onset slow progress ALS or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, a motor neuron disease that causes a progressive loss of voluntary muscle control through a degenerative loss of motor neurons that control muscles, or enable people to move, or engage in many kinds of physical activities. He used a special human computer control interface that he could control with his tongue & lips to write scientific literature, because he had a brilliant mind! Remember the mind is not the brain, the brain is an organ, the mind is whats happening in the brain; your mind is your soul- the information encoded in energy transiting as recursive feedback loops of analytical & predictive consciousness; many 10s of thousands of loops of thinking happening 24/7 even when, & especially while you are asleep dreaming. 

You have agency, meaning you get to choose how your body interacts with reality around you. You have great range to choose what you believe in. You can easily expand your mind by reading more & watching edifying documentary films. You can learn new skills & abilities & everyone is also curious to varying extents. All people are trying to make sense of the world around them, & almost everyone turns to look when driving past an accident scene, because people like to know, they want to look at it, look at that, did you see that, we are all similar in these ways. I would argue that all people are the same & that no one is better than anyone else because I worship God, not other people!

You are free to do as you want, within reason, as a human. You can learn a new language, new ways of doing math or accounting, how to invest your money, how to build or make or repair something. You can improve anything you focus your mind on, start with searching online, since someone else might be able to share tips & tricks with you about how to do it, this or that, that you might be interested in.

If you are into soldering electronic circuits, search "How to make an RF circuit" and watch the YouTube videos where people try to teach you, like those by Branch Education for example. Try "How Smartphones Work" by Branch Education. Smarter Every Day has cool videos. Mark Robber has cool YouTube videos. Type "Learn" into YouTube & watch what comes back, it's amazing, there is something for everyone! The internet special & worth defending with net neutrality to protect this unique education aspect of universal 24/7 access to wikipedia & YouTube & other sites like or Ebay, since e-commerce the future of retail & streaming & other industries since its faster, cheaper & more efficient, even though the energy footprint of the internet huge today, computer are becoming more energy efficient. Consider the M2 Apple ARM silicon that replaces CPU chips made by Intel previously. M1 was the first, now M2, then M3, the architecture of how the transistors are connected making the big difference. Consider the power efficiency of the M2 chipset vs 10th gen. Intel chips it replaces. Consider the neural cores in newer iPhone & Macs, the SOC containing GPU, CPU, Neural Cores, High Performance Cores, High Efficiency Cores - by condensing the logic into a single TSMC deep UV lithography 5nm high precision chip, the compute performance per watt increases with each new generations, as do the number of functions & features these chips can perform. 

With computer chips & similar high technology products, you are see the combine thinking of millions of people who worked billions of hours over many decades, many of whom are no longer alive, much of todays technologies built on the shoulders of giants of Silicon Valley like Robert Noyce the founder of Intel, Steve Jobs & what became of Apple, Tim Berners Lee at CERN & the Internet or Linux. Computer enable people to work together in corporations with hundreds of thousands of employees. The Pentagon in the USA the largest single employer with more than 3 million employees, that makes use of immense compute capacity on large supercomputers for nuclear simulations & other high performance computational fluid dynamics optimization of drones & propulsion technology for aerospace & defense applications, at Space X or Blue Origin, cloud compute or elastic cloud computing enables engineers to use amazing software tools like Fusion 360 to optimize parts with FEA finite element analysis in CAD or compute aided engineering.

Use google search, dogpile or search engine of your choice & query whatever your mind desires to know or learn. The internet, a DIY guide for so many different topics, How To videos on YouTube are awesome. Look up how to "Fix or repair your smartphone or smartwatch" "How to change the battery in my iPhone or Samsung Phone" - businesses like IFIXIT have a website with instructions on how to fix your stuff, with color labeled photos & step by step instructions, they even sell the parts & tools for DIY device repairs & work to pass device repair laws, along with notable YouTube celebrities that advocate for Device Repair like Louis Rossmann the YouTuber, who also owns a device repair shop in NY, NY, USA. 

Computation innovation in information technology recursive feedback loops of interdisciplinary & cross platform application fusion, where more technology breeds even more better technology faster, even as we approach the physical atomic limits with lithography of chipset manufacturing. 

We can keep improving the chip architecture or how the transistors are connected. Just like neurons in the human brain, it's how they are connected that makes all the difference; oddly the same is true of people as groups, since we become like those whom we spend time with. Exhibit great caution when interacting with people who are lower functioning than you or who exhibit qualities you do not wish to adopt into your lifestyle or ways of operating & thinking as a person. Do not become you own God or worship yourself, you are a flawed hypocrite sinner just everyone else, perfectly imperfect, & hopefully, if you want, you can find someone else to share love & life with who loves "all your curves and edges, all your imperfections" in the words of John Legend the singer who sings a beautiful song about this. 

Think about commercial aircraft design. The aero surfaces of wings for example can be extensively optimized with wing tip turbulence reduction designed. All aircraft will move to a blended wind design as Boeing & Airbus seek to continue making new aircraft with better fuel economy & lower emissions, especially to comply with increasingly stringent government emissions laws aimed at reducing the public health problems created from people breathing fossil fuel combustion emissions, which are toxic to human lung & brain cells for example. Pollution the externality of combustion energy & the reason there is an urgent need to decarbonize electrical energy production worldwide & to decarbonize transportation & manufacturing. 

All problems can solved & all people can be improved, redeemed, healed and repaired. We can upgrade everyones thinking. As people continue blending their minds with computers, the distinction between thinking & knowledge & computer will continue blurring. Over time people will merge their minds with wet soft flexible compute that integrates with the DNA, their bodies cells, their brain cells, the endocrine system & metabolism. Wetware will become part of humanity & normal people will have computer brain augmentation. We need these advances to give people the intellectual skills to genetically engineer our all of the flaws from human DNA & to solve all diseases & to design people who are more robust who can withstand the thermal loading & temperature extremes & long duration of deep space missions. Today there exists people who are already born, who making use of emergent medical & nutritional knowledge, will live to be older than 120 years of age. 

We are going to infinity and beyond once we become energetic beings free of physical bodies. God intents mankind to transcend the biosphere of Earth & become inter-dimensional beings of light, of adaptive intelligence information encoded in energy that is never destroyed, immortal energetic beings that continue learning & developing skills forever. This is know as gateway access technology or inter dimensional faster than light or FTL technology. People in government intelligence agencies utilize something called "Remote Viewing" based on dimensional gateway access, allowing their mind / soul to leave their body & achieve spooky action at a distance, far away from their physical body, to acquire information about a target, that would be impossible to obtain by any other means, especially while remaining undetected by the target or enemy. 

Warning, astral projection not safe & I strong advise against it. In this process, you leave your physical body & enter the astral plane, a dimensional level above the one humans live in on Earth. This means you start too travel faster than any other means, much faster than rockets or missiles, you can travel as the speed of light or faster than light & wormhole across spacetime to vastly distant parts of the universe & learn that there is much more than what the James Web Space Telescope is imaging. Our entire universe is not unique, there are many other instances of existence. In the past I engaged in this spiritually dangerous activity & ended up suffering greatly because of it. Astral projection damaged my mind by showing me things I can never forget that are not nice to know. I learned things about reality that I didn't ever want to know, that most people probably never want to know. Like the dark web, like the black internet, there are things online so disturbing that they fracture your mental framework, blowing your mind in a sick unethical way that you cannot unlearn, that will make you feel sick. There are evil people in the world selling anything you can imagine, including unspeakable things much worse than basic human trafficking. For example, the abduct people & harvest their organs & then sell the organs to wealthier people who buy them using bitcoin on the dark-web, because those people are at the end of long lists for organ transplant eligibility & would likely never get the organ they need to replace. 

All currencies are fake & made up & everyone within reason knowns it, especially the Federal Reserve. Even gold coins are only worth what people are willing to pay for them. The same is true of vehicles and housing or houses. The cost of everything is relative & constantly changing because fiat currencies are currency manipulation. Energy and power are real wealth welded by the elite income earners & other billionaires. Power is a political ability to cause great change in societal function by changing laws with lobbyists & bribery at the highest levels in America, for example. 

Dream bigger & set better goals. Aim to become someone who makes a big positive difference in the world, by helping other people in even more ways that you can currently imagine. If you endeavor to become benevolent, edifying & lifting other people up, being a natural helper & go giver, then you will automatically make more friends & those social connections will make the difference. All people on earth are connected by 6 degrees of freedom, meaning you would be really surprised to learn who you are affiliated & connected too if you really knew. There are things that you could know that would caused you to self terminate. Some topics are too heavy for most people, hard heavy difficult topics that not everyone has the stomach or mind to tolerate. Some things are powerfully uplifting, like the New Testament of the Christian Bibles, it's only about ~500 pages, so read it & try living the way God says to live in the Bible, which is a more excellent way. 

Hard to always do the right thing & be the best version of yourself. We always have temptation to sin or make mistakes. Since everyone only has partial knowledge, all people fail sometimes too, the winners dust themselves off & keep trying. Have a winner mentality. Be kind & respectful & treat other people with dignity & honor & respect. It's not about them, it's about you. Become the brightest, highest functioning version of you, inspired by God! Praise be to God! Do not worship other partial foolish imperfect finite people, they are not worth your worship, only God deserves worship from people. 

Your mind can hold about 700 terabytes of information in quantum entanglement storage, using your brain hardware & sensors input data to acquire the data. That means you can learn a lot. A person has to learn a few hundred gigabytes of specialized information to become a board certified doctor in America for example. Most people fill their mind with useless trash listening to music lyrics & watching fictional moves for fun, or reading books that teach them nothing. You do not have to be like them. You can become like me, a lifelong student of everything comprehensible. 

Think about spiritual assertion & having faith in God through Christ Jesus, to endless renew your mind & body so that you soul / mind can have a wonderful life after your body dies biologically. The energy in your soul / mind, like all energy, only changes from & is never destroyed. In the celestial planes of higher dimensional space, this is why beings of light live forever, because they are not subject to biological death. 

Human consciousness may never be possible to produce in compute chips, but data scientists & information technologists & software engineers will go to great lengths with many kinds of neural processing & much more AI development to simulate or emulate generalized human intelligence thinking & to produce super human knowledge, skills, ability, insight, creativity & other problem solving abilities applied to a broad range of topics in many sectors, like in transportation, in self driving or autonomous vehicles of all kinds in the future. 

Open domain problems might seem impossible for finite compute systems, but better algorithms with more condensed intelligence will produce better than human machine abilities in robots & all sorts of machines & vehicles of all kinds. Eventually all people will be retired and energy will become the new money, like in Star Tre. People will speak one human language on Earth, English, and  there will be one world government. This is what happens on the way to the rise of the Antichrist according to the Christian Bible, or God's Holy Word in my opinion. There will be a false peace created on the way to this climactic end of mankind on Earth as we know it. So, if you are alive today or for the next few hundred or several thousand years, depending on how you look at it, thinks will just keep getting better. I know things might seem bad sometimes, currency inflation and covid 19 viral outbreaks, but those are just little bumps along the way through history. We are forging an amazing future together as people as we continue breaking down cultural barriers, continue rolling back & phasing out disfunction toxic & negative thinking, becoming open mind more intelligent smarter people every day. 

Even within Christianity, we are called to show ALL other people love & kindness. Thats real inclusiveness, not that false fake speech political correctness espoused by SJW or social justice warriors, the most foolish & confused of all people. I say that because the engage in reverse racism, bigotry, injustice, lies, corruption, false speech, misdirection, misinformation, disinformation, fake news & dishonesty of every kind. Treating all other people with dignity & respect a biblical principle that Jesus Christ taught his followers, the disciples, as describe in God's Holy Word in the New Testament of the Christian Bible- of which there are many kinds, the Amplified my favorite person version to read, since its verbose & declarative & helps to dispel ambiguity & make the wording more intelligibly in modern English or the common vernacular of how people speak & think today, not in confusion old English with extensive double negatives like the King James Version. 

English is a giant meme in many ways. You drive on a parkway & park on a driveway for example. English was never intelligently designed in a wholistic way to reduce ambiguity like most higher level computer programming languages that are declarative & character sensitive, since garbage in equals garbage out in software design. Any typos or mistakes translated into machine code by the compiler will produce glitches & errors in the software. There is "language" assist sorta like spelling & grammar checking, that can help people writing in C or C sharp for example, to catch errors in their coding before the IDE or integrated development environment compiles the software into executable binaries so that machine logic circuits & chips sets can run the software across billions of transistors connected in novel & highly creative ways. Modern Korean, as written, the most efficient language. English the most widespread language on Earth & a common secondary official language in many counties through ESL programs or English as a Second Language. Many signs, in Tokyo Japan, for example are posted with both Japanese & English Text. Many people from many countries, learn to read & write in English as part of the normal education. The British empire in the 1800's was responsible for the globalization of English as a language, if you were wondering :P 

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