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Human Life Precious & Special

Take a moment to reflect with a sense of aw at the magical aspects of living life in all of its marvelous diversity on Earth, our home planet, where everyone lives, eating, drinking & breathing molecules that are endlessly cycling through the biosphere of Earth, while every human person self assembles from DNA information shared by all life! The more you understand the more you can appreciate why life so special & unlike anything else, so try to make the best of your finite time alive while you still can! 

I want to talk to you about the priceless value of genuine love, something so precious & special that no amount of money can buy it. I am talking about a real lifelong friendship, the genuine love a parent has for their children, that a loyal spouse has for their partner. I am talking about being a loving son, brother, daughter, sister, husband, wife, father, mother, I am talking about the intrinsic value of basic morality & ethics about parenting & family, the nuclear family, the genuine platonic love people have for people & animals.

Dog's are man's best friend, says a wise proverb about life, because Dog's were bred in a way that encourages blind loyalty & genuine love for their owner. Dog's are pack animal & want their leader to connect with them, so that they can feel like an integrated part of your family. People frequently say that the costs of pet ownership are completely worth the priceless love they experience with their dog or cat. Even people with extremely limited mental function are able to love completely naturally & sincerely. 

I believe that human life is precious & special and worth defending at any cost. This is why I have advocated publicly against pollution, greed, income inequality, toxic emissions, toxic pesticides, toxic processed foods, and other profit focused products & services that cause more harm than good, often to funnel ever increasing profits to a tiny minority of people who already live opulent lives wanting for nothing, like common billionaires today, who have millions of times more money than the average person on Earth. 

Does it even make sense to have a society where a small few control most of the money, if that requires depriving everyone else of a better life? 

Greedy profit focusing worse when it causes the small minority to make choices that result in toxic pollutant emissions that harm, hurt, kill & destroy, stealing life from everyone by preventable diseases caused by exposure to pollutants, like the common neonicotinoide pesticides that have toxic effects on human fetal development, negatively damaging the babies brain & nervous system or CNS. Small children are much more sensitive to toxins & poisons because their tiny liver & kidney & low body mass makes small amounts of toxins form a larger effective dose that harms them more than the same amount of pollutant would on a typical much larger heavier mass adult human with a bigger kidney & liver respectively.  

I am a school bus driver & drive elementary children too & from school daily. I observe a precious special innocence & intrinsic social kindness & love from these children who instantly accepted me. It actually makes me tear up with joy & appreciation thinking about them. 

I have a latent unrequited desire to father a child that never worked out biologically with my lovely loving amazing beautiful wife Meg. Deep down this hurts & if I am honest about it, it rattles me at times with a sense of emptiness. I know that becoming a parent for a thoughtful intelligent & considerate person can be a huge cognitive & stress load & believe that not all people are fit to become parents of children. My life is thus less stressful since my wife & I both work & do not have children. This does not keep me from loving other peoples children, like all of the lovely children that ride my School Bus. I find their bubbly upbeat optimism & raw emotional honesty super uplifting & refreshing! Children are the future, the people of tomorrow that will replace people alive today, who grow old & die as this children grow up to become high functioning adults! I do my best as a School Bus Driver to encourage all the children I encounter at work! 

Ecosystems make our air, water & plants & animals that we eat as foods. When human activity releases pollution, those pollutants end up getting into food webs in nature. Once toxins are in the food web they get magnified by trophic magnification as higher organisms consume the more vast lower organism. In fish communities in the oceans this is known as biomagnification of toxins like methyl mercury, such that large fish like the Tuna have higher concentrations of water soluble mercury compounds in their flesh than the smaller fish that the tune eats as part of its diet. Thus water soluble mercury compounds that are toxic to humans, become more concentrated in the food web in higher organisms. I learned about trophic biomagnification when studying Ecology Science as part of obtaining a Bachelors of Science of Environmental Science. 

Environmental toxicology of pollutant science & its negative effects on public health & natural ecosystems are relatively new sciences, especially because they are intrinsically interdisciplinary in nature, requiring information integration from medicine & physiology, physics, chemistry & ecology. 

Consider how common pollutants move through the biosphere of Earth as air or water pollutants or how long those pollutants reside as persistent toxic substances before being remediated by solar energy, oxidation, water exposure & other natural chemical reactions in nature. 

Consider how the biochemistry of the human body integrally dependent on enzymes for function & how many heavy metals & toxic pollutants have toxic effects because of the way they bind with enzymes & blog the enzyme from functioning to fascinating biochemical reactions required for cell functioning. 

Consider dose concept where 1 beer in 1 hours is less toxic than 10 beers in 1 hour. The does effects the concentration, since molecules entering the human body have to diffuse slowly through wet flesh, eventually getting to our liver & kidneys as metabolites that are excrete in urine & feces. Testing urine & feces shows that many common pollutants are pervasive, in nearly everyones bodies, hair, nails, skin, flesh, and some people are acutely harmed by exposure to these poisons, more than other people! 

Market forces have created more wealth & property than any other human system in history, but externalities often arise because of bribery, corruption, greed or evil choices that are great for improving short term profits, even if doing so are bad for the future of the company, health of its employees or nature. 

The modern environmental movement also inspired Corporate Ethics such that large profitable companies are expected to use emissions controls & other pollution reducing technologies in their operations. This means that a concrete processing company should do what they are reasonably able to do to reduce CO emissions & dust soot PM emissions. Rock dust toxic to human lung tissue, just like sawdust & other air pollutants they get deep into the lung thin membrane sacks & cause irritation & scaring & loss of gas exchange efficiency that harms people with COPD, Asthma, Lung Cancer & other common respiratory diseases and disorders caused by air pollution exposure. 

Governments have been grossly negligent to control & regulate large corporations to reduce toxic pollutant emissions, such that corporate profits are often valued above human health, such that irrational justifications are made to enable bad players to release toxins into ecosystems, toxins that end up harming & hurting other people & animals in nature. Everything in the biosphere of Earth is chemically connected by gas or water or land molecules made of chemical elements from the Periodic Table of Elements. 

The valence electron shell configurations of these elements is what most strongly influences how they interact to from molecules by combining with other elements, the way that Carbon C, Oxygen O, & Nitrogen N often combine in organic flesh in life, DNA, people & animals. We are known as a carbon based lifeforms because of the pervasive role that carbon forms as a base element in many biomolecules in human cells & flesh in the human body. Studying the electron exchange between elements & molecules enables understanding of why cadmium or lead are toxic to certain human cell groups or cell types. A toxic typically inhibits a signaling molecule or enzyme & knocks homeostasis out of balance in a dose dependent factor, which negatively affects many hormonal & cytokine signaling & control cascade axis systems in the human body! 

Listen to this song to get a sense of what I think of first thing in the morning, the sanctity & priceless value of life through the lens of elastic love. This song literally plays in my head when I wake up, regularly, like the theme song for my heart that hurts seeing how other people harm & hurt others & animals that a defenseless. 

With killing the problems are only made worse & more people end up being hurt. I say this as a retired assassin who worked in a USAP program funded by the Pentagon, who was tricked into doing the sick bidding of evil leaders, while being told that I was protecting my country, America, from radical ideological extremism & terrorism. I really dislike when people say mean things to each other, bully or harm or hurt each other. If I had the power I would end all forms of evil in the world now. Ever since defecting from my previous job, I made a moral choices to start helping other people, animals, insects, environments, nature, because the death of my best friend Matt helped me understand that priceless value of life that can be taken suddenly without warning. 

If you are alive reading this, you are lucky! My little sister was killed in a tragic winter car accident, my childhood best friend committed suicide, my father is dead & my brother in law who I was closest with died of cancer. I feel deeply saddened when I see the negativity in the news, about crime or school shootings or armed robbery or anything like the water toxic issues at military bases that gave tens of thousands of people preventable cancers & worse. 

We start as a single cell that divides & assembles into a system of cells that form a human body after many  billions of cells form all the flesh & organs that comprise the systems of cell systems that make living so unique & unlike anything else non-living. We have a limbic system that allows us to feel emotions & in many ways human lead with the emotional states, not necessarily logic or thoughtfulness. 

I am motivated by the love that I have for my lovely wife & for God & for his lovely generosity in creating all of existence. If I am able to have a moral revolution & become a good person, I believe that anyone can become a good person, if they are willing to turn away from habitual sinning, embracing a positive personality & good character development pathway of personal improvement & cognitive enhancement. 

I often wondered where "Bad" people came from. I sadly think the answer is from unloving families where the parents are not nice to the children. I dated a social worker in college who showed me some of the worse home situations that exist, so dark & confused & dirty & wrong, corrupted with drug abuse & neglect & lack of love shown to the children. I am reminded of sadistic animal abuse & other things that frustrate & anger me deeply, bringing me to tears to even write about it, here. Yes, I have to type some of these sections through eyes filled with blurry tears that distort my vision because of how people hurting other people & animals upsets me. 

I am horrified & saddened to the deepest reaches of my core seeing what's happening in the Ukraine. I am equally sickened by greed causing pollution that hurts, harms, and steals life from everyone & makes natural ecosystems degraded with pesticides & other toxins faster. I feel a deep-seated sadness for the animals in nature, for pets, for all lifeforms that people harm from inaction or because of evil greed or worse. I just want to see more love in the world! I want to see people giving each other compliments. I want to see everyone helping everyone else more! I wish I lived in a moral utopia where everyone was an upstanding honest decent fair & balanced human being who treats other people with dignity & respect. I do what I can to encourage the children to be polite & nice to each other when they are on my bus because I want them to understand why it's important to treat other people nicely, with mutual respect, sharing & caring for each other. 

The CCP the most evil government in the world & I am part of the End the CCP movement because of how the Chinese Government has no value for human life, forcing abortions, murdering citizens, and worse. They have ruined Hong Kong & are making Taiwan worse, without a logical reasoning, and the people in Taiwan & Hong Kong have nothing nice to say about the CCP. The CCP condemned by most world governments as an evil corrupt disturbing illegitimate government! In a similar way I think that Vladimir Putin should be taken out of the Russian Government, disposed & charged with crimes & convicted of War Crimes & Torture & any other crimes he is guilty of, then punished accordingly by other world governments, the UN in particular, organizing his trial & convictions. 

I refuse to endorse or support anything unethical or immoral. I want to see a loving world where live thrives & where there is real clean market forces & innovation that improves everyones lives with cheaper cleaner electricity that has better uptime 24/7/365 by mixing nuclear with renewables & energy storage & energizing transportation with electric vehicles of all kinds! 

I can see the future getting better & improving the quality of living for billions of people while also reducing pollution & restoring ecosystems, improving biodiversity & improving ecosystem functions & ecosystem services, helping the bees to become the best pollinators while also making honey that people love. I want to see cures for all diseases developed & commercialized. I want to see exoskeletons that are widely available to help injured people & to prevent back injuries. I want to see the blind have their sight restored, the deaf gain their hearing, people who are wheelchair bound walking again. I want to see all medical diseases solved. I can see an answer to every question being developed & diffusing worldwide so that we can make life better for everyone always & make the future almost unimaginably better than today in every measurable way! 


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