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Oblivion Movie Mindset Ideology Inspiration & More

Transcending time & place, a human clones emotional attachment to his beautiful wife ends up in all the clones of his body, thousands of them. This positive emotional bonding idea so profound it makes the sci-fi movie take on a romantic emotionally warming tone despite the dark premise of the Earth being destroy by worldwide nuclear war to stop alien invaders in the future. 

Movie / Bedtime & Single Beer Bender to Celebrate Last Day & Previous Job 

I violated by bedtime & stayed up until midnight last night & even drank a beer while watching Oblivion the movie on Amazon Prime Video. Choppy low quality sleep proceeded & I canceled my alarm clock & slept in till almost 7:45 am- radically diverging from my 9pm to 4:30 am challenge to a 10:30pm to 6 am easier swing maintain as I worked mostly closing shifts from 12 noon to 8:30pm at Batteries + for years, though yesterday was my last day (sadly, finally, happily) / I have mixed emotions about saying goodbye this time because my boss Guy Miller was the best boss I have ever worked for!

Lifelong Self Improvement Deliberately  

Having a positive mindset key to improving as a person. What we think about either limits to expands on what we able to do, our skills & abilities. We must choose a mindset that extends our capabilities as a person so that we can enjoy a happy mind, which improves brain health, which improve diet choices, which improves brain health, which improve health of the body via autophagy & ketosis triggered by interval fasting & periodic multi-day water fasting for health or weight-loss

Sugar Overdose Brain Toxic = Alzheimers, Autism & Dementia 

Glucotoxicity means when eating excess carbohydrates, especially simple carbs & sugars like sucrose & fructose, the high resulting blood sugar levels actually damage neurons in the brain, a causal basis for autism & dementia & Alzheimers diseases, but also a major causes of metabolic syndrome diseases & disorders like high blood pressure or hypertension, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, some autoimmune inflammation disease & many forms of cancer are fueled by sugar consumption. 

Doctors on YouTube Spreading Powerful Facts 

Dr. Robert Lustig on YouTube explains sugars dose to toxicity levels in his edifying videos, as does Dr. Jason Fung the nephrologist from Canada that clearly explains how the human metabolism actually works. I also like Dr. Annette Bosworth & Dr. Pradip Jamnadas who also go to great lengths to clearly explain why eating healthy monounsaturated fats & limiting sugar & carb intake while improving fiber & water intake, a mix of ways in diet to improve overall health & wellness. 

Reverse Biological Age with Fasting 

Every day that you water fast as an adult can roll back biological aging by 4+ days, via autophagy cell clean up & repair processing initiated by fasting for longer than 3 days with adequate water consumption the whole time. Staying hydrated with clean water important normally, but extra important when fasting. 

Life Style Changes Require Long Term Intelligent Food Choices 

Nothing exceptional happens instantly most of the time, so to improve you health, you have to make long term positive changes to your mindset & diet choices, including when you eat in accordance with interval fasting & your serving sizes & making choices to include whole natural organic foods, more veggies & less fruit, more fiber & less sugar, more real quality meat & chicken & fish & less processed junk foods & candy & desert items - that are ok sparingly in smaller servings if they are good for your soul, if you pine to enjoy something sweet - also when you only ever eat a little sweetness sparingly, its much more enjoyable then if you constantly bombard your body with food sugars which have more than 60 different names in the ingredients listings on food packages common in America. 

Know Your Stuff about Food & Nutrition 

Read the packages & understand that many foods that come in a bag or a box with colorful marketing labels are high value added products that are better for the food processors profit than your health or wellness as a consumer of that food. Look at food as the largest chemical input stream to your body. Its true that pollutants are bad in term of toxic impacts from exposure, but for most people that only a tiny trace stream, while food the major river of nutrients entering their body, which the gut warm wet composts with microbes into small molecules to be absorbed into the blood & apocrine system for later distribution to all cell systems in other organs & parts of the body where the food either stored as fat with sugars, used directly as fuel with fats or building & repairing cells & tissue with protein amino acids -- biochemistry & nutrition simple or complicated depending on how you look at it. 

Know Even More to Share Simple Powerful Facts Faster 

The more you learn the better your brain will create simpler to understand generalized thinking models that make it easier for you to quickly explain the key insight & facts to other people! Try taking life by the horns & becoming the master of your operation as a person, like a boss, take control of your mind & what you eat & what you think about & what you choose to shift your focus at as a thinking learning self assembling emergent human phenomenon as a person! 

School, Work & Life Not Instantaneous like A Social Media Posting 

We all want to read the news, whats happening, scroll through twitter or Facebook to get the timeline updates with videos & articles & whats this & whats that curiosity focus, hitting us like a drug with many facts from all areas of life. I follow more than 500 different groups or people on Twitter & nearly 500 people follow me. Its a like a information blizzard online & the internet can fracture your focus, ruin your memory & make you mentally ill by robbing you of sleep & rest & bombarding you with too much information for any normal person to intelligibly handle with information overload! 

Endless News Cycle + Screen Light = Insomnia & Mental Illness 

Chronic stress very unhealthy & this is well documented in the medical literature on physiology & medicine, especially too much cortisol. While some cortisol good, chronic cortisol elevated levels prevent melatonin from enable us to wind down at night & get ready for sleeping in bed. Loss of sleep quality causes metabolites to build up in the brain that end up being toxic to the brain cells. Chronic sleep debt causes car & truck accidents & accidents by surgeons & doctors at hospitals *very well documented* // overtime the lack of sleep by consuming too much caffeine, which also surpasses melatonin activity, caffeine later in the day, it increases aging by robbing you of rest or degrading the quality & reducing the biological value of sleep, alcohol consumption also reduces sleep quality & too much causes choppy sleep & restlessness, blank brain fog or hangover headaches the next day // 

Impossible to Write this Blog All at Once! 

To hone my focus into making this happing I have to dedicate myself to writing these articles daily! Thats who I get my content online & make it happen. The blog does not write itself & its not some quick tweet, though I do cross promote these writing on Twitter to increase traction or social engagement or traffic to my blog :) 

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