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FDA in collusion w/ a pharmaceutical company who wants to make NMN a prescription drug

An anti-aging miracle drug called NMN (Nicotinamide Mononucleotide) that anti-aging research Dr. David A. Sinclair of Harvard talked about in his book Aging, Why We Age & Why we don't have to, NMN that saved his father by boosting the 70+ year old man's overall health. His dad went from relative sedentary to moderately active, with vitality of his young years, just by adding NMN supplementation. 

Meg & I started taking NMN powder almost immediately after reading this amazing book, that Dr. Blake Miller gave me to read, which I re-read twice. 

I got 100g bulk NMN on Amazon, several times, but thats no longer available because the FDA told Amazon to stop selling it. Thats unethical, anti-market, unfair, unreasonable, government abuse of free markets & represents corruption & abusive overuse of the FDA ruling in an authoritarian distortion & power control that satanic manipulation & witchcraft evil sick maniacal government perversion.

I hate the FDA because it also weaponizes bioweapons to be used in WWIII. I know all about the sick evil stuff happening inside the deepest classified levels of the FDA. 

Consider the DEA & FDA take on cannabis or marijuana vs the neuroscience & physiology science of the CB1 & CB2 human receptors & their natural endogenous ligands 2AG & Anandamide respectively. Obviously cannabis has medicinal effects. Anyone who has smoked pot can tell you that they calmed down & relaxed & that getting high on weed can be very enjoyable. Thus many US States legalized marijuana or cannabis & many people now regularly get high, legally. 

You know who tried to block cannabis legalization? The FDA & DEA & other big Alcohol lobbyist who thought legal cannabis would decrease beer, wine & spirits sales, when that did not happen at all. The COVID19 debacle increased alcohol & weed sales, and related tax revenue generated by those sales. Many children were produced as a result of so many people staying at home so much during the covid closures & stay at home recommendations. 

Let's talk about what NMN powder does when you put a scoop under your tongue. Within 10 min your NAD+ levels are elevated via the Slc12a8 transporter. NADH is a cofactor for mitochondria processes, sirtuins & PARP, with neuroprotective anti-again properties. NAD+ reverses aging by inhibiting mitochondrial decay. 

NMN has been show to boost insulin sensitivity, walking endurance and overall subjective general health assessment scores. Many older people taking NMN has said they notice immediate improvements to their overall energy & vitality, regaining feelings of energy they had in their 30's. 

There are other online retailers where you can still buy Bulk NMN, but for legal reason I can't make any specific recommendations. Search "NMN Bulk Powder" on Google & see what you find! Ebay Chinese sources of NMN are of questionable quality, so look elsewhere~ Look for made in the USA NMN or high quality NMN from Europe or Canada. 

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