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Not working out for 10 days made me feel sicker faster! Back to Working Out Now :)

Working out helps give me natural energy, wakes me up, and makes me feel better. I am talking about getting my heart rate up to 155-175 BMP for 10+ minutes, holding it at an average of about 145 BMP for 25+ minutes. I did elliptical for 12 min, 3 min break, 7 min, 2 min break, 3 min & then cool down. Then bicep curls with 20 lbs per arm, 3 sets of 8 reps then 16 full body ab crunches on the bench! 

I spun the wheels on my Apple Watch & reached my daily workout goal early today ;) Feels refreshing & can really tell that zipfizz helped. I ate two hard boiled eggs with salt as my only solid food so far today as of 11:30am, been up since 5:20am! I am a Lark Naturally. 

I spent a lot of my morning praising God & thanking God in the Holy Name of Christ Jesus, for an hour straight from 7 to 8 am this morning. I reached a tranquility high state of spiritual vibrational harmonic resonance where my body felt 10x lighter as thought I was floating, my arms & body lifting to the shape of Christ on the Cross as I gave heartfelt sincere glory & worship to God thanking God for all of existence, for my life, my wife, other people, animals, nature, technology, the home, my clothes & vehicles, my money, my toys, my heart, my mind, my will, my emotions, especially for enabling me to have more empathy for other people so that I can fully love myself as God instructs & show loving kindness to them even more than I was able by deliberately forcing myself previously while trying to be a good person; now with God on my side I can be even more than I imagined possible at executing excellence & peace & being a real ambassador of Christ Jesus. Thank you Father God! Praise be to God!

Exercise is healthy in part because the body is meant to move, hence joints & muscles and a brain to coordinate movement. Did you know that athletic activities that raise your heart rate also improve blood flow to the brain & capillaries all around the body. Exercises also have metabolic positive effects on physiology by improve glucose metabolism & thereby reduce average blood glucose levels & even reducing insulin levels in chronic insulunemia which is the causal basis of Type 2 diabetes in some patients with metabolic syndrome diseases like hypertension or high blood pressure, preventable largely with improved diet & excise, a mantra that even the most mediocre of doctors often regurgitate to their patients, sadly its almost impossible for GP to give a full nutritional analysis & recommendations tailor to each patient given they only have about 15 min with each patient. 

People who seek out help from a nutritionist have to sell out thousands of dollars out of pocket since most health insurance companies do not cover elective visits to alternative practitioners, though thankfully that's changing & many insurance companies now provided many fully covered visits to message therapy or chiropractic visits, as there is more mainstream science providing empirical evidence of the efficacy of such practices & procedures. 

I am far from an expert on health & nutrition & have mostly learned from failing myself & from a desire to help my lovely wife Meg to lower her blood glucose levels. We both struggle with higher blood glucose levels if we do not regularly exercise, if we are sitting around too much leading a sedentary lifestyle, and especially if we consume too much sugar or refined carbohydrates, especially at night close to bedtime. 

If I eat an overly heavy meal with too many carbs or sugar close to bedtime, I wake up inflamed, sweating, cold, hot & cold flashes like menopause, drenching my underwear & sheets & pillow with cold sweat as my body scrambles to reduce my blood glucose, especially if I have not take metformin recently & sometimes I takes from brakes from taking metformin to protect my kidneys from dehydration. See one of the rubs of being a school bus driver, is that its easy to accidentally become dehydrated by not drinking enough water early in the day so that I do not have to go pee while driving, which you can imagine is a really rock between a hard spot. 

When my blood sugar is high my skin & joints hurt really bad, hot firefly inflammation. So bad it fact sometimes death seems more humane, but I am determined to continue living, learning from my many mistakes consuming candy too close to bedtime. 

I have a problem with candy, like an addict, but have the volitional willpower & resolve to stop poisoning myself with it. Sugar would be fine for nearly everyone if it was consumed like black pepper, in tiny amounts as a spice. The problem with western diets like the SAD or standard American diet, is that most processed foods that sell well are also chocked full of sugar in excess, too much sodium chloride, almost no or very little fiber or healthy fat & toxic ultra processed proteins, usually from GMO soy also & that processed cord garbage sweeterner that is not the same at cane sugar, HFCS or high factors corn syrup is metabolically toxic to the liver since the liver has to process the excess fructose. z

By not working out recently, my energy levels steadily declines. I felt tired & sore & drained all the time. While I would wake up early naturally, I also had to take a nap when I got home, sometimes passing out several times per day, obviously not while driving the school bus, only while at home, usually right after eating something with too many carbs. 

Yes, eating carbs can cause drowsiness, because it cause a spike in blood glucose which cause fatigue & inflammation, making the body feel like it needs sleep repair & recovery, when in fact a lower blood glucose level promotes enhanced natural energy, endurance, pain reduction, reducing inflammation levels, making people experience more joy, more life & less suffering. Yes, a lot of people are experiencing chronic pain & swelling & inflammation from excess carb & sugar consumption, especially when large meals with too many carbs & sugars are eaten close to bedtime. 

Dozens of well meaning doctors like Dr. Robert Lustig, Dr. David A Sinclair, Dr Jason Fung, Dr Annette Bosworth, etc are on their respective YouTube channels trying to teach people metabolic health & safety facts, so people can be informed to make better lifestyle choices about what they eat, how much & how often to work out, to stay hydrated & why that's important for the brain & kidneys. They are trying to help other people by spreading physiology truth about how the body metabolism works & how diet of different foods influences health and wellness. 

The key word, Insulin, Insulin, Insulin, sugar, carbohydrate, insulin. its the simple carbs, the high glycemic index carbs, the little devels in the details of diet that are sickening people with preventable disease. 

Cancer cells love sugar, especially high blood glucose levels. If you want to make cancer worse faster, drink more alcohol & eat more sugar. Alcoholic beverages & soda pop, candy, desserts, baked goods, bread, rice, pasta, in excess these carbs cause body fat, weight gain, prevent weight loss, increase pain & inflammation, cause ADD & ADHD in children & are causal as factors in Dementia & Alzheimers disease. Cancer of the lymphatic system called lymphoma are particularly responsive to sugars, such that increasing dietary sugar, carbs turn into to blood sugar fast, fuels cancer cells. Pancreatic cancer one of the main cancers that respond to sugars strong. 

When people with cancer embrace a sugar free diet with no high glycemic index carbs, it starves the cancer cells of energy, especially when they are ketogenic or eating an ultra low carb diet. Ultra low carb diets help people by lowering blood glucose levels. Before insulin was commercially available, ultra low carb diets were the only way that people with Type I diabetes were able to live into adulthood. The widespread availability of insulin today enables people to eat SAD diets full of carbs, shooting extra insulin injections to lower blood glucose, but prolonging dosing with extra insulin causing the body to develop insulin resistance. Exercise lowers insulin resistance, as does interval fasting, longer duration water fasting, ketogenic diets & ultra low carb diets. 

Not all carbs are the same. Gram for gram, a large apple might have as many carbs as a can of regular coca-cola, but the apple also contains water, enzymes, fiber & micronutrients, while the coke has HFCS mixed with 40 mg of caffeine & artificial flavors & colors with question effects on health. I am not saying that coca-coal is toxic the body, but I will say that an apple with the same number of grams of carbs very different metabolically. Not all carbs are the same. Think fresh fruit, berries, nuts, seeds, no juice either, that's like soda, eat the whole fruit with the fiber & skin & flesh & enzymes, raw, uncooked, natural, like a banana, or apple, or cherries or blueberries or blackberries. 

Eat more nuts & seeds raw & uncooked, they are packed with health fats. Healthy fats like saturated fat do not oxidize into trans fats easily. Butter & lard are the healthiest fats to cook with. I love butter. Refined veggie oil are toxic. Using olive oil or almond oil or something other than garbage ultra processed junk veggie oils. Veggies oils form trans fats that are toxic to the heart & arteries & veins when refined veggie oils are heated while cooking. Many restaurants use toxic veggie oils because they are cheaper than butter or lard, have a neutral flavor, higher smoke point & make cooking a little easier than cooking with butter like the French do. 

Skip a meal, let your body get cold, consider fasting, interval fasting, water fasting for 24 or 48 hours. Take NMM, Metformin, Drink more water. Eat whole fruits & veggies, cook at home from scratch, make you own sauces & foods, learn to cook from a cook book, YouTube, or any of the Create channel 9 TV programs or food network programs like DDD :) Triple D :) You can do anything you set your mind on! Be enabled to make healthier food choices now! God wants you to eat healthy, less, less often & enjoy your food more, chew more, chew in silence & focus on the flavor & taste & really enjoying what you're eating. Drink more water more often until your pee is a light straw color indicating your fully hydrated, or fluorescent light yellow green like mine from extra B vitamins leaking way :) Thanks Zipfiss or B-Right :) That happens to be my favorite color lol ") 

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