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"Difficult Times Will Come" 2 Timothy 2:14 Chapter Section 3 Amplified Holy Bible Zondervan Pages 1608-9

Idolatry, narcism, greed & glorification of evil as good. The following biblical selection speaks to the state of the world today! 

"BUT UNDERSTAND this, that in the last days danger times (of great stress and trouble) will come (difficult days that will be hard to bear)."

"For people will be lovers of self (narcissistic, self-focused) lovers of money [impelled by greed] boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy & profane (and they will be) unloving [devoid of natural human affection, calloused and inhumane] irreconcilable, malicious gossips, devoid of self-control [intemperate, immoral] brutal, haters of good, traitors, reckless, conceited, lovers of [sensual] pleasure rather than lovers of God, holding to a form pf [outward] godliness (religion) although they have denied its power [for their conduct nullifies their claim of faith] Avoid such people and keep far away from them."

"For among them are those who worm their way into homes and captivate morally weak and spiritually dwarfed women weighed down by [the burden of their] sins, easily swayed by various impulse, always learning and listening to anybody who will teach them, but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. Just as Jannes and Jambres [the court magicians of Egypt] opposed Moses, so these men also oppose the truth, men of depraved mind, unqualified and worthless [as teachers] in regard to the faith. But they will not get very far, for their meaningless nonsense and ignorance will become obvious to everyone, as was that of Jannes and Jambres."

"Now you have diligently follow [my example, that is] my teaching, conduct, purpose, faith, patience, love, steadfastness, persecutions, and sufferings-- such as happened to me at Antioch, at Iconium, and at Lystra; what persecutions I endured, but the Lord rescued me from them all! Indeed, all who delight in pursuing righteousness and are determined to live godly lives in Christ Jesus will be hunted and persecution (because of their Faith)."

"But evil men and imposters will go on from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived. But as for you, continue in the things that you have learned and of which year are convinced [holding tightly to the truths] knowing from whom you learned them, and how from childhood you have known the sacred Hebrew Scriptures which are able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus [surrendering your entire self to Him and having absolute confidence in His wisdom, power and goodness]"

"All Scripture is God-breathed [given by divine inspiration] and is profitable for instruction, for conviction [of sin] for correction [of error and restoration to obedience] for training in righteousness [learning to live in conformity to God's will, both publicly and privately- behaving honorably with personal integrity & moral courage]. so that the man of God may be complete and proficient, outfitted  and thoroughly equipped for every good work."

Extension & Commentary ; Inspired by Reflecting on God's Word from above! 

Vain materialism & glib avarice & glorification & worship of celebrities & athletes, converting Christ Jesus's birthday celebration in a secular spending of money celebration for useless gifts of meaningless value that rarely benefit anyone beyond a temporary hit of dopamine. Guilt & remorse later as the people reflect on their reckless spending & lack of personal financial accountability. The inner moral desire to give people you love, gifts, makes perfect logical, emotional, social sense. Turning the birthday celebration of Christ into a greedy profit motivated sales bonanza not motivated by love. 

There is no free lunch in physics & people actually have to do things to make anything happen, including selling stuff, manufacturing things, shipping & logistics, making electrical energy & fuel for vehicles of all kinds & everything else that people need, like the season-less agricultural globalization system that feeds grocery stores filled with questionably unhealthy ultra-processed food stuffs that are not natural, containing highly refined veggie oils & not enough fiber or healthy fats, too much salt & sugar + unhealthy & questionable toxic artificial hormones, antibiotics, flavoring chemicals, artificial colors & dyes, shelf stabilizing manmade substances & other synthetic chemicals thats are linked to endocrine disfunction & metabolic syndrome that are the hallmarks of the western healthcare epidemic caused by the SAD or standard American diet of junk food, fast food & processed foodstuffs that have little in common with anything naturally edible from nature, like a whole natural organic fruit or vegetable.

Plastic pollution, carbon emissions, climate-change, crime like school shootings, unaddressed mental illness, social division, bigotry, reverse racism, political correctness confusion, hateful social justice warriors & well meaning people who actually harm & hurt others with their destructive utterances like the morons who encouraged children to eat Tide Pods in YouTube videos on this subject that sent over 10,000 children in the USA to hospital emergency rooms with "phosphate poisoning" since Tide Pods are not edible & toxic if consumed, especially in the small more sensitive stomaches of small young children who watched these videos & were easily swayed to do something unwise, eating a laundry packet, thinking it was a tasty treat & not understanding that consuming the the real laundry pods in reality would be toxic to their digestive system. 

People claiming the Earth is flat or that common vaccines cause autism. Fake news & misinformation, disinformation, false flags, lies, confusion, smoke & mirrors, misdirection- there is a sea of inaccurate, dishonest, confusing information bombarded into peoples eyes & ears from websites & other places online where this false information promoted as real & the authority (Google, Comcast, the FTC, etc) fail to address these issues. 

There are a lot of things going wrong, even in wonderful countries like America, the best country on Earth in my personal opinion. Failing infrastructure, corrosion & rust that was easily preventable. Salting the roads for example, for winter, with NaCl which promotes corrosion of iron in bridges & buildings, acid rain from NOX & SOX emissions from carbon combustion of hydrocarbon fuels like gasoline & diesel & coal & natural gas, these can be phased out & eliminated. Calcium Magnesium Acetate CMA for example can replace NaCl (salt) for deicing roads, just as hybrid & electric vehicles can replace gasoline & diesel burning vehicles. 

DME or dimethyl-ether can be a drop in $1/ gal fuel to retrofitted commercial Diesel engine vehicles, if the DEA in America works with congress & the senate to pass a resolution to allow the commercial sale of DME to vehicle operators of commercial vehicles & the retrofitting of diesel trucks with a DME fueling system (similar to propane in compressed tanks) which is often used to retrofit gasoline vehicles in Germany for example because propane costs about half as much as gasoline there- reducing vehicle operating costs (dominated largely by fuel costs)

Improving healthcare, education, infrastructure; adding more renewable & clean net negative carbon electric generating plants like fission reactors with a nuclear fuel reprocessing system that can breed fissile reactor elements from fertile elements minded from Earth's crust, like Thorium. There exists enough uranium in Earth's oceans to fuel conventional fission reactors with new fuel for thousands of years- without burning much carbon or rather not releasing much climate changing emissions to address climate change in a meaningful way far beyond the scope of just distributing a bunch of rooftop solar energy systems made of complicated toxic to manufacture solar panels that are quasi impossible to recycle feasibly, like like composite wind turbines blade made of fiberglass gel coated that are expense trash after 20 years of operation - as sand & dirt progressive erodes the blades leading edge surfaces, like continually 24/7 low intensity sandblasting // Even the oil companies are talking about the urgent need to decarbonize energy & transportation right NOW!

The real problem, driving most problems in the world today, ideological discord, toxic stinky thinking that provokes people into make unethical immoral choices that harm their bodies & other people & nature, mindlessly consuming needless goods in excess regularly to drive economic progress, full well knowing that being a fake glib person not a recipe for Happy or Enjoyable life that can only come from helping to lift up other people. To this end, wealthy American's are the most generous people on Earth & give more to charities & non-profits all around the world. 

Obviously if merger & acquisition are allowed to continue unconstrained, super monopolies like will become the Global Economic Controller- as those entities that control information in the future, control everything around the world. This will limit who you can do business with, where you can buy your things & food & water & energy. This will pervert & corrupt governments all around the world, who become puppets to transnational energy & information companies like Exxon, Shell, Ebay, Alibaba, Google, Amazon, Facebook & worse. 

Meg & I believe we as a civilization (Humans on Earth) are heading into the End Times now. Obviously one world government, one world currency & one world language are not the global default yet, but you can see seeds of inequity, injustice, corruption & worse at play right now, in every country, in the news 24/7 examples galore. 

Politicians are for sale to the highest bidding lobbyist, Amazon employees more than 1000 of these rhetoric bribery experts who pervert the American political systems at the highest levels- by bribing congress people & senators with cases of gold bars or unlimited credit cards & other billionaire level special privileges that allow people like Clinton that appear to operate outside the law, above the law, able to commit criminal actions against other people, like having them assassinated & then having the government agencies make it look like an accident; by sabotaging the targets personal vehicle, poisoning the targets water, or by purging oxygen from the targets air supply. 

Sick things are happening all around people, who do not notice as they stare endlessly into glowing screens with light output that causes sleep disorders & worse by disrupting the human circadian rhythm- as the human visual system & eyes contains neurons (SCN) that control melatonin release or cortisol release- such that any light exposure, even that of a 5 lumen small candle in a dark room- enough light to reduce melatonin & increase cortisol levels - promoting wakefulness & inhibiting sleep onset or reducing sleep quality, by interfering with sleep architecture, which combined with excess caffeine & ethanol intake from alcoholic beverages & coffee & tea or energy drinks, gives people chronic sleep deficiency which degrades their mental executive function, memory recall performance, cognitive saliency & other aspects of mental performance -- made much worse, like dementia & Alzheimer, in people who are not getting enough high quality sleep, as sleep biological restoration, where the brain shrinks down & squeezes out metabolite poisons into the cerebral spinal fluid where the liver & kidneys can filter the funk out, thereby cleaning up the cerebral spinal fluid which the human brain is bathing in 24/7 always operating, even while people are sleeping. 

People problems. We need more high quality people. Strong nuclear families as described in the Bible with a biological female mother & male father, produce higher quality people. The nuclear family has worked all throughout history to promote the human endeavor on Earth. Now a tiny minority of people with extreme ideologies are calling into question the basic fabric of human civilization, the nuclear family. When Men become women & then want to compete with women in athletic evens, thats not fair & does not make sense. The born male biological man, regardless of if he becomes a women, has a hormonal advantage in testosterone levels that promote muscle growth & greater physical strength. I have nothing against anyone & am acceptation of gay & transgender people, bisexual, transsexual, transvestites, of everyone. I am just asking for sane common sense, logical empirical facts & reality to be reflected in systems around us. We need to be accepting & loving towards one another, & that includes not executing reverse racism against Christians. 

As a Christian I can tell there exists an anti-christian social movement of secularization & promotion of sickness & perversion as normal in America. I am not perfect as an America, by any stretch of anyones imagination & have failed in all sorts of ways by looking upon unclean images & other sick vain mechanical worship & information worship. I have said things that should have never come out of my mouth. I have judged other people & have been guilty of pride, arrogance, vanity, materialism & excess. 

You can see examples of my moral failures worshiping wrist watches & clocks & time as a subject, on my blog. I have until just recently, been a very poor example of Christian. I failed to read the New Testament on my own, which I now do most mornings, the basis of this posting. I am trying to understand how to live in a more excellent way inspired by God's Holy Word as written in the Christian Bible, through Faith in Christ Jesus. I am a flawed hypocrite sinner just like everyone else, just trying to make sense of reality while aspiring to make a strong positive difference in the world, to make life for other people that survive me, better than when I entered the world, as a baby who owned nothing, who knew nothing, & as I exit the world as ashes & dust made of 126 chemical elements that comprise the human body, most of which were forged by fusion in stars much older & larger than Earth's nearby Sun. We are, as people, made of recycled stardust. 

We drink water that has already passed through other animals, streams & rivers & in oceans. Everything in the biosphere of Earth being chemically recycled, eventually. This is why RECYCLING so important, it helps us to protect the natural food & water system that feed & fuel the human experience- that which comprise ecosystems, nature, existing as it has for millennia before humans starting burning oil or making plastic or other synthetic sins of inequity & income inequality driven by currency by-inflation of fiat currencies like the US dollar or similar, the Euro or RMB- etc. 

We can do much better in all ways, we can fix everything & make everything better for everyone. We just need to win over each person to better thinking! Thinking About How to Do IT- Make it happen! Thats why I posted that Biblical Selection - to help people understand the truth- so they can make inspired choices & live in a more excellent way. I hope you understand that I am aware of my own personal bias & imperfection. I do not claim to have all the answers. I am just trying to encourage others people by being honest about myself & showing other people what I care about, the Word of God, my wife Meg, my body, making the world a better place through each person I interact with, even if they are just reading this blog! 

Cheers friends. Godspeed & God Bless! 

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