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Understand How China Leapfrogged Past Every Other Economy

You might snicker at a GDP personal parity of $15,000 USD 2025 for the average Chinese person, like I did when looking at that number at first, since such an income would be abject poverty where I live, where you have to have a household income of at least $55,000 to even have a basic apartment, used car, nothing fancy, its impossible to have a full normal working poor life where my wife and I live on anything below $55,000 per year in income after taxes, otherwise you would require government assistance. But everything in China is cheaper, & more importantly during its growing industrial main sequence it was much much cheaper than today, the cost of labor in 1980' China was around $1 USD 1980/ hour, building a factor was cheap & the CCP was super friendly to foreign investment, helping anyone who wanted to make something in the PRC at every level to build the manufacturing, setup supply chain for inputs, sign legal documents, get power setup, housing, people to man the factory, they literally pioneered rapid industrialization better than any other country in the history of the world.

If we consider the purchasing parity of $15,000 USD2025 in China, that's like have $95,000 Euros 2025 in terms of what it enables a Chinese person to buy in terms of housing, clothing, vehicles, goods.

How to Grow an Economy

The CCP setup infrastructure investments via State Owned by CCP capital invested, building power plants, steel plants, copper plants, rare earth mines, roads, rails, airports, all the critical essential inputs of energy, water, sewer, building, roadways & rails, all connected, with continual investment into education, research, science, technology, a potent mix of private foreign investment with brutal efficiency CCP infrastructure build out, and even though that resulted in some ghost cities or ghost towns, or roads to no where, China went on a building spree for the last 30 years, really the last 50 years, and even as far back as 80 years ago, and has been an Ally of USA the entire time. 

Capital or Money or Currency, think Value Added Profit, Invested into Development of Primary Inputs

Talent Creation Education, Higher Education, Experts, Research, Science, Innovation

Technology Means Applying Intelligence to Materials to Make High Value Added Goods & Services

Value Added Economic Growth Created when Intelligent People Motivated to Make Money (Profit) work as teams with collaborating other teams, to apply emerging information to make improved new better innovative products & services that they then market & sell to people who want it to make their lives better, and with tens of millions of people, all doing that in different ways, a giant economy of vibrant mix of different industries emerges, mixing power, intelligence, humans collaborating, to build, create, fix, repair, update, upgrade, to make it happen making the economy grow.

20th Century & Prior Economic Miracle

The Problem with Europe & also America is that they underwent peak economy growth more than 100 years ago, that is England or the UK, the Netherlands or Dutch, the Germans or Germany, Italians or Italy, French or France, & Spain or Spanish, while America was the new up & coming multi economic miracle mixing soft social programs like social security during an era of government investment in hydro dams for clean power & electricity & to irrigate farms in the American southwest where sun means more farm output, and into highways, rails, roads, cities, colleges, universities, hospitals, power, sewer, water, natural gas, & heave innovation in core science & core technology development from 1950 to early 2000, the US was the leader in all matters of innovating products & services. 

America Pioneered Made In China 

In many ways in the 1960s, all the business people in the US moved factories out of America to China because they obtained a 3X advantage in lower operating costs, with easier cheaper factories, cheaper labor, better access to materials and supplies, excellent logistics for export to global markets, China set up the means and mechanism to enable foreign investors to bring trillions into China, then by cloning and copying at first, the Chinese learned the core technology, started teaching it to Chinese people in school, and by early 2000's PHD level Chinese scientists & tech experts were working directly with industry in China to innovate applied technology, while costs of everything in China were still lower than America or Europe. 

China Becoming Expensive Now

Today in 2025 the cost of living in China on the rise & the CCP companies are outsourcing to cheaper parts of Asia like Viet Nam, Laos, Cambodia, India, Bangladesh, places where labor really low cost, where government ready to partner to bring in money and economy growth, where its like 1980 China when European & American companies kept coming to build industrial production of everything, such that China became the worlds manufacturing hub, well that created so much progress that now Shenzhen so expensive in terms of housing, retail rent, building costs, factory costs, that its not cost efficient to make electronics there anymore, so FOXCONN builds factories in CCP in cheaper cities like FEZ in rural areas where all such things are less costly, but they are running out of poor cites with the correct capacities in China, so many Chinese companies are outsourcing to cheaper markets now. 

Where did Hard Drives come from, America

How about Computer History, America

Satelite Commercial, America

Automobiles Mass Produced, America

Software Industry, Search Engines, Apps, America

Industrial Farms, Highways, Freeways, Air Travel, America

During the 20th Century America was sizzle popping in terms of Economic Progress from 1950 onward, though by 1971 Richard Dildo Nixon took the US dollar off the Gold Standard, so after 1973 OPEC oil spaz, the Economic Growth in GDP & real wage increases virtually stopped in America. In other words while people income continues to increase in America, the number of misleading because inflation from Fiat quantum easing means the real purchasing power of Americans has been stagnant since 1974, with no real increasing in actual wages in terms of what that weaker money today actually buys. I have complained for years now, about unaffordable housing nearby, where homes that sold for around $100K in 1980s are selling for more than $1 million today, while wages did not go up like that, so much elder poverty exists because their social security payments are fixed at 1999 levels while gasoline, groceries, clothing, medications, everything else in terms of lifestyle basics for consumption to live has become 2X or 3X or 4X more expensive, making more older people proportionally more poor with time.

Spain was the world's economic superpower in the 1700's, France slightly later, England after that, Germany, America, Italy, Japan

Toyota Lexus makes the highest quality vehicles in the world, a product of the Japanese industrial miracles from 1960 to 2002 & Toyota a major part of the Japanese economy today.

South Korea took off after 1970 & the economy of South Korea will peak in about 2030, like the US Economy peaked in 1968. The German Economy peaked by 2004. The Italian economy peaked by 2014. These are my loose opinions, but the main idea is that the G7 countries already peaked long ago, while China not only has no national debt & hundreds of billions in surplus, they also have been stockpiling real gold coins and bars, since the Chinese Yuan a weakening fiat currency, worse than the dollar, part of why it was so much cheaper for so long to Made in China manufacturing on many levels. I think the Chinese Economy will peak in 2080, then new up and coming like Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Laos, Cambodia, Viet Nam, those cheaper countries will have economic peaks in the 2100 years, since they have not accelerated yet. India has at least 50 more years of rapid economic growth.

So if you want to invest, invest in economies that are up & coming undergoing early industrialization with lots of room for ongoing economic growth, while the labor & everything else in those counties is still cheap so manufacturing stuff there gives your company a huge profit advantage. 

Global Economic Collapse Pending : A Worldwide House of Cards that WWIII Blows Up

The most important blog posting I have ever published, this is more than a PSA, it is a HARD WARNING, URGENT EMERGING GLOBAL ECONOMIC COLLAPSE

US dollar slowly losing value due to inflation of 3-9% annually, such that in 30 years, in 2055, the $100 US Bill will have about the same buying power as $12.50 twelve dollars fifty cents does today in 2025 / but consider also that inflation a hidden tax that takes away purchasing power of your dollars such that you have to invest in high dividend yield stocks or profitable businesses that return at least 12-14% annually in terms of profits or dividend payments in order to avoid being penalized by income inequality because the dollar keeps losing value or its ability to pay for products & services or be used to service (pay off/ down) any loans public or private. At least dollars have high fungibility better than gold coins or silver coins, in terms of the ease of spending money on a credit card or debit card (use credit cards they are 50X safer in terms of transaction fraud)(pay off monthly credit balance to zero out 0.00 balance monthly to avoid being screwed by interests charges, which would be like paying more for the stuff you buy. 

USD dollar a Ponzi scheme where the Treasury of the USA writes an IOU called a Federal Treasury Bond to the Federal Reserve Banking System, which then create more Fugazi trillions in new currency (not money, not gold, fiat currencies are enforced by government & have no real value) so more funny money enters the Federal Government which increases National Debt continually, as the dishonest jerks in the Congress & Senate of the USA spend fake money like a drunk pirate on stuff the public would never vote for, on USAP programs that even the Congress & Senate would never vote for, & all sorts of other wasteful government agencies, that continually increased the number of Americans that work for the Government until the US Government became the largest employer amongst all other US businesses. 

Read the Book (click blue hyperlink text of book title below to go to Amazon) or you can get a used copy at Half Price Books or similar used book store nearby. 

The Creature from Jekyll Island : A Second Look at the Federal Reserve

Fiat means fake currency, real money like silver or gold coins have had value through all modern history going back thousands of years, since silver & gold are tangible useful metals that can be utilized in a bewildering array of different products & services, with intrinsic useful value as metals, and the same can be said of copper, aluminum, steel & iron, platinum, lead, nickel, cobalt, go through the periodic table, the human body itself contains 126 different chemical elements. 

Back in 2008 the collapse of major financial institutions in America followed up by Government bailouts & stimulus packages, also during 2020 COVID19 debacle, but the problem started when Richard Nixon suspended the conversion of US dollars to Gold & from Gold to US dollars, pegged at $35 per ounce of gold, thus converting the dollar from a representative currency to a FIAT or fake currency made up by governments that issue such low brow unintelligent unwise foolish prone to hyperinflation & total loss of value fiat currencies of many kinds used in many countries today, all of which have a long term trajectory of total loss of value & fiat currency collapse or extreme runway hyperinflation like the Weimar republic of post WWI Germany & the stellar failure of its currency, also a fiat currency. 

How about the Russian Ruble during the collapse of the Soviet Union & end of the global Cold War, today 1 Russian Ruble worth 0.009 dollar US, having declined in value vs the dollar significantly over time as evidenced in the following image of currency conversion, noting the orange line of the graph showing the rapid loss of value of the Ruble vs the Dollar, when the dollar itself has lost 97% of its purchasing power since 1913

Governments around the world are using every national debt trick under the sun, every cleaver financial instrument, complex financial math from the worlds smartest people, smoke & mirrors at the highest level to prop up the house of cards that the current global economy philosophically consists of, noting that it does not take much, certainly less than world war 3, to blow that house of cards over & cause all fiat currencies to experience runaway hyperinflation losing all purchasing power or value instantly. 

Yes, the economy you work in can & will vanish suddenly with little warning. Get your heart right with God, in the name of Christ Jesus as your Lord & Savior, cause its not going to get bumpy or like COVID19 closures, its going to devolve during WWIII into a horror or hell on Earth as bad or worse than worldwide nuclear war. 

Diseases will spread rapidly of many kinds due to the release of bioweapons of every kind during WWIII. Food shortages, power outages long terms & global internet blackout for months, will not only cripple most services, it will cause a total collapse & up to 99% of humans worldwide will die within just a few months. 

Look, maybe you have notice that something just does not seem right, that something about business as usual just does not feel the way it should & you know in your heart that something major happening in the background, something really bad, like that weird feeling people had for the couple of years leading up to covid 19, but this time you know its bad like world war three or a global economic collapse much worse than 2008. 

Have you noticed that housing prices that had been soaring for the last 10 years are now slipping 10% less & days on market of houses for sale increasing to 100 days with no offers, well your not alone, people all around the world are noticing signs of the economy slowing down suddenly. What most people do not know is that voting for Donald Trump as the next American president actually kept world war three from breaking out suddenly & Trump says, in one of his recent speeches that once he talks to Vladimir Putin his longterm friend, the War in the Ukraine will end righty away. 

I voted for Trump to protect the US economy from rapidly collapsing, a chaos goal of the extremely left woke movement that actually espouses the idea of depopulating the world of people, so they can wrangle control as a one party global super power rising from the ashes of what fell apart & actively seek to subvert global economies using NGOs & crooked banking to destabilize markets & short & call & all sorts of currency & market manipulation, including de-platforming anyone who pipes up about their evil schemes by labeling such person bigots when the woke are actually espousing racism towards Men, Christians, Married Couples, & endorse gender confusion by suggesting that a person can identify as up to 620 different things. Like a bag of beans or a coffee machine or a rock, because obviously such people must have been hit in the head by a rock at high velocity to have enough brain damage to suggest someone identify as an inanimate object, when we all know people are either Men XY genetically or Women XX genetically #Science #Biology 

It is hard to know how many people at the highest levels of governments know that the Federal Reserve Banking System, Federal Treasury Bonds & the Treasure are along with the Governments of France, Japan, Korea, & many others, effectively running a giant Ponzi scheme at the highest level, which itself comprises most of the global economy today in 2025.

I started wondering how it is possible for all world governments to hold national debt at the same time, as if everyone owes everyone. Well, the answer was so disturbing that I almost blamed myself & committed suicide upon learning this. They, the people in power in world governments are engaged in an organized orgy of fake currency manipulation & creation sucking each other off with bribery & corruption of every kind & I use these grotesque terms because these sleazy jerks are not only spending in ways that directly continually increase national debt, they are old & know fully that your children & grand children will end up footing the bill with an economic betrayal historically unprecedented. 

Not only is life going to be harder for them, for future generations, it will be more expensive, more difficult, with less class mobility, increasing income inequality, into a small minority of halves and the great majority of people in radical poverty compared to middle class Americans today. Consider also that the biological warfare in World War Three will kill off 99% of people worldwide. Back to gold coins, silver coins & representational currencies, trade, bartering, urban gardening, suburban abandoned home deserts, no running water or electricity, advanced communal camping for the fittest of people that survive. Perhaps upon the ashes of this decay future generations will build another advanced civilization like we have today, hanging by a thread or coasting on fumes of better times past, the systems are poised to collapse at any moment & more people are feeling a deep seated unease knowing that someone bad about to happen that makes life a lot worse for everyone.