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Walk, not Jog or Run to Stay Fit or Achieve Weight Loss Goals in 1 Year

I am talking mostly to people who want to lose weight right now, who have been physically inactive for many years, who are overweight with knee or ankle issues or pain. Running, jogging, jumping, those are much harder on the knees, hips, ankles and feet.

5-minute low speed walks after dinner a great place to start. If or when that is easy, increase to 10 or 15 minutes, then 20 to 30 minutes, then 45 minutes, then an hour. Slowly ramp up the duration of your evening walks as your fitness increases. Try that local hill or mountain on Saturday when you become more advanced and go hiking in the hills or mountains for a over and hour or a couple of hours with a friend or family member. 

Diet & Exercise are the two main ideas. You need to reduce calories in, not specific foods, just eat less overall to lose weight. You have to go for walks regularly rain or shine to burn body fat. Remove added sugars like soda or fruit juice or candy or ice cream, baked goods, junks foods, and less snacking and never eating anything within 3 hours of bedtime. 

If you want to super charge weight loss, skip breakfast and dinner, and just eat a delicious nutrient packed lunch and almost as much as you want or can since that will be your only meal of the day. 

Think about getting more fiber by eating more leafy greens, more nuts and seeds as snacks, more veggies, not starchy veggies. Understand that carbs and sugar are fast fuel to energize athletic exercise or hard manual labor. 

When people who are inactive eat too many carbs, the resulting higher blood sugars are converted to stored body fat. It sugars that are making people fat, people who do not move enough to burn the sugars in their muscles!  

That is why so many Americans are gaining weight, becoming fatter and sicker every year, but it does not have to be like this, and you are free and now enabled by reading this to make healthy lifestyle changes to your diet and exercise. Skip an a meal like breakfast, drink more water, and go for regular walks after dinner, it's that easy. 

Meg & I just went on a moderately intense hill climb walk for about 1.5 hours, but stopped twice to talk with Tracy and Sean, two different neighbors we are friendly with nearby. So more like 45 min of actual movement and about 2.8 miles on very steep hills, such that we were both covered with sweat to the point of needing a shower upon returning home. Clothes we were wearing are soaked in perspiration and we both drank about a quart of water each when we got home. 

Meg & I go hiking on Saturdays and sometimes on Sunday, for 4+ hours, and our Apple watch colorful movement, standing and exercise rings spin more than completely. We cover 6,8,10,12 miles with 20-60 flights of stairs, and the Apple watches tell us outload our mile rates, usually 12-18 minutes per mile split pace, or 22-35 if we are going for a slower stroll and stopping to talk with other people more.

I would normally be asleep right now at 10 pm but had fallen asleep on the couch at about 6pm after dinner at 5pm, and slept until 7:50pm, then asked Meg to go for a walk with me. We returned home in short order because the shoes I was wearing were literally coming apart being more than 20 years old, so I threw the wreckage away and dawned some newer athletic shoes from Marshals in Roseberg Oregon that were only $32 for the pair, and Meg wore her New Balance walking shoes that she upgraded the laces to very colorful flower graphics laces this last Wednesday when we went Skydiving twice together in Snohomish at Harvey Airfield "SKY SNO" or Skydive Snohomish, the 9th best place to skydive in the world! 

Staying physically fit a very important thing in our home. We have only a kitty and no children. 

Yesterday afternoon Meg and I did a floor exercise routine similar to PT activities that I learned about recovering from an injury via L&I covered physical therapy visits where the very intelligent physical therapist taught me all sorts of body gravity exercises that are fast and easy to do anywhere, even in a chair, free, by just doing it, like Nike's slogan "Just Do It" suggests! 

Belly fat or visceral fat can be the hardest to lose, but if you are faithful to walk 3-5x per week, with rest and recover days which are important too. When you're exercising your muscles are getting worked over and have to be rebuilt with sleep and recovery time. 

Also, you need to cut back on carbs, sugars, added sugars, junk foods, snacking and other sources of excess food calories that can easily put extra pounds on and make someone who eats like a typical American, overweight, obese, morbidly obese, but I know people who started going for regular walks and cut back on food who lost more than 100 lbs., and removing sugary soda and fruit juice was the key to removing most of the added sugars from their diet. Regular evening walking was the key to improving their exercise levels. 

Diet means less calories, less sugar, less simple carbs, more fiber, more healthy fats, and high quality proteins. It means drinking more water, less wine, less beer, less spirits or alochol. It means drinking black coffee or tea with nothing added, or just cut back on sweeteners added. If you want less bitter coffee, add a little coconut milk or almond milk or soy milk. You can use a tiny amount of a plant extract called Stevia to add a bit of sweetness to your tea or coffee. 

Absolultly do not eat anything when you wake up, only drink water or coffee or tea. When you wake up your body will naturally take glyogen from your liver and muscles to raise your blood sugar. If you eat anything with carbs or sugar at breakfast time, that will double load your body with high glucose levels and can produce type 2 diabetes or insulin resistance if you also eat a big lunch and big dinner. Remember 3 meals per day ok for children, teenagers and people who very physically active. Its ok on special occasions to have a desert, candy, cake, pie, icecream. 

I am not saying you should avoid anything on special occasions, its the rest of the year, daily, that you have to make healthier foods choices. Its not as much about what you eat, but the amount. Think of food as dose of medicine, let thy food be thy medicine. Sugar is the worst because easting sugar raises blood sugar levels. Look, I am not even saying no sugar, just less. You can still have wine or beer, just less and less often. Focus on drinking enough water to stay hydrated all the time! Many people eating the western diet are not only fat and sick from doing that, they are also killing their kidneys and have kidney failure. This is why drinking more water so important. 

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