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Quack Doctors and Confused Fitness Enthusiast Speaking Out Against Health Benefits of Interval Fasting or Water Fasting w/ Electrolytes

In this YouTube video the quack fake science

High carb western proceed foods in bags and boxes are making people sick with artificial colors & worse! 

Sugar, sugar, fat-free, more carbs and sugar added, and we wonder why so many people are obese now?

Firstly, Fasting #fast #fasting has been practiced in nearly every culture, by most human peoples, in most faiths, all through history; and going hungry by skipping meals and drinking more water w/ electrolytes  added to some of the water for up to 5 days perfectly healthy for adults over age 25, especially those who are obese or overweight or have high blood pressure or diabetes or cancer, and helps older people with dementia to obtain improve memory and mental functions! 

I wish these liars or confused people speaking against fasting's benefits or the science of fasting would get their facts straight #science #facts #fast #fasting // Fasting Perfectly Healthy for Adults Once Per Year! 

The following information in the next sections is 100% factually accurate according to 2020 era scientific evidence from medicine and physiology research on why obesity rates are increasing around the world. It also touches on why industrial heavily processed foods are unhealthy to consume regularly. 

A dehydration epidemic is causing kidney failure epidemic in America. A dietary deficit or failure to eat enough fiber is causing a digestive problem epidemic in America. People in all countries around the world are becoming fatter and sicker after adopting western diets of highly processed foods. 

Excess food abuse of UPF or ultra processed foods with added sugars and virtually no fiber, too much industrial veggie seed oils high in inflammatory omega 6 and too much preservative, artificial and synthetic chemical additives. These unhealthy UPF items have ingredients lists on the back of the packaging in small font, so long it takes the average person 3+ minutes to read them all and contains things the average person cannot even pronounce and does not have at home and has never cooked with in their home kitchen, because they are not an industrial food profit processing company! 

Interval fasting for sedentary adults essential to prevent weight gain caused by dietary food calorie surplus

There are many hormonal, environmental, cultural, social factors that influence what people eat or drink and when and how much and other factors that strongly influence their health and wellness, namely such that added sugars and artificial ingredients, a lack of fiber and water, and high levels of industrial processed seed oils with omega 6 fats inflammatory promoting, scientifically proven to sicken people with obesity, and metabolic syndrome diseases and disorders, like heart disease, strokes, clotting, embolisms, edema, but also mental fog and memory problems from pre-diabetes or Type 3 diabetes (T2D T3D) now strongly associated with evidence as a causal factor in the formation of dementia, but also that of ADD and ADHD or the inability to focus and other mental and emotional problems like anxiety and depression. 

Meal size confusion means overweight and obese people regularly eat way too much when they eat and could probably get away with one or two meals per day, while three meals per day causes a calorie surplus that causes body fat to increase, or swelling of the liver and kidney damage.

Water fasting + electrolyte salts / or just fasting by abstaining from added sugars and highly processed foods a proven way to improve health when combined with going for regular walks or doing HIIT exercises for a hour at least 3 times per week. Go for a bicycle ride or play with fitness app in a VR headset like I do until you have a sweat soaked body and breathing so hard that its hard to speak a few words without gasping another breath, where your heart rate in its high target range in BPM or beats per minutes for at least 10 minutes. You can do this in 3 sets of 3 minutes each as HIIT. 

Real food diets or health promoting diets consists of eating more leafy greens, more veggies, more fruit whole and natural, nuts raw, berries fresh, seeds, hight quality smaller servings of meet, chicken and oily young fish, or tofu, or organic dairy products. 

All the real food located around the outside border of the grocery store or supermarket; these real foods that have been real food throughout history and eating real whole natural and organic minimally processed foods are proven to help improve peoples health and reversal common disease caused by the dietary excess of the SAD or standard American diet or obesity increase dietary excess diet that has become so common that even children in India and China are now morbidly obese, namely where soda pop like Coca Cola with lots of added cane sugar or High Fructose Corn Syrup, and industrial processed foods like Oreo Cookies or Doritos have become staples of the diet that promotes disease and medical disorders caused by eating UPF or ultra processed foods in excess. 

Most adults can easily do Fasting by drinking more water and adding electrolytes to some of their water, containing calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium citrate for example, for 3- 5 days while resting and the body preferentially burns unhealthy visceral fat around the pancreas and liver in order to make ketones for body energy in the absence of eat or digestion, while water fasting! It is essential to protect your muscles to rest and not move much while water fasting, so your body does not burn your muscle amino acids to make glucose. If you rest, sleep, take it easy, recover, R&R while water fasting for 3 to 5 or even 7 days, your body will preferentially burn visceral fat. 

You can get the same benefit of burning off visceral fat with weight lifting or resistance training with a personal trainer at a gym 3 times per week, combined with HIIT or high intensity interval training, and if you keep that up for months you can lose all your excessed body fat, especially the visceral fat, and your eyes, brain and skin and muscles and bones and joints will improve. 

As your VO2 max improves from regularly working out, your sleep will improve, you will become stronger, faster with more endurance and feel younger and more vibrant and look younger, and have more energy and more vitality as your health and wellness improves from regularly working out and water fasting for 5 days at least one time per year, and interval fasting no most other days by skipping breakfast or dinner, and phasing out processed foods and eating the Whole Foods Plant Based Diet with allowances for sugary snacks and deserts occasionally, and even your favorite fast food or junk food a few times per year, will help you obtain the perfect body, faster mind, better brain, stronger muscles, and more energy and endurance, making you feel better by improving your emotional and mental health.

Even if you just phase out processed, highly processed and ultra processed foods and switch to eating whole natural foods, after a few months with the healthier diet you will start to feel better all the time. 

See Dr. Goldhammer of TrueNorth videos or call and ask to speak with him. What you're saying about fasting anti-scientific or factually inaccurate. Yes, water fasting must be done while resting to avoid muscle loss, to promote visceral fat conversion to ketones for brain and body energy Sugar added the main problem with western diets. 

Of the 600,0000+ items at typical grocery store in America, about 70% are highly fractionated highly processed UPF items that are metabolic poisons for obese or overweight people, many of whom also suffer from diabetes, heart disease or cancer or even older people who have dementia as pre-diabetes now called type 3 diabetes caused brain fog and memory problems and strongly associated with the formation of dementia.

The hallmark of Western Disease of Civilization or SAD standard American diet is dietary excess of added sugars, unhealthy inflammatory fats, not enough fiber or water consumption, and lots of artificial colors, artificial flavors and strange preservative chemicals like BVO or TBHQ or Red 40, Yellow 5 or Blue 1 or similar chemically engineered to enhance color, shelf life and profits but now widely known to be bad for human health. Titanium Dioxide for example, added as bright white pigment to color candy, known to damage DNA that can become cancer long term. 

If the people who profit from adding these industrial chemicals were forced to publicly eat large handfuls of artificial colors or synthetic preservatives, they would be sickened by it. You could by comparison have them eat large handfuls of steamed broccoli or brown rice, and they would be fine, since brown rice and steamed broccoli are real foods and have been real foods all throughout history around the world in nearly all countries! 

If a food comes in a bag or a box with a colorful labels, thats probably an unhealthy UPF or ultra processed food. Eaten in small amounts, sparingly, these are fine to consume. It is only when people consume lots of UPF daily for years that health problems become apparent. 

The negative health impacts of eating the western diet typically starts to demonstrably harm people in their middle 30's or older, as the negative health effects of dietary excess consumption of UPF or highly processed foods from bags and boxes has continues for many years.

You can easily identify an unhealthy UPF food by reading the ingredients on the back of the package and looking for "Sugar" or "Modified Starch" or "Artificial" or "Preservative"  

Read the nutritional labels for "Added Sugars" these are metabolic poisons that damage cell mitochondria if an adult consumes more than 50 grams off added sugars daily. 

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