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Fusion Power Reactors More than Break-Even Energetically

Cheaper, cleaner, abundant energy, look at the facts about emerging fusion energy technology!

Recent laser ignition fusion experiments made >3 MJ output energy from <2.5 MJ of input energy. 

That means that after more than 50 years of fusion research, we are already able to more than break even energetically with commercial fusion energy power technology.

Over the last few years many essential breakthroughs made in nuclear fusion research, enabling over parity or more power output than input, exceeding the breakeven energy return on investment, meaning that feasible fusion power reactors will soon be commercialized to make grid power electricity.

4X more energy than fission, fusion makes millions of times more energy than burning fossil fuels, like coal, gasoline, diesel, propane, butane, bunker oil, fuel oil, kerosine, or jet fuels

Even fission power well developed and operating at more than 400 Nuclear Fission Power Reactors around the world today, with many more under construction and some having recently gone online, even fission eight thousand times better at producing energy than fossil fuels in terms of energy density.

Almost all the energy in our local solar system generated in core of the Sun where massive gravitational forces confine hydrogen so tightly that it fuses the hydrogen atoms into helium nuclei, releasing massive amounts of heat and light.

The Sun more than 90 million miles from Earth, and while its light filtered by the atmosphere before it reaches us, so energetic with UVA, UVB, and UVC that sunlight can create sunburns, photoaging, melanoma or skin cancer, fine lines, loss of elasticity of the skin, or accelerating aging of the skin that makes our skin look less radiant, less flexible, harder, and older looking.

This is why so many moisturizers, serums, and creams are popular products sold widely in high volumes to billions of customers who apply these cosmetic products to improve the look, feel and texture of their skin, especially around the face, eyes, neck and hands, skin that is easy viewed by other people even when we are wearing clothing :P

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