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Donald Trump Assassination Attempt Failure Ethically & Morally Reprehensible

A deranged psychopathic 20-year-old male criminal shooter was shot and killed by state police force thankfully, such that he will not be harming or hurting anyone else in death.

His shooting at the former president of the USA Donald Trump ended up hitting Trump in the right ear, non-fatal, but killed another person and badly injured two other people.

Only a mentally ill sicko would fire a rifle into a crowd of people with the aim of assassinating one person without considering where the stray bullets would go in terms of hitting other people who did nothing wrong and were not the target.

In this way a deranged shooter harms people indiscriminately by obsessively focusing on killing the target with disregard for public safety or the safety of other people nearby.

Forgiveness Key to a Balance Worldview, Positive Perspective, & Ability to Love Others

Please never harm or hurt anyone, violence morally reprehensible and wrong and bad. At a minimum if you do, you end up harmed or hurt psychologically, emotionally, mentally, and you leave a wake of harm in the minds of the people you harm or hurt. 

It is almost never worth it, just forgive and move on. If you are cornered with no way out other than to fight, then fight to the death to stop your attacker, in self-defense, otherwise run the other way and avoid fighting. Fighting legally and financially hazardous and can cause financial disenfranchisement if a large judgement awarded to the person you hurt, if they litigate against you in court and win a judgement against you for hurting them.  

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I don't like Donald Trump and never have, but that's not a reason to shoot at him. I don't like governments, taxes, or despot leaders of any kind, including Vladimir Putin and many others like evil Hilary Clinton, who is widely suspected of having people who oppose Bill Clinton or Senator Clinton herself, assassinated in coverups designed to look like car accidents or similar. Ask yourself why Hillary had or has classified NSA documents on her personal home computer server? Blackmail, she blackmails people in government who inhibit her from executing her evil thoughts in manipulative witchcraft abusive ways that garner her much condemnation. 

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The reason I dislike these people is because of how they harm and hurt other people, not being loving or kind or treating other people with dignity and respect. It's their obsessive self-absorption on the border of narcissism that garners bad leaders such poor reviews with the polls and general public sentiment. In America the federal government seems to serve the largest wealthiest companies and corporations like Coca Cola much more than they give any such representation to the average American person, but this problem of high-level corruption happening in nearly all world governments and the largest businesses that fuel the economies of such countries. 

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I think Former President Trump is a jerk and would never be personal friends with him. He is womanizing, self-absorbed, arrogant, narcissistic wacko who has been close friends with Vladimir Putin for more than 20 years, who also patronized Jefry Epstein's "Island of Ill Repute" many times. The flight records indicate that many world leaders visited Epstein's private teen abuse pyramid island to spectate despicable evil acts done to young girls by adult men, as the dignitaries and other elite watched. I have a similar disapproving view of many world leaders who are immoral unethical jerks in a similar way that I find disappointing and upsetting. 

I hate taxes, war, crime, fraud, abuse, neglect, scams, and when people are not kind and polite and respectful of other people. I espouse and practice real Christian values, real inclusivity, showing all other people, animals and nature dignity and respect, especially when I don't feel like it. 

Life is not about feelings, and you are not everyone, other people matter just as much as you or I. All people are flawed hypocrites with incomplete knowledge, who makes mistakes and errors of all kinds throughout life, such that no human person is perfect or ever will be perfect. 

We can however be perfected by Faith in God practicing exactly what it says to do about proper human conduct in the New Testament of the Christian Bible. Say "Forgiveness" now say "Compassion, Grace, Empathy, Sympathy, Concession, Benevolence, Generosity, Helpfulness, Kindness and Love" At our best as people we execute virtues and our best attributes treating other people, animals and nature with loving kindness in a sincere genuine way superior to any kind of superficial fakeness. 

If you or I got caught with NSA classified documents on our personal computers, we would be in Federal Prison with felony convictions serving long sentences for state crimes or crimes against the United States. Treason is a reason that some people are given a death sentence and put to death by the US government, known as capital punishment. 

It seems America devolving into a 3rd world country. People hate each other for stupid reasons. Social division and social chaos from SJW haters espousing inclusivity but then speaking hateful racism and bigotry. 

I have been personally attacked ILR and online because I am male, Caucasian and sexually straight. Firstly, I did not pick my gender or skin color or race and my sexual preference is probably genetic, hormonal and is furthermore natural or the most common kind in the world, as a XY biological male #science and my wife an XX biological female #medicine #physiology #biology #history #family #values #morality #ethics / Today, people identify as more than 600 different things, like a copy machine or a lightbulb. If a person identifies as an inanimate object, they are mentally ill, very lost or highly confused. 

Let's talk about facts, the Earth is not Flat, and vaccines typically do not cause autism as a side effect. Men were sent to and stepped foot on and drove a moon buggy rover powered by silver oxide 36vdc battery packs on many Apollo moon missions sent into space atop the epic Saturn V rocket launching system by NASA. 

War is wrong, it never solves the problems, but kills a lot of people, causes a lot of harm to nature and wildlife, toxic to ecosystems and extremely expensive. Consider the expensive costs of military aircraft that cost tens of thousands of dollars per hour to operate. Many military helicopters cost more than $30 million upfront, but then cost $8000 per hour to operate in terms of fuel and maintenance.

Consider the Vietnam War, or Korean War, such that Vietnam still communist and North Korea government leaders are nearly as bad as the leaders in the CCP government in China.

More than $9 trillion dollars spend developing nuclear weapons, but only 2 were dropped on Japan to effectively end World War 2 or WWII.

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In China, many tank trucks that move toxic industrial liquids immediately refill with edible oils without cleaning out the tanks, tainting or contaminating edible cooking oils with toxic chemicals. 

China communicated that WWIII or World War 3 a bio-war, and that they would use every kind of biological pathogen weaponized against the rest of the world to gain domination in order to become the primary world superpower. This of course will never happen because China or the CCP is going to lose WWIII or World War 3. The rest of the world will gang up against China or Stop the CCP. Good prevails over evil, even God will destroy Satan in the end. Truth shall be set free, and freedom shall ring from ocean to ocean in all nations under God, with liberty and justice for all.

I have openly stated and published on this blog that I think the CCP the most unethical immoral evil government in the world because they sent in the military who fired military weapons at unarmed civilians peacefully demonstrating their desire for democracy in China, Freedom and Privacy, liberty and justice.

The CCP under satanic leadership, send tanks and machine gun equipped PLA or Peoples Liberation Army into Tiananmen Square known as the June 4th Incident, but actually become a 20 year shake down assassination campaign where CCP had state police forces murder thousands of people known to espouse democratic reform ideologies at universities and colleges in China.

The PRC or China today is the world's largest polluter of toxic emissions, mainly from coal power pollutants or CPP, made of super fine soot called PM2.5 that produces clogging of the lung membranes with COPD like and asthma like respiratory damage, harm, lung disease, cancer of the lung and worse, a grey sun blocking fog of smog toxic fumes and hydrocarbon vapors and toxic oxides of nitrogen and worse like radioactive and heavy metals in the coal power fly ash emissions raining down on everyone near the coal power plants exhaust stack emissions.

There are coal seam fires set alight by negligent mining practices in northern China that have more total emissions that all the vehicles of all kinds operated in the United States of America. That means it would cheaper or vastly less costly in many ways to put out the coal fire in Mongolia or Northern China, than it would be to upgrade all vehicles in America to expensive ultra efficient super ultra-low emissions.

China also places virtually no value ethically on human life. Many Chinese coal miners for example died in fires and explosions that were preventable and did not have any personal protective gear, or mine safety systems in place.

I have spoken with Chinese people in America, who grew up in the PRC China, who dislike Chinese people in China or from China because they are "Selfish to the point of disregarding other people" by "Cutting in line" "Glaring at others" "Saying mean or cruel things to or about other people" in what they call a "Dog eat Dog" or "the only way to climb the socioeconomic latter is to step on other people for advantage" or what we could call common arrogant pride vanity and narcissism, but also hedonism for gold and money and status appearance. 

Many Chinese people from the CCP move to Europe, America, Canada or elsewhere with their unhealthy mindsets or toxic selfish philosophies and buy expensive houses that they barely or never maintain correctly, creating eyesores with out of control landscapes, that annoy the neighbors, while these same vain Chinese people with money drive expensive brand-new fancy luxury cars with low skills as a driver in a way that irritates and annoys other drivers locally.

Most Chinese people are also heathens who either disregard Faith or hate God or don't care about anyone other than #1, themselves, with a radical extreme selfishness that other people find upsetting for good reason. 

I have spoken with many people from Taiwan or the ROC and who came from and previously lived in Honk Kong before 1999 when the CCP took over, causing people in Honk Kong to protest in the streets of Honk Kong actively ever since 2000, such that many living in Hong Kong today speak openly about their hatred and distrust of the CCP and like me, are part of the End the CCP movement. 

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I like that Donald Trump hates China too, mostly because of how the CCP stole large parts of the US Economy by currency manipulation, trade manipulation, FEZ or free economic zones, unfair labor practices, cheap coal power, exploiting the Chinese people, poisoning the Earth's biosphere', and creating fake cities, fake products, ripping off intellectual property by cloning and faking products, sending scams and fraud and counterfeit goods to the USA or selling fakes as the real deal in China and much worse and vastly more unethical immoral evil things. 

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I love God, love my lovely wife Megan, love my friends, neighbors, family, other people, animals, nature, the Earth, Moon, Sun, energy, technology, science, facts and innovation, especially vehicles of all kinds that move people places :) 

Toyota my favorite company on Earth, because they sell reliable automobiles that hold up well pleasing the owners of Toyota vehicles :) Say legendary 2JZ 1UZ 1NZ-FXE 2ZR-FXE Toyota makes the coolest hybrid electric cars in the world :) The Pre-1995 Lexus LS400 has the most reliable engine ever made, with nearly perfect balance, smooth and torque masterful :) Well done, sadly it's a gasoline hog or very fuel hungry like turbojet engines, say 10 miles per gallon. 

Our 2022 Toyota Corolla LE Hybrid Sedan averaging more than 54 MPG on regular unleaded E10 gasoline amazingly. Megs 2010 Prius III my favorite generation of Prius, has more than 160,000 miles and I just changed the 0W-20 synthetic oil and filter cartridge since the dash computer said it needed it. Fresh oil the lifeblood of an ICE or internal combustion engine. I check the oil dipstick often, smell the wipe on clean paper towel, and if it has hydrocarbon smell and very dark, I change the oil earlier than the computer recommends. A regular oil change a great way to enhance or extend your engines operating life. 

I love cities, waiting for the car "America" skyline, City is my Church!

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