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Explosive Demolition to Bring Down Decommissions Buildings, Bridges & Infrastructure

Safety as with many industries or activities involves thinking things through, planning, anticipating problems that can or are likely or could arise. Predictively anticipating the process or workflow. Actively reviewing the plants looking for any errors or oversights, effectively a kind of intellectual quality control or quality analytics QA:QC. 

With explosive demolition blasting caps, blasting cord, powdered explosives set off by pressure and insensitive to flame, a placed in a specific pattern according to structural engineering principles and a history of technical know how that's specific to explosive demolition operations, the key takeaway is to blow out specific strong points to cause gravity to pull the parts of the building or machine or infrastructure being explosively demolished to come down in a highly controlled way into a defined area where further debris cleanup can proceed in later stages of the project after primary explosive demolition. 

Building ideas that started with blackpowder constrained in a tube with a fuze and clay plugs or glue plugs or paper plugs adhesively bonded to close the ends of the tubes, or pipe grenades, or similar designs. The ideas is that the flame front can experience a high speed combustion generating expanding hot gas pressure wave at high velocity, perhaps 60ft/s or 800ft/s in blackpowder munitions or explosives or firecrackers or cannons. 

Most modern explosively are analogous chemical derivatives of nitroglycerin (breaking single nitrogen bond that form triple bonds as a gas pressure shock wave producing reaction, or stabilized nitroglycerin known and dynamite, the first widely used commercial high profitable explosive that enabled broad industrialization by blasting away rocks in mines, helping to bore tunnels through mountains, effectively enabling the mass production of material goods mined on a scale never previously possible without explosives. 

In military industrial war explosives are of major strategic value in munitions like explosive bombs dropped on Enemy positions to destroy roads, power plants, hospitals, colleges, substations or other critical infrastructure like oil refineries, gas plants, or heavy industrial producing factories that make tanks, bombs, aircraft or the machines of war, as in ships made in ship yards and similar. 

To take out an economy, you take out the major financial zone, major industrial zones, major power plants, major water plants, sewer treatment plants, oil refineries, gas plants, you target destroying industry that supports the production of the enemies machines of war or the functioning of their infrastructure, taking out cell phone towers, networking equipment, electrical generating capacity, like hydro dams or solar PV plants or natural gas peek plants or similar electrical stations since electricity is critical to the function of nearly all modern economies and even valuable for economic functions in developing country as global electrical energy demand forecasted to increase 3X vs today by 2050 for example. 

Hollow copper cones surrounded by an explosive with a high velocity pressure wavefront that turns the copper cone atoms into a jet of higher pressure copper plasma that can cut like a hot knife through butter, through many deep layers of armor steel, blowing out locks, vault hingers or similar to gain access to secured inventories or similar. You can use a shaped charge like this to cut a cell phone tower down the way a chainsaw cuts tress down by cutting out a wedge near the base, such that the shaped charge will blow out a major section of the tower support, causing the wireless tower to collapse upon itself or fall over, severing any information connections and disabling telecom or networking. 

Controlling information and power systems either by hacking them or destroying them one of the best ways to gain control as power during warfare as the winner or leader or victor of the conflict. Defeating the enemy by taking out its critical resources or critical infrastructure is the key to winning modern wars. With bio-war that means releasing pathogens that kill large portions of the popular indiscriminately, reducing human talent and skill and labor so that the economies critical people are disrupted, which causes downstream problems that inhibit other sectors and cause supply chain interruptions and other problems that we are familiar with from the COVID19 debacle. 

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