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Loving Yourself as God Commands

It is ok if you make mistakes, fall short of the glory of God. No one is perfect but becoming Godly means calling yourself into the obedience of Christ Jesus, giving God Holt Praise, recognizing that you are imperfect, flawed, and hypocritical, but able and willing to be kind and polite, treating all other people with dignity and respect. 

I love on Vladimir Putin by praying for him, that God will intervene to help stop the hardship and chaos that the Russian military creating for the Ukrainian people. We need to stop hurting one another, showing loving kindness, dignity and respect for other people, for the world is not about us but about all people, animals and nature, that we are called to be honorable, respectful, forgiving, fair, reasonable, kind, respectful and decent, honorable to our duty to other people, God, and nature, to do our best to do our durt, to be mentally strong, morally strong, and physically strong to do our best to do our duty to God and our country to help other people at all time, making the best of our time alive helping other people to make the world a better place than when we entered it. 

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