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Artificial Food Coloring Industrial Chemical Food Additives Commonly Added to UPF or Ultra Processed Foods

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"After removing food dye from my kids' diet, my autistic son showed major improvements in his behavioral responses" said one commenter on that the linked YouTube video

Red 40, Yellow 5, Yellow 6, Blue 1: DNA damage, gastric cancers, brain damage, and behavioral problems and learning disabilities in children that regularly consume these artificial color compounds. Titanium Dioxide used as white pigment powder to make the Skittles color pop more now linked to DNA damage that can become cancers long term. 

Avoid eating these 20 things

1. Doritos if you want gastric problems then keep eating more, they actually taste amazing
2. Fried Sweet Food from bad to worse, this is great as a birthday treat once annually
3. Ramen, make it on your day off, flour, water, salt, recipe online, air dry
4. Fruit Loops at breakfast time, UPF sugar + artificial colors = behavioral problems
5. Milk Shakes are fine a few times per year, but a sure way to become fat and sick
6. White Chocolate, or candy ok in small amounts
7. French Fries, you can make them at home in peanut oil, herb seasoning
8. Ice Cream, you can make it at home with 500% less sugar & more egg yolks
9. Salty Fried Foods taste amazing, but they cook them in industrial seed oils
10. Flavored Yogurt high in sugars added, not much real fruit either
11. Donuts probably obvious mix of fat, sugar and salt: classic UPF
12. BBQ Sauce high in added sugars or high fructose corn syrup
13. Margarine straight trans fats a great way to have heart disease
14. Frozen Pizza the bottom, tons of salt and not enough flavor
15. Mayonnaise, some are made with better oils and better eggs
16. Nachos, depends on what chips and toppings, not all the same
17. Hot Dogs, some are great like Butch Box, but many are only 1/2 meat.
18. Skittles and M&M's brightly colored with industrial chemicals bad for you
19. Fake Dark Chocolate and fake honey and many other fake foods
20. Candy containing artificial colors, preservatives, trans fats, artificial flavors

Big alcohol, big candy, big pharma, big industrial food, big automakers, big aircraft companies, if its not a diesel Gate emissions scandal from VW, or its faked imported vehicles with fake empty non-working catalytic converter exhaust systems missing the ceramic catalytic material as a metal tube shell filled with fiberglass, counterfeit of fake, appearing as Yamaha models, but actually clones or knock offs made in China that have nothing to do with the Yamaha Motors of Japan or any of its global official manufacturing plants. China makes fake cities, fake money, fake vehicles. fake luxury goods, fake foods, fake morals, fake people, fake personalities, shallow vain inconsiderate rude people, and really a bully as a country that is doomed to fail. 

In China, a resent edible oils scandal caused widespread public outcry and controversy nationally. The issue comes down to food and edible oils being transported in chemical tanks that were just before used to move heavy industrial oils that are poisonous or toxic to consume, without being cleaned out before being loaded with cooking oils and edibles oils, contaminating the edible oil with lubricating oils, diesel, kerosene, jet fuel, gasoline, brake fluid, steering fluid, varnish, polyurethane, solvents and other toxic poisonous industrial liquids that tainted the edible oils transported in the same tanks, sparking a huge public controversy and outcry. Many other fake foods and counterfeit food scandals happen in China. 

The CCP does not seem to value human life, and seems to care about vanity, gold and money above all else, even morality and ethics out the window for the sake of making more money, since the CCP membership worships and idolatrizes gold and money, as greedy vain heathens. The CCP considered the most unethical government in the world my many organizations, many people, many other countries, many human rights groups, many environmental groups, nonprofits, charities, faith organizations, NGO, many other world governments, diplomats, scientists, teachers, regular people, nearly everyone around the world hates the CCP including Chinese people that live in the PRC. 

But many toxic prescription drugs are sold in America, drugs that harm the patient with dangerous toxic side effects. Many people are taking multiple different prescription drugs with OTC or over the counter drugs and supplements in combinations that are mysterious in terms of what is happening inside their bodies with these complex mixtures of fake, concentrates, and synthetic substances that must interact and for side reactions and side products, some of which have a toxic effect on different organs, membranes, cell components, the liver or kidney or brain, or skin, or eyes or retina of the eyes. 

I think a lot of disease that plague older Americans are actually side effects of unknown combinations of things that people choose to put in their bodies, often without telling their doctor or pharmacist. Many of the foods at a grocery store or supermarket are metabolic poisons for inactive or sedentary people that do not work out or get enough physical activity to keep up their bone density or muscle strength. 

From Wikipedia BHA "Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) is a synthetic, waxy, solid petrochemical. with antioxidant properties have caused it to be widely used as a preservative in food, food packaging, animal feed, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, rubber, and petroleum products. BHA has been used in food since around 1947."

From Wikipedia TBHQ "consumption has some negative health effects on lab animals, such as producing precursors to stomach tumors and damage to DNA."

People unfortunately exhibit associations with colors and flavors that influence the way they perceive flavor, taste, aroma, or smell. Industrial processed foods lose flavor and color as they sit on the shelf for long periods before being purchased by a consumer who usually is also suffering from diseases and medical disorders caused by eating excessive amounts of UPF junk foods and industrial processed food with artificial colors and flavors added that are scientifically proven to make people fat and sick.

Cancer, DNA damage, almost like eating ionizing radiation! I am surprised the tool the TEL out of gasoline after learning about industrial food additives. Maybe back then, the government was less corrupt, and some semblance of ethics and morality existed in the law-making processes. That seems to have been replaced with campaign contribution bribery in what actually Crony Capitalism of runaway increasing income inequality with a shrinking middle class and increasing costs for basic life expenses like food, rent, fuel, cars, clothing, that means mommy and daddy both have to work full time, and no one is home to cook home cooked meals anymore.

UPF food companies fill in this gap with time saving microwave and instant foods that are faster and easier to prepare quickly, cheap enough to work ok with the budget and create a quick fix for dinner or lunch or snacks. Actually, it's so bad nearby, that homes cost over a million and having children a luxury premium for people that make many hundreds of thousands per year, or the upper-class income earners or high-income people. My wife and I are dual income with no children and can barely afford life's basics with a single kitty cat. Oh, and the USD or dollar keeps losing buying power every year making this issue worse progressively. Meanwhile billionaires and the law makers they own seem to be excellent at turning a blind eye toward the suffering of everyone else. Seems like a hollow victory to me, especially since they can't take the money with them when they die like everyone else eventually does if they stick around long enough to grow old and die of old age.

UPF foods do not have enough healthy fats or fiber to be nutritionally healthy and all the artificial additives are not good for your body either. No one really knows what microdosing artificial colors does to the human body, though some studies show weak evidence that children who regularly eat artificially colored UPF items tend to have behavioral problems and difficulty focusing or holding still long enough to learn complicated ideas, or learning disorders, ADD or ADHD like issues. Elderly people who eat a lot of UPF seem to have more memory problems and dementia and Alzheimer's, especially older people who eat too much and are morbidly obese.

Constantly snacking on UPF junk foods once retired seems to cause early mortality within just a year or so of retiring. It's not just about weight gain and chronically inflaming the bodies finite number of fat cells, it's also that many of these chemical food additives harm the liver and kidneys, the bodies filters of blood and apocrine fluids.

Many people are also chronically dehydrated from not drinking enough water and have kidney problem. There is a kidney failure epidemic in America, caused by chronic dehydration!

Fake chemical substances are added to make food look better, more appealing, or more appetizing, as the colors indicate to the human brain that the food is higher quality if it has better color, when this is largely untrue because the artificial colors are added to unhealthy UPF or ultra processed foods that have almost nothing in common with real food that has been food for nearly all of human history. Real foods that are around the outside edge or border of grocery store or supermarket. I am talking about nuts, seeds, dairy, meat, fish, leafy greens, veggies, fruit, berries, foods that people have eaten since antiquity in nearly every country or real food, not UPF junk made with industrial engineering and questionable strange chemical additives.

It's fine to add strange chemical colors and preservatives to brake fluid, power steering fluid, transmission fluid, industrial lubricating oils, paints, adhesives and in products that no sane person eats or drinks. These poisons should never be added to foods or beverages.

Many artificial food colors are made from tar extracted from coal, then chemically engineered like a pharmaceutical drug into brightly color deep hue substances, solid, liquids, dye, gel, paste, powders, that are added to UPF items to give the unhealthy junk products more color so they look more appealing to our eyes and brain, since the expression you eat with your eyes first the reason that common UPF or ultra processed foods come in elaborate high color packaging with nifty computer generated graphics multi color printed on foil plastic mylar bags, or boxes with ultra processed foods that are made in complicated industrial processes just like clandestine LSD or MDMA manufacturing high quality psychedelic drugs and similarly healthy to consume regularly, or not healthy at all!

Why fry your brain with drugs if you can air fry food in GMO industrial seed oils called paradoxically Wesson oil or canola oil? I am not sure that eating that much Omega 6 fats good for someone who already has joint pain from chronic inflammation and heart disease from chronic inflammation. Did you know that children in China and India are becoming fat and sick from eating western industrial engineered foods with artificial colors, artificial flavors and all the strange chemical additives of typical UPF or ultra processed foods proven to sicken people who eat them.

Do you know what happens to your body if you only ever drink sugary soda pop? The highly acidic fluid eats tooth enamel away causing dental problems, damaging oral health, but are also bad for the digestive system and metabolically unhealthy by overloading the body with sugar or high fructose corn syrup, + synthetic chemical colors and flavors that overload the liver and kidneys which struggle to filter these strange industrial chemical food additives or the questionably toxic metabolic downstream substances formed when biochemical processes in the liver or kidney attempt to break down artificial colors and produce side reactions that make increasingly toxic substances that the body has no mechanism to clear, since human have no history of eating such things and such industrial substances are not food and should never be added to foods.

Did you know that super heating food causes polymers like plastic to form, as in poisonous substances like those present in cigarette smoke. In some cases, eating burned foods like microdosing pesticide, fungicide, herbicide and insecticide, oh wait, those are already present along with microplastics in the commonly sold foods made in factories of strange ingredients that almost no one cooks with at home.

I don't have any modified starches in my pantry or any artificial colors or flavors and would never add synthetic chemicals or chemical preservatives those to anything I cook at home.

Why are manufacturing companies adding poisons and toxins and synthetic chemically engineered strange chemicals to your food? To increase the shelf life, or with bliss point engineering, to keep you hooked, coming back for more. "Once you pop you cannot stop" the lingo goes //

They even market UPF foods to children the way the Tobacoo companies did before being banned from doing so in 1994. The UPF food executives are literally using the 1950's era Cigarette company playbook to figure out how to sell more UPF junk that are bad for people's health when they eat it, because of how it introduces non-food substances into their diet, harming their liver and kidneys, like artificial colors that have an appropriate ethical application in car paint, road paint, sign making and clothing dye applications, but should never be added to anything that anyone eats or drinks.

UPF a $4 trillion dollar industry, with lawyers, lawmakers, corruption, bribery, all the hallmarks of evil crony capitalism and industrial inconsiderate excessive greed or evil from the pit of hell, since these sleazy arrogant rich people who own these UPF companies are effectively and in some cases openly serving Satan and deliberately harming and hurting the consumers of UPF by designing poisons into the food and then perverting the FDA into allowing it, since the toxic substances are chemically pure food color additives and similar artificial flavors and preservatives. The FDA can't even keep track of all the newly chemically engineered substances that UPF makers put as ingredients in heavily processed foods.

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