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Instant Noodles: Natural Disasters: Help End Hunger from Poverty

Mixing flour and water and salt makes dough for noodles. Then can be air dried or heat dried or deep fried or boiled in hot butter or other oils, air fried, baked, but most people put them in veggie broth, chick broth, beef broth, seafood broth, soups and stews to add noodle nutrition.

The noodle dough can be made with almond flour and eggs for example to avoid the fabled naughty gluten, for everyone else high gluten flour and water and salt are the basic ingredients of most instant noodles. You can try other flour free alternatives and there are many recipes if your vegan or have special diet requirements. No one size fits all solution for everyone, and you can doctor the noodles up with a soft-boiled egg, fresh diced carrot pieces, green onions, freshly diced garlic cloves, onions chopped up, celery, peas, or whatever floats your boat. 

Add spices like black pepper and a little lime or lemon juice to cut through the oils and add some citrus pop flavor deliciousness. Add enough salt to taste that its savory without being too salty. Most people will boil or add hot water to their instant noodles, but I suggest a squeeze of MCT oil when your done mixing the flavor packet, it adds a nice healthy oil and smoother mouth feel without being greasy. I also like cooking the noodles in hot salted water, draining the water off, then adding hot warm butter, garlic, salt and pepper, a dash of real fermented soy sauce from Japan, a little bit of hot pepper paste or flakes to add some heat, and yummy! 

Ever wonder how instant noodles are made, this somewhat cheesy sub-10 minute youtube (<-click link) video can teach you how instant noodles are made, and even mentions how instant noodles can provide food nutrition relief during disaster relief programs after some chaotic natural hazard like a tornado or bad earthquake, forest fire or flooding. 

Instant noodles can be provided for poverty relief to poor countries to give nutrition, with fortified noodles providing more essential vitamins and minerals that are typically missing in the poor areas diet, specifically tuned by studying the area intended for the free noodles fortified to meet better nutritional standards to make up for what the people are not getting from the typical daily foods or malnutrition. 

Or this 12 min video on YouTube <- click here 

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