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Practical Tips to Burn Fat & Lose Weight

Get up at the same time every day and go to bed when you are tired. It can take months to change your wake-up routine, but once you get used to it, you will wake up without an alarm clock easily. 

Alcohol Abuse Degrades Sleep

Avoid alcohol near bedtime as the active ingredient in alcoholic beverages may cause users to pass out, but then choppy sleep of poor sleep quality results because alcohol metabolized into an irritating substance that causes a reducing in REM and Deep sleep stages, and much more light choppy sleep, which makes a handover much worse. 

Earlier Caffeine Containing Beverages

If you drink coffee, tea, energy drinks, or anything containing caffeine, do it before 3pm or during the first half of your day. Drink water when you wake up. 

Drink More Water 

Staying well hydrated actually helps with weight loss. Drinking enough water also protects your kidneys from kidney stones, add a little lemon juice to boost these effects, but in general protect the kidneys because dehydration a proven way to cause kidney failure or kidney stones which are painful to pass or annoying at the least and sometimes require surgery. 

Water Great for Health

Staying well hydrated also protect your brain by helping the brain flush out metabolites that form from thinking or thought generating metabolic processes that make electric and chemical energy for your brain to work. Brain metabolite accumulation made worse by dehydration and a possible causal basis for brain fog, dementia and Alzheimer's. 

Children who are dehydrated have more behavioral problems and learning issues from worse memory performance and challenges with maintaining their attention span or ability to focus for longer intervals required for learning more complicated subjects in middle school and high school and college. It takes the brain 25-27 years to finish developing, so even young adults are still children by this definition. 

Eat a Healthier Lunch

If your very active eat a healthy breakfast, and healthy dinner too. But if you sit around a lot, or don't exercise intensely with any regularity, you can get away with one meal per day advanced interval fasting and keep a thin trim body or enable actual weight loss if your obese or overweight. 

Eating Proteins Make Amino Acids

Eating proteins with healthy fats and some complex carbs and fiber helps to stabilize blood glucose levels to prevent spikes of high blood sugar levels after eating a meal, and to prevent low blood sugars and keep you feeling full and satisfied longer after eating. Eat slow enough that your brain registers when you are full, with the leptin full feeling hormone signaling. 

Chew Your Food More

Make sure to chew up your food more than normal since that helps to break it down for better digestion. Many people have gastric and digestive problems because they are so hungry by the time they eat, they fail to chew enough and virtually inhale the food, often in excess doses that make people fat and sick with diseases from dietary excess. 

Dietary Fiber Important 

People are not eating enough fiber for health digestion, and health fiber consumption helps to stabilize blood sugar levels by slowing down the rate at which foods turn into body sugars. The fiber almost counteracts carbs in terms of their glycemic index, though not fully. Americans typically only get about half the required amount of fiber needed for a health gut biome or better digestion and better blood glucose control. 

Wear a Smartwatch that Tacks Step Count and Movement, Standing and Activities

Not just the Apple Watch, there are cheaper options that work fine with iOS or Android. Samsung Gear watches are similar to Apple Watch for android users but do not work well with iPhones. Many aftermarket pedometers like Fitbits work great for movement tracking. Even smart rings without a display like the Oura 3 or Ringconn pair with your smartphone and related app that works in iOS and android to help you track your sleep, sleep stages, movement, activities, naps, walking, SPO2, breathing rate, heart rate and much more! Meg has a Series 9 Apple Watch used for this and many other purposes and I have both a Series 8 Apple Watch and Ringconn smart ring for these purposes. 

Feeling Cold, Exercise Increases Thermogenesis or Fat Burning that Warms the Body

Going for brisk walk or jog, hiking a steep trail or swimming, start with what you can do, and resist overdoing activities at first if you have been inactive for a long time, because injuries can happen more easily when you are first becoming active as part of making healthy lifestyle changes to go for a walk after lunch, breakfast or dinner. Go for random 30 min walks whenever you can. 

You Can Exercise Anytime, Free, Easily

The act of getting up and moving helps to warm your body, increases your metabolic rate and can help you to have better sleep, better sex, better emotions, better endurance, clearer thinking, better memory, improve healing, better blood flow or circulation, reduced high blood pressure and improved breathing and heart health, fitness also good for brain and muscles and bones and joints. If you experience joint pain at first, that's a normal part of starting to work out after being sedentary for many years. During the first 4 to 8 weeks of starting new activities your body will reduce inflammation and your joint pain will reduce. 

Think Healthy Lifestyle Choices 

Make sure to avoid eating seed oils, anything high in Omega 6, don't eat anything from China, and try to eat more fiber, drink more water, eat healthy monounsaturated fats, avoid trans fats, more leafy greens, nuts and seeds, high quality proteins, and get enough healthy sleep. Never snack at night, if you wake up in the middle of the night, drink a glass of water instead. Only consume food if you're compensating for a low blood sugar event, and a tiny amount of honey or juice enough to get you back to a normal fasting blood glucose level for sleeping again. 

Interval or Water Fasting for Ketosis and Autophagy

If you are a sedentary inactive adult and not get hot and sweaty working out, you should either skip breakfast or dinner or both if you want to speed up weight loss. 

The idea to leave your body with more time to break down foods you ate at lunch, so your done digesting by the time you go to bed at night. When you wake up you were fasting while sleeping, so by no eating breakfast your extending your fasting interval, which activates ketogenic autophagy cell cleanup and repair processes after 5 hours without food, and accelerates if you can make it 10 hours without food, and gets better towards the 15th hours and will switch to burning body fat for energy after your glycogen gone at about 24 hours if your water fasting for multiple days, and ketone bodies will start to fuel your cells, made from body fat for up to 72 hours without many complications, but you have to be careful after day 5.

Water Fasting even with Diabetes Type 1 Carefully w/ CGM & Lowering Insulin Doses by Half 

When we go 24+ hours without eating, our body wants fuel from somewhere and breaks down stored body fat and eats cancer cells and tumors to make energy. Autophagy means cell clean up or repair and the body goes into this state in the absence of digesting food after 24+ hours without eating. That includes not drinking fluids with sugars or added sugars, unless you're having a low blood sugar and must consume something to prevent a dangerous low or coma. 

If you are taking anti diabetic oral medications, you have to stop while you are water fasting, or cut your dose in half or take 1/4 and keep a close eye on your blood glucose levels with more finger prick tests using the strips in a glucometer or with your Abbot Freestyle or Dexcom G6 or G7 or similar CGM or continuous glucose monitoring system or kit or device. 

Caution if you use Insulin

If you have Type 1 diabetes and take insulin for glucose control and want to water fast, you have to cut back your short acting and long acting insulin dose by half or take less than half as much as you normally would, and only do this, water fasting with Type 1 diabetes if you have and use a CGM to constantly monitor your blood glucose even while your sleeping with alerts because there is a hazard of going low from not eating for prolonged periods. 

My wife Meg takes insulin and wears a G7 CGM and has been able to water fast for up to 6 days but have to abort because of a low blood sugar event and ketoacidosis on day 7. It's probably wise if you have uncontrolled Type 1 diabetes to do water fasting under medical supervision. 

Practice Interval Fasting before Water Fasting Multiple Days

I suggest starting with interval or intermittent fasting until your very good at it and have downregulated or reduced the amount of insulin you take because of how interval or intermittent fasting reduces high blood sugars levels and improves insulin sensitivity. If you were able to water fast successfully with Type 1 diabetes, be exceedingly careful to slowly increase your insulin doses when eating, keeping a close eye on the CGM, as it is much better to take less and have to take 1 more corrective unit to prevent a dangerous high blood glucose.

Reduce Your Insulin Doses While Fasting

Meg says that while multiday water fasting, she reduces long-acting insulin doses by half on day 2, using the short acting insulin in concert with the real-time feedback of the Dexcom G7 on her iPhone 12mini to keep a close eye on her trending blood glucose levels in order to make precise low insulin dose short acting insulin corrective dose decisions to keep her blood glucose levels from going too high. 

Use a CGM System if you take Insulin while Fasting

Fasting with Type 1 diabetes a very delicate daunting process and requires the use of a CGM and the ability to make very precise accurate choices about how much short acting insulin to take when the CGM shows blood glucose levels climbing, but you also have to be willing to abandon ship and end the water fasting if your blood glucose level goes too low, since it's possible to have a fatal low blood sugar event from prolonged fasting. You have to be both competent and have confidence and good blood glucose control already with precises insulin dosing and practice and experience using the CGM to improve insulin dose accuracy and keep better control of your blood glucose levels. 

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